All Chapters of The Billionaire's Sweet Surrender: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
127 Chapters
Chapter One-hundred and eleven.
Zina's POV:I walked towards the table that the girls were at with a heavy heart. I wish I could puff the guard away but he seemed determined to carry out the instructions given to him by his boss as he outlined to me in the car.First, he walked me out of the car to the entrance of the restaurant where we were meeting. I had no issues with that part, it would be weird if they let me walk there on my own. So I was cool with it.Then he says his boss asked him to walk me to the table I was to sit worthy friends on. I was like why? I was already inside. He said it was a safety precaution against my friends. I was shocked. I know they were crazy but did I really need a guard walking me to the table? I drew the line where he said he would sit with us. Unless he was going to have a sex change in the next ten seconds then he was definitely not coming to join me on my girl time with the ladies.Neil of course found it hilarious and asked the guard to just sit close enough to ensure I returne
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Chapter One-hundred and twelve
Zina's POV:Admittedly, I did not know where to start. The beginning was beginning to seem like ages ago. A lot has happened and is still happening."Well umm, I guess I should start with my break up with Daniel. It was nasty to say the least. So that night we went clubbing. I had a one night stand, naturally, I was more drunk than sense but I somehow remembered him. Now, I do not know if that was karma or good luck but I had applied for the job of a secretary in one of the big companies. I go for my interview and guess who is interviewing me? The man that blew my mind and went back seven ways to Sunday." I said and took a sip of my tea. Then Kathy said,"He was that good huh? Got you blushing months after the encounter? I am calling dibs on his cousins. Go on." Kathy said and there were mixed reactions, mostly laughter though."Yes, he was that good. Anyway, I went in for the interview and saw my interviewer and instantly thought that my life was over. He recognized me as well. So I
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Chapter One-hundred and thirteen
Neil’s POV:I was receiving reports on the hang out Zina was having with her friends. I was not really interested in the content of their conversations, even when he sent me a message that Zina was catching the girls up on the drama in her life I was unbothered. She would not say anything to jeopardize our agreement, I had that much confidence in her.But what cracked me up was what the feisty one, Kathy was? What she said about erring, forgiving and forgetting. Priceless! But then again they have been sipping tea all afternoon, time to help my dear wife gain some brownie points with her friends.“Get me the manager in ten minutes.” I texted my bodyguard with her. He responds with a ‘yes sir’. Soon my phone rings and it is my driver.“Good day sir, I have the restaurant manager here with me.” He said over the phone. The guard probably sent him the errand so as not to catch Zina’s attention. Smart, he would get a bonus for this.“Great, give her the phone.” I instructed and prepared to
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Chapter One-hundred and fourteen
Megan’s POV:I was taking a walk when I saw Neil’s car parked outside a restaurant. Well I was not on a walk I was heading to the place I was to meet Jeffrey, got the dude hooked the way I wanted. My first instinct was to hide of course, I have not seen him since my release from prison. The last thing I wanted was to give him the impression that I had moved on from him.His wallet was mine and mine alone. I decided to watch the door for a moment and what I saw flooded me with raw anger. I could almost taste it. I saw his personal bodyguard Matt open the door and that ingrate Zina walked out behind him. She says something to him and he answers. Three cabs drove to where they were standing and three out of the four ladies behind her entered into a cab and the cabs drove off. Then I nearly keeped over when I saw Neil’s personal ride drive up to where she was standing, and Matt opened the door for her and the other lady to enter the car.All my months with Neil I was never allowed in thi
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Chapter One-hundred and fifteen
Zina’s POV:I was sitting outside in the garden just enjoying the morning when Neil came out and found me, he sat next to me with a small smile.“Good morning.” I greeted him. He nodded his head and handed me the flask I did not notice in his hands earlier. I gave him a look, it was too early to be drinking. He gave me a small smile.“It is coffee. I did not want to carry the teapot and cups to come here when I saw you out here.” He said and offered me the flask which I looked at properly. It was beautiful, and I trusted him. So I took a sip, and grimaced. It was black coffee and my sweet tooth did not agree with it at all.“Warn a lady next time.” I said and handed him back his coffee. He gave a laugh this time around.“So tell me about your hang out yesterday. Matt gave me some tidbits but I wanted to hear from you. But before you go on I would like to say that from the report I received from Matt, your friends are quite entertaining.” Neil said to me and I blushed hard, already kno
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Chapter One-hundred and sixteen.
Zina’s POV:“So the marriage rumors were true, congratulations to you sir and to you Zina. Now those gossip mongers will finally shut up in the coffee room!” Margaret said and I gave her a small smile. All through the whole trip I have not been able to say anything. Nerves were eating at me like no man’s business. But the first step was done with. I had entered the building and everyone was too stunned to say anything. Next step was the board meeting. Hopefully that went well as well.It went well, even my absorption into the finance department went without a hitch. I can safely say it was a good working day. But at closing hours, my husband dearest was still waist deep in work, someone messed up a deal and he has been trying to salvage the situation. With his phone on his ear and his free hand on his waist, the only sign I got that he knew I was around was a small nod in my direction. After an hour he was still on the phone and I was more than ready to take off my work clothes. Comi
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Chapter One-hundred and seventeen
Megan’s POV:I was seething, well that was not an unusual mood for me these days. And I have good reason, I just received an Intel report that Neil had made Zina the head of the finance department. Like seriously? Was he just handing out positions because she was dancing on his dick and wore his ring?Ughh!I sent a third message to Gabriel and I got the same response. He was on his way. I am very certain that he was with his brat and was finding it difficult to leave her be. Well he better come here with a well detailed plan on how to end Zina for good because I was fed up living on the same earth as she was.I picked up my phone and read the headlines again and I felt renewed rage well up in me. She even made the headlines, on more than five local newspapers and on one international newspaper. I put on my television and I saw Zina on the news walking hand in hand with Neil and entering the office. Even her outfit looked expensive.“On today’s celebrity gossip, news reaching us this
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Chapter One-hundred and eighteen
Megan’s POV:My phone rang after Gabriel had fallen asleep next to me. His phone had been ringing but he put it on silent saying he did not want to deal with the brat just yet. My caller was Jeffrey so I had to feign sleep.“Hello ma’am, I could not call you earlier. I just got off work. How are you feeling?” Jeffrey asked me, I heard a door closing behind him so I suspect he is either just entering his home or he is leaving for the sake of privacy, the man swears he is not married and I want to believe him. But that is not my concern.“I have a very difficult request to ask of you, but you are the only one I can trust to have it down. Can we meet up tomorrow?” I asked him, being sure to keep my voice vulnerable and he fell for it as usual.“Yes ma’am. I have the next two days, would you like to come to my place? I would kick out my roommate and we would have the apartment to ourselves for the duration of your stay.” Jeffrey suggested and I rolled my eyes, of course he was going to fi
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Chapter One-hundred and nineteen
Zina’s POV:“I swear he took me by surprise that day. I just never took him for one for public displays of affection, of course the gossip blogs took it up and praised him for not being ashamed to show the world that he loved his wife. I don't even know why we are making the headlines. There are other rich couples out there.” I said to Sandra who encouraged me to abuse my privilege as the boss’s wife and meet up before it was time for the lunch break.“Well not all couples consist of Neil Honduras. What about your mother-in-law? Has she shared any tips on how to survive the madness in the early days?” Sandra asked me and I smiled. My mother in-law was meeting us up for lunch, well me but I was not ready to dismiss Sandra.“Yes, she called me yesterday. I am supposed to meet her for lunch but you are staying because you too will soon be the wife of a CEO. Guess your dream of being a housewife is finally coming to be.” I said to her and she shamelessly raised her tea cup for a toast.“A
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Chapter One-hundred and twenty
Zina’s POV:I was two weeks into resuming work and roughly two weeks to the end of my contract with Neil. I was getting depressed as the days went by, I do not know how my heart went and fell for a man that did not want it. And aside from some guarded conversations, we did not spend as much time as I would have wanted. He was immersed in so much work these days and I was left to my own devices.My table was cleared. I was waiting for the afternoon reports so I could work on those as well. On the bright side I was getting reviews from my team. They loved how I worked, how I was giving them short breaks in between. Of course I have asked them not to be too comfortable, rush months are around the corner.I relaxed into my seat and I suddenly felt horrible again. In a matter of weeks I was going to be kissing all of this goodbye. No more Mrs. Honduras, no more special treatments. No more Neil, which was the part that stung the most. I would no longer have the access I have to him right no
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