All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Secretary : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
Chapter 11. He Hasn’t Changed?
"Castle Corp?" Shawn raised an eyebrow, perplexed by Jeff's statement."That's Cheryl's company, right?" Shawn's secretary nodded in confirmation.Shawn leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping his lips. It seemed like fate was toying with him."When is the shareholders' meeting scheduled?" he inquired, his mind racing with possibilities."It's on the 10th of next month," Jeff responded, his voice laced with concern.Shawn considered the timeline for a moment, weighing his options."That should give us enough time for..." he trailed off, his thoughts interrupted by a sudden voice at the door."What's enough time for what?" A vibrant brunette entered the room without bothering to knock, holding a file in her hands. It was Amy.Amy glanced between Shawn and Jeff, curiosity etched on her face as she settled into a chair opposite Shawn's desk."What's with the long faces?" she asked, placing the files on the desk and fixing her gaze on the two men.Shawn sighed heavily, feeling the weigh
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Chapter 12. A Longing.
"Hi!" Andrew's tiny voice cut into their little meeting, and Shawn instinctively turned, recognizing the voice. Slowly freeing Amy, a smile crossed his lips as he looked down to see the most important person in his life."Hi there," Shawn returned with a smile, squatting beside Andrew."We didn't get to talk before, back at school, but Mum said we could say hi," Andrew offered without being asked, while Shawn stared at him lovingly. This was his son. He couldn't believe it. The child he had wanted nothing to do with in the past. But now, as he watched him, he silently thanked Cheryl for keeping him."Shawn?" Amy called out, and Shawn turned to her, standing up. "Who is he?" Amy asked as she cleaned the tears from her face."Ah," Shawn chuckled nervously. "This is my son," he whispered to Amy, whose eyes widened."Your son?" Amy asked, her voice filled with surprise. Shawn turned back to Andrew."Where's your mommy?" he asked.Andrew turned, catching sight of Cheryl walking towards the
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Chapter 13. Reversed.
Shawn stood there, his mouth slightly agape, his gaze fixed on Amy's curious yet infuriated face. He struggled to find the right words to respond to her sudden outburst."What do you mean?" Shawn chuckled nervously, hoping to diffuse the tension that had enveloped them."Forget it," Amy snapped irritably, her patience wearing thin. "Katherine must be waiting for us."Unwilling to let her go without understanding her anger, Shawn reached out and gently held her hands, a desperate attempt to keep her from walking away. Amy turned to him, her eyes filled with frustration and a hint of betrayal, and Shawn could feel the weight of her gaze piercing through him.Staring back at her, Shawn felt a mix of confusion and concern. "I'm... I mean, I don't know, Amy," he stammered, desperately trying to gather his thoughts and make sense of the situation.Amy let out a curt sigh, her arms folding across her chest. "Okay," she said tersely, her voice laced with disappointment. She made another attem
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Chapter 14. A Disclosure.
Cheryl stood up as she paced around as if on a deep thought but she will well aware of two pair of eyes waiting for her answer. She stopped abruptly and turned to look at Helen who still had her boss under a gaze. “When did this proposal come in?” “Just this morning ma’am,” she replied. Cheryl face formed a frown. “Rejected,” she said out of the blue.“Ma’am?” Helen asked obviously confused at her remark.“The proposal,” She continued. “I don’t care how good it is, it is rejected. This company will have nothing to do with Antonio corp.”“Why?” Eric cut in saying his first word since Helen walked in. “From what I see here,” he continued as he flipped through the page of the file Helen came in with a while ago. “This is a good one, Cheryl,” Cheryl shifted her gaze to the file, trying to hide the urge to read it’s content but voted otherwise as she looked for a safer way to know what was inside. “Why?” She said almost without interest.“Castle corp might be having internal struggles ri
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Chapter 15. Intentions.
“What?” She gave him a piercing gaze. “Aren’t you leaving?” “Like I said Cheryl I don’t plan on leaving,” Shawn said with a note of finality which was to Cheryl’s distaste. She showed it as she let out a scoff.“Like before,” he added as Cheryl regarded him seriously this time.“Why are you doing this, Shawn?” Cheryl asked after a moment of silence almost in a pleading tone.“Because I want to make things right,” he said while Cheryl rolled her eyes to the ceiling.“We don’t need you,” she said with a stern look. “We are doing pretty well without you Shawn,” Shawn stood there as he digested her words. Cheryl thought for a moment that he would give in. But it was far from over.“Andrew’s grew fond of me you know,” Shawn had a pained look.“I caused it,” Cheryl shook her head like she realized the mess she caused. “You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as my son,” Shawn watched her for a moment then moved towards her. Cheryl stood there as she watched him moved closer. She was su
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Chapter 16. Acceptance.
Cheryl gave Shawn a watchful gaze and turned to the phone that kept ringing and walked a considerable distance from both her son and Shawn.“Hey, Eric,” She said when she picked up.“Cheryl, there’s an emergency. We need to fly to Madrid in the next few minutes. One of the companies in the city is having a major issue with the launch. This needs your attention, Cheryl,” Eric spoke with a tone of urgency.Cheryl turned back to see her Son and Shawn back to eating, she sighed and replied, “Alright, I’ll meet you at the airport,” “Sure,” He replied. “About Andrew, who is going to watch him?” He added before hanging up.“Shoot!” Cheryl exclaimed. “I forgot you’d be tagging along,” she bit her lips.Eric’s hope was like a second home for Andrew.Cheryl heard him sigh from the other side, before he could say anything she spoke up first, “I’ll take care of it, Nevertheless,” “Alright see you at 9,” Eric said and hung up.Cheryl breathed deeply as she held her phone tight. She was about to
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Chapter 17. Mixed Feelings.
Shawn quickly shifted his gaze back to a groaning Andrew. "Daddy!" he cried out, his voice filled with desperation, as Shawn stared at him, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Oh my God!" Amy gasped, her eyes widening in shock, as she squatted beside Andrew, as if just realizing what had happened. "Let's move him fast," she said urgently, her voice laced with concern. Shawn nodded, his mind racing, as he gave Andrew a piggyback ride and rushed to his car. ************ Shawn and Amy stood in the hospital hallway, anxiously waiting for the doctors in charge of Andrew's care. Shawn couldn't help but pace around, worry etched on his face. He was completely unaware of his companion until she spoke up. "Don't you have an explanation?" Amy asked, her expression a mix of sternness and exhaustion. Shawn stopped pacing and locked eyes with her for a moment. "That..." he began, his voice faltering. "That's not important right now." Amy scoffed, disbelief coloring her tone. "Really?"
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Chapter 18. Unwanted Pleasure.
“Go ahead Mommy,” Andrew’s probing eyes pierced into Cheryl’s. Her pale face turned from her son to Shawn, while giving him a pleading look to interfere. And of course,for her favor. It seemed Shawn understood, he turned briefly to Andrew. “Hey Son, if you force us like this, I won’t help but believe you don’t trust Daddy,” Andrew frowned and gave a knowing look. “What’s so hard about kissing each other, Daddy?” He asked not planning on giving up. “Perry’s parents do it a lot,” “Who’s Perry?” Cheryl's eyes widened. Shocked her son was acquainted with strangers.“My friend at school. She always brags about her parent being the sweetest,” Andrew offered without being specifically asked. Cheryl rolled her eyes. Some parents can be unbelievable. Doing stuff like that in front of their kids?“Come on Mommy, kiss daddy already!” Andrew squealed. “Or I won’t take my medications,” he folded his arms and gave a grumpy look. Cheryl knew that look. She was extremely stubborn but if Andrew de
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Chapter 19. Ignited.
Allen drew a deep breath as he relaxed on the round-back sofa he sat on, his eyes still fixed on the fireplace. What could he do? The man that had caused misery for his daughter all these years was back. And slowly Infiltrating her heart without her knowing just to deceive her again once again.“When is the shareholders meeting holding?” He asked instead.“Next month, Sir,” Allen entwined his fingers, once again he was at a crossroad. He needed to see Shawn pay for all he had done and at the same time keep him away from his daughter. He knew he had ulterior motives coming back to her again. He was very sure of it.“Go according to our plan, Simon. And make sure you report to me his every move,” Allen turned to him this time. “Yes, Sir,” he turned and exited the room.*************Cheryl walked down the hospital hallway silently with Eric by her side. She wanted to break the silence, but how? What should she start with? Who Shawn was? Why she was in his arms a while ago? “I…”“Y
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Chapter 20. Second Chance.
Shawn watched as Cheryl moved back instinctively like she was caught doing something bad.“Ah,” she chuckled. Shawn had a bemused smile that wasn’t really visible. Cheryl fidgeted as she thought of the right words to say.“I was just…..” she gestured to Andrew, in a vain attempt to explain her actions.“I missed you Cheryl,” The word struck Cheryl as she watched him for a while. She stood still without moving. It felt as if she has been longing for those words. “I….” She tried to look for the right words to say but it seemed like she haven’t got one.Shawn stood up and approached her steadily they were just inches close. He raised his hand as he push back a strand of hair that slipped from the perfect ponytail she had.“I’m so sorry for all these years, I…..” Shawn’s words trailed off. Cheryl could only watch him.She hadn’t expect to meet Shawn again. Of course she had not. She knew their path would definitely cross. After she found out she was linked to the owner of Castle corp and
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