All Chapters of The Billionaire's Sweet Surrender: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
127 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-one.
I can't believe that I feel so attracted to him that he always wants sex from me. Last night was really shocking. He is already seeing me as his wife but I really need to be careful not to get pregnant because it is just a contract. If I get pregnant, he might think I want to use it and pin him down in my life. I really need to play my cards well so that I want to be abused or insulted. That day, I just prepared breakfast and was also preparing for work. We came together to eat at the dining table when he asked where I was going looking dressed. I was surprised at that question. "You are also looking dressed, so why shouldn't I be dressed?""That is not my question." I had to respect myself. "I am sorry, but I am prepared for work." "I never told you that you will be going to work with me. You need to have enough rest today because you will be meeting with my parents tomorrow and I wouldn't want you to look so stressed and tired. I need you to be refreshed." My jaw dropped becau
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Chapter Seventy-two
"What happened?""Gabriel called me while I was having breakfast with Neil and was shouting that I allowed Neil to arrest him." "Arrest him? How? Which Gabriel are you talking about?""My ex-boyfriend of course.""But was he arrested?""I can't tell because he said he freed himself. You need to see the way Neil reacted. He was so angry that his eyes were like that of burning furnace. Neil didn't talk to me at all, instead he stumbled out of the house in annoyance.""Hmm, this is strange. I think you have to be patient with him. He must have reasons for arresting Gabriel. You just have to relax till he comes back and explain everything to you." "I am no longer comfortable with all these attitudes he is putting up.""You have to talk to me and hear from him instead of getting yourself worked up." "You know how Neil is. I don't want him to get upset over any slight question.""Are you really scared of talking to your man? Then how do you want to live with him for six months of the mar
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Chapter Seventy-three.
I know that for Gabriel to call her and was blabbing over the phone, I knew that he will come back in full force to attack her. But how come he escaped from the cell? I can't tell if Megan also left but I am really going to show that I am not a billionaire by mere words. My car came to halt in speed in front of the FBI building and I came down immediately, banging my door so hard. I walked into the office and demanded to see the inspector himself. "But sir, you just have to be patient. He is very busy right now." I hit my hand in his desk in anger. "I don't care! I need to see him or I walk in there.""Alright, please calm down. I will inform him that you are here. Your name?""Neil." My voice was so deep and he quickly dialed his office line. "Yes sir, you have a visitor.""Yes sir, it is very urgent. He said his name is Neil." "Okay sir." The FBI made a sign that I can go inside to see him while he dropped the telephone. I walked briskly to the office. I was angry but I didn't
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Chapter Seventy-four.
I didn't spend much time in the office because I wanted to have much rest against the next day's trip. I was about to ignite my engine but then I got a phone call from the inspector. "Neil." "Good day Inspector.""He is with us right now, so please we need you to transfer some money to us." This one he is talking about money, I think I will have to be there to confirm first. "Alright, send the bank account details." "Good." I ended the conversation and drove home. I was on my way when the message came into my phone but ignored it. I got home that afternoon and Zina was already at the entrance door waiting for me to come down from the car. I was wondering why she was waiting for me at the door for the first time. I know she will have a lot of questions to ask me but I don't mind. I don't have to tell her till we return back from the trip. She might become more scared when she hears the full gist. I walked down front the car and smiled to her but she didn't return back the smile.
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Chapter Seventy-five.
I don't even know I could challenge him this way, I need him to do the right thing. Why should it be a contract? I think I have really said something that will change his mind. Let me wait for him to come and give me the right answer to my question. Neil opened the door slowly and walked into my room and sat on my bed. "Zina, please you have to understand that I am not ready for marriage." I was shocked to hear that. "Then why enter into a contract with me?""I am forced to do this.""So when were you planning to settle down?" "Not anytime soon. I see people enter into marriages and run out of the marriage in two months. That is not my plan.""And you think that it will be the same story with us?""Zina, let's not rush it. You can take the contract as your real marriage." "I can't take it because it has a limit. I can't even take in for you. I can't be called your wife outside the space. We still have to work like colleagues. There are so many limits." "You are right. Uhmm, I ne
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Chapter Seventy-six.
When we got to the chamber, she doesn't even know where we were and so she kept quiet and followed me inside the building. I just hope she won't change her mind and reject to sign the documents. I just hope she doesn't mess up. When we got to the reception, we were asked to wait so that the barrister will be informed about our presence. She was still looking so lost but very calm.This is why she is so different from Megan. She is very calm and allow things to unfold by itself without forcing it but Megan must ask questions and know the answer by all means, either by hook or by crook. That is one thing I dislike about her. "You can follow me sir." We stood up and followed her. When we got inside the barrister was so glad to see us. "Neil, Neil." We shook hands together and sat down. "Pretty lady, how are you doing?" "I am very well sir." "I am so happy to you both here. Neil, it's good to see that you here with this pretty lady.""Thank you very much. We are here to inform you t
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Chapter Seventy-seven.
I feel so nervous. I don't know how it's going to be out there when I meet with his family. I know his parents are already excited but I don't know how the expressions on their faces will be when they finally set their eyes on me. This is the first time something like this is happening to me. I feel so different but whichever way, this is just a marriage contract and won't last forever. I really need to brace up. I faced the mirror and applied my makeup but I made it so light so that they would be able to recognize me the next morning. I wouldn't want any negative talk about me. After applying my makeup, I stood so erect in front of the mirror and admired myself. I was looking beautiful but I had to speak to myself. I don't have to be shy nor look different. "Babe! Zina!" That was Neil calling me. "I am here." I expected him to come into my room but he didn't show up and so I left my room to meet with him. "Neil, I am here." He turned to look at me but he had this slow smile on
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Chapter Seventy-eight.
"It's time for us to discuss the reason for the visit." Neil's father said."Exactly!" His mother responded with smiles on her face. I could tell that I was welcomed and lived by the family and the mother was so excited. "Neil, we have seen the lady you have brought for us and from what I have observed since your arrival, she is very reserved and beautiful. She has what I was expecting to see." Neil was seriously smiling while I was so excited within myself but didn't want to show it. "Zina, you are welcome once again." "Thank you sir.""Zina, I have just one question for you." I wasn't expecting another question and I just hoped this last one will end well. My heart began to beat faster but I had to calm my nerves down. "Are you ready?""Yes sir.""Why do you love Neil, my son?" That question is what I have never thought of. It was a very tough question that took me time to answer and I was really speechless for minutes. Everyone was staring at me and waiting to hear what I would
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Chapter Seventy-nine.
"I am so proud of what you did tonight. You really made it look like everything was real. They couldn't notice anything." I smiled at him while I removed my earrings and cleaned the makeup on my face with wipes before entering the bathroom to bathe. I had a warm bath and came back to the room only to see Neil going through some old pictures. "What's that?""These are my pictures even while in school. Take a look at some of them." I collected some from him and watched. They were so funny that I laughed out my stress. He later got into the bathroom and showered. When he came out of the bathroom, I was already half way to sleep but I could see him although it was blurred. We were very exhausted and we slept off. We didn't know when it was day break because we were so tired from the previous day due to the long journey. Neil's mother came and knocked at our door and that was the reason why we jumped out of bed. Neil went to open the door for her. "Are you still sleeping?""Mom, we a
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Chapter Eighty.
I told my driver to wait for sometime so that I would be back. I don't want this to linger. It will be very insensitive of me to pretend as if I don't know what is hurting her feelings and leave just like that. I need to go now and see her and also encourage her. "Neil, you forgot something?""No, where is she?""She ran upstairs." "Okay." I climbed the stairs and tried opening the door but she locked it. I heard someone crying and sniffing. I knocked so that she could open the door before she killed herself with tears. "Zina, please open the door." It took a while before she opened the door for me. "Zina, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" I held her but she removed her hands and went back to the bed. I locked the door so that nobody would interfere. It was our business and we had to settle it without bringing my parents in. I went closer to her bed. "Zina, please talk to me." She cleaned her face and sniffed but was silent. She was lying down on her stomach and faced the
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