All Chapters of The Billionaire's Sweet Surrender: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
127 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-one.
"So you wanted us to see.""Yeah, it's very urgent. I will be giving you…" I dipped my hand inside my bag and brought out seven hundred dollars. "Here, take this as you embark on another job" I placed the money in front of him. He touched it and counted it. "Okay, now you are doing what I expected. So how do we go about the job?""First and foremost, I wouldn't want my mother to hear about this deal and I don't want her to be aware that I gave you some cash.""But she has been in this from the beginning." "Yeah, I know but I don't want to involve her again. This is just between me and you.""It's fine, now let us get into business." "Good! How do we proceed? She mentioned kidnap which is a very good idea but how simple will it be?""Do you have her contact?""Who? Zina?""Yes.""Sure, I have it.""Good because it will be a good idea. I am sure you have never called her with your cell phone.""No, and she doesn't have my number." "Alright, I won't use my line to call her because sh
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Chapter Sixty-two.
Someone tapped me on my shoulder, I opened my eyes a little bit because I was in a deep sleep that I didn't know it was dawn. Everything was so blurred that I had to use my hand and wipe my face so that I could open my eyes well. I saw Neil seated beside me and smiling. "Good morning." I said. "Good morning my lovely woman. How was your night?""It was fine." I stretched myself."Breakfast on bed," at first I couldn't believe what he said, till I sat upright and saw a tray with a small cup of coffee and sandwich. I was amazed. "Wow! When did you wake up to prepare for this?""I promised myself to surprise you. You need the rest and I know you would be very tired to go into the kitchen to prepare breakfast." Wow! That was so romantic of him. I never expected this to happen to me. I had no option than to hug him and thank him. I stood up to go and brush my teeth so that my mouth would be fresh as I ate the sumptuous breakfast. I really have a lot to gist with my friend and I can't
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Chapter Sixty-three.
"Neil, I just got a call from a woman who used to be my late mom's friend. She is really stranded. Please, I need your permission to allow me to get her to stay with us, by tomorrow she will continue her journey.""Where exactly is she?""She told me that she is at the junction.""The junction before our entrance?""Yes." "This is almost 8:00 p.m and it is risky out there. I think we need to go there together.""You don't have to worry yourself Neil, I can get her myself." I don't know why I felt it was not safe for her to be out there alone. I have to follow her and get the woman. How will I allow her to trek down to the junction and besides the woman must be tired. "If only you knew how to drive. The woman must also be tired of trekking. Let me get my car keys, we are going there together." I know she doesn't want to disturb me but I don't want to listen to her excuses. My dressing was okay, I just picked up my car keys from the table in my room."Alright, let's move." Zina and
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Chapter Sixty-four.
I don't even know what is happening. I picked my phone and called Sandra. "Hello Sandra.""Zina, what's wrong? Your voice is not pleasant.""I am fine.""You are fine and you are sounding this way. Where are you?""I am at work in my office.""Okay, I will be there. I know something is wrong and you have to talk to me." I was about telling her not to bother coming but then she ended the conversation. I was busy in my office when I got a call from the receptionist that someone wanted to see me. Of course I knew who the person was and I told her to let the visitor inside. Not quite long, I heard a knock on my door and it was Sandra. "You are welcome.""Thank you. You sounded so distressed on the phone and I had to leave what I was doing to come and see you.""You left your office?""I didn't go to work today. I was actually working from home.""I see… Pascal has really made things comfortable for you.""Let's leave that aside. Talk to me, what's the problem? Did Megan show up again?"
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Chapter Sixty-five.
Why did this plan go wrong? I really feel like strangling Neil to death. I know he would be the one to insist on going with her because I know what she can do. I didn't even suspect that Neil would be coming out with her. This plan has failed and now I wonder what they will be thinking. Neil is smarter than Zina and I am sure. He will understand what is going on. I got a notification message from Gabriel. Why does he want to see me? Everything is getting me upset, I don't want to talk to anyone about this unless he has a new development. I quickly got dressed to go and meet him. I was about to leave when my mom asked where I was heading to. "Mom, I am coming back soon. Just want to see a friend at the junction." "I have noticed that you have not been happy since yesterday. What is the problem?""Nothing." I left the house to avoid more stories. I used the location Gabriel sent to me and located him. He was sitting down with three other guys that I have not met before. I was scared
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Chapter Sixty-six.
Neil came back that evening because he told me to go home when it's closing time and that he wouldn't have the time to come and pick me up from work. He was looking so neutral unlike other days when he puts up a smiling face or an angry look. "Babe, you are welcome." "Thank you." He moved over to his room while I rushed to the kitchen to microwave his food and make it hot. Neil loves hot food and I have tried to maintain that since I started staying with him. I dished out the food and placed it on the dining table. I waited for a while for him to come out but I didn't see him. I had to summon my courage and moved to his room and knocked. There was no response. I opened the door and found out it was not locked. I saw Neil lying on the bed with his eyes closed. I wondered what could be the problem. I walked closer to him and tapped him on his legs. "Neil, are you okay?"He turned to me and opened his eyes. "Zina, I am fine. I just want to have some rest.""But you can't rest withou
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Chapter Sixty-seven.
I really don't know why someone would want to treat another person badly all because of love or rather I should say money. Megan has really crossed the boundary and I am really going to deal with her. I think the mother needs to serve punishment for bringing up the suggestion. Imagine what a mother will be advising the daughter. I am really lucky if not I would have married a devil as a wife. Why are women this heartless? It is because of money that Megan has been with me not because she cares about me. I think I need to meet with Megan's mother. This is a serious criminal case. How can a woman think of kidnapping? This is really annoying. I told Zina to stay back at home while I go to the office. I don't want her to know that I have plans of visiting Megan's mother. "I am off to work already." "Won't you eat?" "Not at all, I am not hungry. I have something to catch up with in the office and I have somewhere to go. Just take care of the house." "Alright." I saw her face and
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Chapter Sixty-eight.
Hmmm, who would believe that I can find true love. I mean a woman who would want me and Iove me for who I am and not just because of the money I have acquired. I have studied Sandra the days that she has been in my house and I discovered that she was well trained. I can remember one certain day that I met a lady who asked if know Sandra too well and I was eager to know why she was asking. I was shocked when she told me that Sandra works as a prostitute and that she is not being truthful to me. The lady went ahead to warn me to stay away from her because when she is done gathering all the money she needs, she will leave. I was shocked because I never knew that women hate themselves. How can a lady talk I'll of her friend and I asked her if someone does this to her, how would she feel? She told me that she will feel normal. I was shocked but I have been with Sandra and she hasn't been answering any strange calls in my house. She keeps her phone anywhere and nobody will call her excep
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Chapter Sixty-nine.
I was in my office when someone knocked on my door and I allowed the person inside only to find out it was the new person that was employed. He was to be my assistant and also share the office with me. "Good morning ma." "Welcome, and you are?""I am Fredrick, the new assistant employee." "Oh! You are welcome." I stood up from my seat and shook hands with him. "Please, you can have your seat." He sat down opposite to me and looked around the office. I noticed his physical looks, he was looking all cute and has a very nice haircut. The scent of his perfume were all over the office. I couldn't perceive another smell apart from his because it was domineering. "So I welcome you to this factory. The owner of the factory is not present yet, if not he would have been the one to welcome you officially.""No problem." "Anyways I am Sandra. Nice meeting you. Just hold on for a few minutes." I picked up my office telephone and called the receptionist and told her to announce to all depar
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Chapter Seventy
I think I should use this opportunity that Megan is behind the bars and take Zina to my place to visit my parents. She has to stay there and spend some days with them so that she can be used to them. I don't know if she will like the idea but I know what I am doing. I want her to get used to my people but I know she will talk about the job because she can't accept to stay and leave the work for me. One thing I like about Zina is that she keeps everything secret and it will be a great shock if people know that I am married to Zina. But that is the kind of surprise I love. I know she will ask me why I came back and went straight to sleep but I am not ready to tell the exact thing that happened. I will have to change the topic. "Neil, you have been quiet since you came back from work and I am wondering if I offended you in anyway." "No babe, you didn't but I have been so busy. The work I did today was really tiring." She was looking at me as if I lied to her and I know she will be
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