All Chapters of Sex With A Beast Series: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
143 Chapters
#Chapter101"Well, I tried to plan this day out for us in such a short amount of time. A spa or maybe a little manicure and pedicure thing. Lunch then maybe the fun zone. I don’t know. What do you think we should do?" I listened as Jess suggested what we should do with our day out. I was just thinking about what we can do that takes less time and will get me back home and quick. I pulled my cell phone from my jean pocket. I unlocked it and scrolled to my call log. I clicked the first name that popped up. 'Calling mother' appeared on the screen and the phone rang. I listened to it ring once then go to voicemail. I caved as I listened to her voice in the voicemail for the hundredth time. I wish she would have gotten a better phone sometimes. Something trackable. Instead, she had some old flip phone. I miss her voice. I was losing hope. I hated this. "Aniyah?" My head snapped toward Jess as she drove down the empty road toward town.“ Yes." "I calle
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#Chapter102Really? Really?!If my current situation was not at its worst, faith reintroduced Carl into my presence. My face scrunched up in disgust. I took a step away from him. "Oh? This must be the infamous Carl." Jess stepped forward, a smile spread across her face. Carl looked at her. His eyebrow arched in wonder. I guess trying to figure out who she was and what she was referring to."What do you want?" I hissed. He held his hand up in defense, suggesting that he meant no harm. I was not afraid of him. More afraid for him. I looked at his right hand, searching for the scar that Jason might have left when his fingers crumbled in Jason's grasp. "I’m not here to touch you, or hurt you or..." He gulped. "" Jess chuckled, clearly amused by his previous attempt. I scowled at her. I didn't find it funny. She turned her laugh into a cough. "It’s been a while." "Probably not long enough." Faith could not introduce him in a few more yea
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#Chapter103Week after week have gone. Weeks have turned into months. After a while, Jason had to order pack members to cover up my mother's disappearance. Her job had contacted me. I had to get our pack doctor to pretend as if she was lying in a hospital, deep in a coma from some freak accident. Bills? They have become our obligation. If not, the house would become a dump then get foreclosed by the bank. My dog has become a part of this household. The only one who is able to run in the house on all fours daily. Why can’t we go to the police? Jess had asked me that question and at first, I thought the same. Jason and the others made it clear to keep mortal personals out of the situation. They knew nothing of this world. Besides, it would only lead them on a wild goose hunt. I sat up in the bed. Looking at the small digital clock as I questioned Jason's reasons for dressing so late in the hour. "What are you doing? It’s two-thirty in the morning." "Someone fou
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#Chapter104A best friend? A best friend can know your weaknesses. They can know your strongest and weakest points. They know your favorite things. Foods. Styles. Music. Color. They know what to do or say to cheer you up. Except Jess.Instead, she knows what to do or say to make me want to bury her in the darkest pit. "I will murder you." I glowered. A blast of air played around me, fondling my thick cardigan and jean covered limbs. Old dry leaves swirled around as the wind whistled past my ears.My eyes narrowed in on the massive building with the words 'Avalanche fitness' printed in strong and alluring lettering. "Oh, come on." Jess stuffed the car keys deep into her pockets. She made sure I was not going anywhere. "I thought I destroyed that card?" I heaved."You did." She beamed. "But....I took a picture before you ripped it up." "Jess-""Look. We can just check it out. That simple. We don’t have to do anything. We can just...look around.
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#Chapter105Returning to the house, Jess and Aniyah parted ways at the top of the staircase. Aniyah disappeared to her room and Jess disappeared to hers. They agreed to reconnect later in the evening but for now; they wanted to get some rest before dinner was given. While Jason was away, Aniyah felt as though she had some studying to do on the supernatural world. Her laptop on her lap, she began to research some things. Things she thought would benefit her later on. While Aniyah used her spare time to do that, Jess kicked back and enjoyed some television until Brent returned. She knew he would take over the television for sports. She also knew the cards she was dealing with. She had a feeling that word had got to him about what they had done today so she knew she had to play her cards. She went to the kitchen and prepared him a delicious sandwich alongside an ice cold beverage to wash it down with. She placed it bedside, along with the television remote and a bottl
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#Chapter106The leaves were floating from the trees and onto the penny brown grass below. We were far into the fall and planning to head into Mother Nature’s winter mixture. Hot chocolate. Apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Roasted turkey. A fire place bright and knee-high socks that would keep my legs warm. My mom would switch to a movie, Halloween classics to be exact. Hocus Pocus. Halloween. She loved the old classic horror films, which is what they would play all month long. My snack bowl in hand, I turned on the television and searched the channels for something that would keep my attention. Nothing. There was nothing that would even make me smile. Everything reminded me of my mother. There were the memories, enjoyable times we would spend together. She loved the fall just as much as the males here did. There was a light knock against the bedroom room. I gave the okay for their entry. The door opened. Her face, lifeless and plain. She pushed forth a smile I
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#Chapter107I kicked out of my shoes before I shoved my bag into the closet. I knew the stench of the gym on the bag would leave a nasty taste in Jason's mouth. I quickly showered off before I put on a change of clothing. My workout clothes in hand, I shoved them into one of the hampers for later wash. As I stood up straight, I could feel today's workout making it self-known. Abs. Glutes. Arms. Legs. I did not look forward to the morning feeling. As I slipped on my slippers, the bedroom door opened up. I did not turn. My way of ignoring him. I know I owed him a lot, but I just needed one more favor from him that he did not give me. His disapproval. Yes, for the first time I actually wanted his disapproval in regard to going to the gym. The one time I wanted him to put his foot down, he actually smiles and practically says 'go ahead'. He was an asshole. His arms slipped around my waist slowly, leaving behind the rough chill bumps beneath my shirt. I turned my neck to avoi
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#Chapter108Jason_I eyed the jewelry box with a quirky grin on my face.The ring was missing so I know she had taken it with her to the gym.I closed the drawer, shoving my cellular phone into my pocket before I left the room."Going somewhere?" Zeiden was leaning against the banister at the bottom of the stairway. He popped up when he saw me coming down the staircase."Is that your business?"He seemed to be questioning himself, wondering if he even had any authority to question me. He didn't. No one did. Well, except for one. Her."Where you going?" Zeiden followed me over to the front door."For a run." I opened the door, allowing fresh air to pour into the opening."Wolf form?""No.""Do you mind if I join?" Zeiden pressed. I snarled."What do you want Zeiden?" My arms folded."I just want to spend time with you." Zeiden teased. He was a damn fool and by the way he was laughing, he knew it. I wanted to be alone; however, I'm not sure if it w
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#Chapter109It had only been a day, but I could see the tension building up in Zeiden. He was becoming a window. It was almost obvious to see he was hiding something in that thick skull of his.He was fidgety. When spoken to he was nothing but a scrambled mess. Eye contact with him seemed limited and that weird sense of humor was gone alongside his sarcasm. I could admit that it was quiet, but it was not right. He was attracting some concerns I could not have."Can I get you anything?" A woman approached my booth. Her smile hid the exhaustion that crept up her body. It was easy to see how tired she was. "Um can you give me a moment?"“Of course. Take your time." I could hear the relief in her voice. She turned and walked off, pacing until she made it to an empty stool to rest her feet before her work would begin again.The door opened. His eyes shifted around the diner before he saw me. He fixed his shirt; his eyes wandering before he took a seat across from me.He
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#Chapter110"I'm hungry for something else." I eyed him, acknowledging the fact that our conversation went from a family friendly discussion to something much more inappropriate."I will cook then." I teased, almost too eager to toy with him as long as possible."Why do you play with me?" He asked. I know the temptation between us was growing however I pretended as if it did not exist."Play?" I yawned. "I'm too tired to play. I'm going to take a shower and lay down in bed-"Jason ignored my suggestion. Instead, he had other plans in mind. With little verbal use, he whisked me into the bathroom and into the shower stall.Water sprinkled down from the shower head, attacking me with gentle beads of water."Why?" I asked."You said you wanted a shower." He leaned in, leaving a small yet powerful kiss against the curve of my neck. "So I'm helping.""Jesus you didn't even take your clothes off." I gestured toward the clean white tee-shirt and jeans that was soaked w
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