All Chapters of Sex With A Beast Series: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
143 Chapters
#Chapter121I turned into the parking lot of the bar just outside of town. Slowing down as my tires ran over the heavy gravel that made up the lot right before I came to a complete stop.Zeiden, who I told many times I did not need his help, opened up the passenger door right before he stepped out."White Diamond." I heard Zeiden speak; his stare drawn to the flashing ran down sign of the pub. "You smell that?"Zeiden questioned; his attention solely on the second uninvited party. Aaron."What?" He looked confused."Liquor, bad food and bad decisions." He inhaled the musky scent that came from the establishment. We all knew the track record of the White Diamond pub. It was no luxurious place of course.There were overly priced beverages, flavorless foods, and many friendly men and women who would pick your pocket in a blink of an eye. Physical altercations were regular. The night ending on a drama free night was unheard of.It was a place I forbid my more unta
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#Chapter122"The local hunter born into a family of hunters.""How do you know about my family?" He seemed almost surprised by my information."Your father. The money hungry hunter. Your mother; the ex-wife who just could not stand the dark life your family was living."His jaw clenched tighter; the bone pressing against his flesh."Your brother; your father's leading left hand, even though you are his first born."I could see how I hit a nerve in him."Isn't he the reason your father now frown upon you?""You know nothing." He mumbled; his grimace look now hidden behind his beer mug."Your sister."He looked at me."The rouge hunter who never played by the rules, however she was your father's little princess and can never go wrong in his eyes." I put pressure on him. "Her insanity drove you crazy."I thought for a moment."If I'm not mistaken, I know an Alpha and his woman who are just itching to dig their teeth into her.""I'm nothing like my f
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#Chapter123What did you tell them?""Nothing important." I informed Zeiden, confirming our secret."Did you text them?" Zeiden slipped on his shirt."I told them I had some information. They are on their way.""Ok." Zeiden nodded."What am I doing?" I asked doubtfully as I stared out over the back patio."Something stupid." Zeiden leaped down off the patio. "As usual."He took off running. With little effort and a racing mind, I followed him out and into the trees to set up...I had others surround the barriers, spreading out to capture a much larger area of ground. Zeiden remand with me, even when I disapproved of it. I thought his skill; his assets would be needed elsewhere however he thought being by my side would be much more necessary. I sat on a low branch of the sturdiest tree deep inside of the densest part of the woods. With one leg hanging low and the other propped up on the jagged branch, I watched as Zeiden made himself comfortable at the r
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#Chapter124They were swift.Characters given great speed and agility that made it almost impossible to catch for most.Sadly for them, I was not one of the most.We had ceased them at the borders; stopping them right before they could enter my territory.As usual, when traveling, there was always a small party. Sometimes the regular faces, other times there were some whom I had seen once and never saw again. This time, only three traveled to meet with us. There was a woman; the same woman who had been seen many times when she accompanied him. Star was her name. She stood behind her leader as her eyes examined the faces of the men who surrounded them. "Jason?" She questioned; curiosity reflecting from her eyes."Hello Star.""What is this?" She pointed toward the small group of men who stood by. "I believe we need to talk."I motioned toward the man who stood by; his identity still withheld behind the hood of his attire."What the hell is this?"
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#Chapter125There was complete and utter silence.Everyone's verbal reaction was substituted with bewildered faces and wide rounded eyes. The conversation had taken a turn most did not expect; a conversation that began to reveal something a little more shocking.Christopher Ross.We have all come to terms with the name.The name was originally attached to a man who was long gone. Or supposedly long gone. A man who was supposed to be buried in a cemetery located over one hundred miles away from here.He was supposed to be dead!Christopher, with bright blue discolored eyes, turned to acknowledge the many faces who found his presence a surprise before he settled on my face alone."I'm sure you have many questions.""I do." I answered. "However I'm not the only person you need to answer to." With a slow nod of his head, he spoke."My wife. My daughter." He realized before he looked away; his eyes unfocused as he began to think of the ones he had left behind
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#Chapter126Aniyah_I kept my breaths steady.Don't forget to breath.Maya would instruct me during our most intense training sessions. At first, my focus was on my breathing techniques when fighting. I would not only count my opponents attacks, but I would focus on keeping my breaths steady.In the beginning, it was a distraction.That was until it became a second nature. As she told me before, it kept me from getting weak. It kept me from begging for a breath after each intense combination of hits.It kept me strong. It helped me last longer."Right." Carl held his hands up steady as he instructed me.At his request, I hit him with a right punch."Right." Again, I threw a punch. "Right foot."I kicked; my foot making contact with the boxing mit."Again. Higher." He urged.Again, I kicked; this strike stronger and higher than the last."Again." He repeated. "Right hand. Again. Again."After each striking blow, he demanded that I do it again w
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#Chapter127Jason _I was proof.I was living proof that walking, breathing, living in a nightmare was possible. I have seen every restless moment. I have heard every strange tale. I have seen the dead walk. It was true. I seemed to be in the middle of an inescapable nightmare. A nightmare I could not defeat. “Alpha.” He knew he had my attention, even with my eyes still focused on the metal that was left on the wrecked Sedan. “We blocked off the main road.” He pointed. “North bound and south bound. We created a detour and have someone at each point just in case someone does not abide by the signs.”“Good.” “What next?” Someone asked me. Next? I asked myself the same question almost every day. What do I do next?He waited; watching me for his next orders however I did not any to give. I was lost in another nightmare. Forced to play another game I was not sure I was ready to fight. Another fight I did not want to lead. Other
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#Chapter128Christopher and I stood across the street of the enormous structured building. It was bright with a bold sign stretched across the exterior of the building; lighting great enough to light up the evening hours.It was never my taste in design and appearance in color however it brought in a crowd of people who wanted an escape from the typical home workout plans."You guys built that?" Christopher stood at my side as he stared at the vibrant building."It took a few months of physical labor." I responded; watching as people entered and exited the Avalanche gym."Did you know they were hunters?" He questioned me in wonder."More recently, yes." I scanned the roads with my suspicion on high alert because of our current situations. "When building the gym, it was easy to wonder about the request for a heavy cement and metal ground beneath the structure.""What's there?""That, I do not know."I built the structure. What was housed there? I did not know.
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#Chapter129Aniyah__I would have thought it was reality.It almost felt and appeared to be real. It was as if I was living in the moment; living in clear time before I knew what existed beyond the structured walls that separated real from fantasy.But then again, if it was real, how would I be able to look myself in eyes? How would I be able to watch myself move about right in front of me?It was like looking through a one way mirror. Watching as they moved about; unaware of me as I watched them. As I watched myself.One would call it a flashback. It was as if something placed me in a specific time; a time where everything seemed almost perfect.We were living in our old home in the city of Philadelphia. A city where everything started for us before everything began to change.It was an early Saturday morning. My mother, so prone to waking up for work, was already in the kitchen preparing a meal I was sure everyone could smell from their bedrooms.She was humm
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#Chapter130Describing the sudden shift from my minds imaginary world to reality was almost impossible to verbally explain.It felt heavier. Reality had shifted its weight on to my body and mind. It's pressure creating a numbing feeling I could barely comprehend.The smell was unfamiliar. It's aroma now digging into my nostrils; clawing until it made itself so familiar that I could no longer smell that lingering aroma of oranges and lemons.Strange.It was cold yet still warm. It was as if the air around me was bitter cold however it was the thick fabric that rested on top of me that kept me warm.The headache. I grumbled as my hands rubbed over my forehead and down the curvature of my face.The taste. My mouth tasted of plastic. Its horrid taste now stuck with me even after I tried to wash it down with my very own saliva. Sadly, there was no saliva; my mouth so dry I had almost forgotten what it was like to feel liquids.What is going on?I forced open my eyes
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