All Chapters of Sex With A Beast Series: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
143 Chapters
#Chapter91I woke up, stretching my arms and legs before I rolled over to my back with a smile on my face. Morning had arrived and I was feeling so well rested.I looked to my side. Quickly, that smile faded away once I noticed the empty space beside me. I mentally smacked myself.Im so stupid.Why did I do it?I knew this was going to happen!I got out of bed, showered off, and dressed. I slipped on something simple and plain. A pair of jeans and a loose T-shirt which would draw less attention to myself when I left the room.I planned to catch up with the girls today. We needed to talk again. Maybe this time my fear wont cloud my mind, causing their words to go in one ear and out of the other.I stepped out, making sure I kept my head low when I greeted the household as I walked passed them. It was even worse now since the house seem to be swimming with them.I was so cautious of them, however they seem to be careless of me. They walked, and talked as if I
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#Chapter92Brent povShe has been fast asleep for hours. Honestly, this seems to be the best sleep she has had since she has been here. I looked over at her. Her honey brown skin seemed so soft. I wanted to touch her again. Deciding that she needed this sleep, I let her be.Lying on my back, I stared up at the ceiling, drowning in my own thoughts about everything, including last night. A small part of me regretted it. Regretted getting involved with her. Regret that I gave into the temptation. However a large part of me, especially my wolf, enjoyed every damn minute of it.Her breathing lightened as she moved slightly to get comfortable. Her hips, her thighs, all taken shape under the thin sheet she covered herself with last night. Curvaceous body lying next to me naked nearly turned me into a ticking time bomb. Detonation would result in another round.I decided to calm myself. I really didn't want to wake her for another round. Shit, I barely even knew how she felt at
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#Chapter93After having a long discussion with the girls about the whole ordeal and everything I needed to know, I still found myself in disbelief. If I had not witnessed it for my own eyes I swear I would have taken them for some sort of joke.I walked into my room with a bowl of popcorn and a wine cooler. My hands full, I kicked the bedroom door shut and laid down.Tonight, I was originally opting for a movie night with the girls. Sort of a girls night. However, he made sure that it did not happen."Pass the popcorn.""Nope."I flicked a movie on, tossing some buttery, salty popcorn into my mouth."Yum.""Are we going to play this game?""What game?"I quickly began ignoring him as I focused on the television screen. BRENT POVShe was lying on her stomach, her legs swinging back and forth like a child. Occasionally she would laugh from something on the television. I would not know because I was not watching it.I could see how she desperately
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#Chapter94Jesus christ!I tightened my grip on the sheets. My body shivered from his words. I didn't even realize at first that my mouth was propped open and I was left speechless. My eyes shifted to everything in the room besides him. The wall. The television. The bed. The floor. The window.I inhaled, catching a scent of him. Smells sexy! I tugged at the sheets but his grip remand the same. Fine! I will let them go. Too stubborn to confront him, I released the material and turned away. Warm flesh shocked my arm. He pulled me back to him before I could walk away."Tell me.""What do you want?" I whispered, keeping my eyes on the floor."Tell me. Tell me you dont want me to fuck the shit out of you again."Damn!Chill bumps began to form under his grasp. My body was on fire. My skin began to burn as I replayed his words in my head repeatedly 'tell me you dont want me to fuck you'. Hell, I wanted him to do that plus more. Take me dammit. Dominate me.Im sick!
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#Chapter95ANIYAH POVThe pack house was nearly empty due to almost every one being gone. Everyone was either patrolling or training with Jason or Aaron. Things seemed to have been changing around here lately. Patrol has increased. Training has been more intense. I could easily feel the stress fuming from Jason.I had no idea of what was going on because Jason refused to inform me. I was pretty sure I could get it out of one of the members easier then I could him but I refused to pull that card. Jason would probably go crazy if they disobeyed his command.I walked out of my bedroom and down to the kitchen for lunch. I made me something quick to eat before the boys return, swarming the kitchen area, disposing of all food like a tornado.I made me an enormous sandwich and pulled a bag of chips from the cupboard. Finished, I gathered my food and walked into the entertainment area for a little me time. I barely ever got to watch my own show or movies on the 80 inch televisio
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#Chapter96Silence. Uncomfortable silence left the room ackward and uneasy. I was left in the middle. My eyes shifting from the rouge to the man who I thought I knew."J-Jason?" He was unresponsive, his eyes remand fixated on the rouge. "What did you say to her?" He questioned him, completely ignoring my plea to get his attention.He is not Jason.Jason is not in control!"I told her what she needed to know." He grinned.Jason released a menacing growl. He shoved passed me. Before I knew it, he was standing in front of the rouge, his fingers locked around his neck. He gasped for air, struggling to hold on for as long as possible."What did you say to my mate?" He questioned again. Anger laced in his voice, he tightened his grip on his neck."I told her you needed help." His words were low and raspy."Help? YOU THINK I NEED HELP?" Jason released a mysterious laugh. One that left us wide eyed and fearful. "Do it look like I need fucking help?"The rouge
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#Chapter97I sat at the small table that was resting in our bedroom along with two lounge chairs. My fingers tapping on the smooth table top, I looked out of my bedroom window beside me toward the mountains that were far out in the distance. The sun was setting and the night was slowly but surely approaching.Snatching my eyes away from the outside world, I looked down at the dazzling ring that was resting on my left ring finger. I touched it and began twirling it around my little finger. Why was I contemplating the the need to take it off?All was quiet, except for my light breathing and the wind that rattled the windows a little. I quickly snatched my hand away from my ring and listened to the jiggling of the bedroom door knob. The door gradually creaked open until he was able to slip into the ajar door. He slowly closed it, making sure not to make any unnecessary movement.His head was low, his eyes trained on the carpeted floor under him. I mentally begged for him to
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#Chapter98Jess Pov.After finding a quick bite to eat, we decided that we should visit her mother. I pulled in front of her mother's home. Aniyah picked up her food and belongings and exited the car. Grabbing my food, I followed.I slammed the car door shut as I began following Aniyah toward the home. Her head snapped off to the side. Curious of her reasons, I followed her gazed.Coming from across the street was Brent. He leaned against the car and he gestured for me to come to him.I found myself smiling at first until I quickly hid my enthusiasm with seriousness."I tried fighting it." Aniyah admitted. "Didn't go to well."Aniyah dug into her bag, desperately searching for her mother's house keys. Seeing as how she seemed to be 'searching' for her keys, I knew she was just buying him time. I turned away from her. I walked down the porch staircase and down the path, leading toward the car.My arms folded across my chest, I stood in front of him. I fought to k
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#Chapter99Sex With A Beast SeriesBook ThreeIntertwinePrologueI gazed up at the star-filled sky then back down to the ground. Blurry shadows walked past me; their faces unclear to me. My view was hazy. My tear-filled eyes left me blinded and troubled. A burst of frigid air rushed through me. I wrapped my arms around me tighter. This was my fault! I cursed myself for not being here. I should have been here with her. My dog ran from the front door and brushed her body against my arm. Her black fur teased my chilled skin. In need of the comfort, I ran my fingers through her thick hair. Feeling a hint of moisture, I pulled my hand away, coming across a spot of blood she may have gotten on her. Frightened, I pulled away. I brushed my palms against my jeans. "Drea?" She ran to Brent, innocent of the current situation. He walked with her, keeping her busy so she would not demand my attention. Whispers. Mumbles. I could hear them talking. About what?
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#Chapter100I struggled to open my heavy eyes lids. They were low and swollen, puffy from all the tears I have shed. Morning had arrived, and it felt as though I was preparing for another awful day. Reaching over to the bedside nightstand, I picked up my cell phone and unlocked it. Nothing.I laid back and stared up at the white high ceiling. I mentally cursed myself, blaming myself for the life I secretly introduced to my mother without her acknowledgement. I felt awful. I felt useless. I felt like the only thing I could do was sit here and cry and panic until Jason find her. I hate it! Lightly knocking on the door, Jess walked in after I yelled for her to enter. She closed the door with ease before she dragged herself over to me, taking a seat at the end of my bed. "Hey." "Hey." It was hard to give a genuine smile with such hurt coursing through me. I brought my knees up to my chest, leaning my chin against my knees as I cringed through the silence.
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