All Chapters of Sex With A Beast Series: Chapter 141 - Chapter 143
143 Chapters
#Chapter141Aniyah began to rise from the bed when she heard the bedroom door open.Jason, worried about the distressed look on her face, sat beside her as he motioned for her to lie back down."What's wrong?" Jason asked."I'm good."Aniyah continued to push herself up, her face as emotionless as she could make it. Even though her body was screaming with pain and discomfort."What hurt?""Everything." She chuckled.Shit. She thought. Even laughing hurts."It feels like that pain you get the day after a workout." Aniyah rubbed her arms. "It’s like the day after a Maya workout."Jason smiled."Ouch. You must feel like shit." He began running his fingers across her legs. Applying enough pressure that left her groaning from the mixture of pain and pleasure that came from his massage."Speaking of Maya, how is everyone? Where is my mom?""Everyone is getting the attention they need. Maya. Kiera. All safe. Brent is making sure Jess is safe. Carl is..."
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#Chapter142Where do we start? Aniyah sat at the edge of her bed as her focus remained on the floor.Look at him. She wanted to look at her father however she could not find the strength to do it.As Aniyah contemplated on whether to look in her father's eyes, Christopher was struggling to find the right words to start with.He knew it was years since the last time he talked to his only daughter. Now, he was not sure where to even start."I know this is a lot." Christopher noted."A lot is not enough to explain this." Aniyah chuckled."I know." Christopher exhaled. "I'm a...vampire. I guess that is why it’s too weird to look at me?"Christopher toyed, even though it bothered him that his daughter could not look into his eyes."That is not why." Her eyes strayed away once more.Aniyah admitted why. She admitted to her father how looking at him made her afraid. It was the thought of seeing him come and go again that made her afraid to confront him."I kno
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#Chapter143Epilogue 3 months later...Jason stood on the balcony that overlooked their rear field of their home. He watched silently yet observantly as Aniyah and Jess took part in an intense training session with Maya. Once Maya proceeded to finish up their session, Jason made his way to the field where he met the exhausted yet proud girls. "Alpha." Maya greeted as she picked up her things. "Maya." Jason nodded. "Thank you.""Of course. You should be proud of these girls. They are good.""Thank you." Jess teased. "With a few more lessons, I will be able to beat your ass.""Yeah right." Maya took off running, laughing as Jess ran to keep up."How are you feeling?" Jason turned to Aniyah. "Well besides the burn in my legs, I'm good. I don’t know, I think these workouts are strengthening me." Aniyah grinned."You look stronger." Jason could not help but admire the curves that her work outs were creating. From her firm yet soft arms to her sculpted
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