All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Secretary : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Chapter 21. Access.
Katherine frowned as she turned her face to the obvious stranger. Silence ensued as the adults watched them, one word could lead to misunderstandings. “Hey Katherine, meet Andrew,” Amy spoke up. She looked up at Shawn before she continued. “Shawn’s son,” She added.Katherine turned from her mother to Shawn who had this helpless look. “Daddy?” Katherine called out as Andrew cut in again sharply. “Don’t call him Daddy!” Katherine turned sharply to him. “He’s my daddy! Why are you telling me not to call him!” She cried out. At this point, Shawn couldn’t watch them fight. He loved his son more than life itself but he couldn’t see Katherine cry. He quickly turned her face to look at him. “Hey Hey,” he coaxed. “Don’t cry princess, You can call me whatever you want, okay?” “Daddy!” Andrew’s angry voice cut in, in frustration. Cheryl who has be silent the whole time turned to him. “Andrew, don’t be rude,” she said almost in a whisper. It hurt to see her son in pain, but she knew better.
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Chapter 22. Used.
Eric cursed for the up-tenth time as he dragged his reluctant feet into to the hospital building. He would have come earlier, but his guilt didn’t let him. He slept with another woman when he claimed to love Cheryl. He felt like he betrayed her or something. So he was at home for almost the whole day reeling from his guilt. Until he found the courage to go, it was just a fling, a one-night stand with a stranger. It wasn’t that serious. As he made to pass through the door that led into the hospital building, someone held his arm from behind.“Hey handsome,” he could recognize that voice, the one he dreaded of hearing again. After their night of passion. When he work up the next day, she was nowhere to be found. And now she was here, again. To his discomfort.Eric turned to see her. She was dressed more provocatively that yesterday. This made him come to a conclusion. She was a playgirl.“I don’t have time for this…..”He stoped when he realized he didn’t know her name. “Isabelle,” s
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Chapter 23. Owning.
“Cheryl,” Shawn called, his voice giving a hint of fear.“What are you doing out here?” She asked as Shawn realized she didn’t catch in on what he was saying earlier on the phone. He chuckled lightly and walked up to her. “Problem at work,”“Oh…” Cherly nodded lightly. “Come on in, it’s cold out here,” Shawn nodded as she opened the door and walked in. Shawn trailed after her. “The doctor said Andrew’s better now,” he said, his voice filled with relief."Yeah, thankfully," Cheryl replied, turning to look at him."About work..." she began, and Shawn felt a sudden chill in his hand. "Is everything okay?" She raised an eyebrow, concern etched on her face."Yeah," he replied almost immediately, shrugging it off. Cheryl paused and turned to walk away, but then swiftly turned back to face him. "Helen told me you sent a proposal to the company. And..." Cheryl paused, licking her lips. "I rejected it," she confessed, a tinge of guilt in her voice."It's fine," Shawn reassured her with a cool
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Chapter 24. Entwined Desires.
“Congratulations boss, I can’t believe we did it,” Jeff grinned as he stood in front of Shawn in his office.“Yeah, I guess we did,” he affirmed. “How did you convince her,” Jeff held his chin thoughtfully.“Convince who?” They both turned to see a third party. They didn’t notice when Amy entered the room. She was looking smartly dressed as usual, her hair in a ponytail and her eyes glittering as always.“Hi, Amy,” Shawn said as she darted her eyes from Jeff to Shawn."Uh... I should get going, boss. I have something to finish," Jeff hastily excused himself, understanding the need for Shawn and Amy to have some privacy.Amy observed Jeff's swift exit and then focused her gaze on Shawn. "So..." she prompted, raising an eyebrow, eager to know what had transpired between him and Jeff."Castle Corp accepted our proposal," Shawn began as Amy took a seat across from him at his desk. "Now, the shareholders have no choice but to appoint me as their CEO.""Oh..." Amy nodded, processing the in
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Chapter 25. The Dinner.
"Cheryl?" Shawn's brow furrowed in surprise when he spotted Cheryl approaching, accompanied by Eric. Amy followed his gaze, her eyes fixated on Cheryl, her expression revealing her displeasure at their unexpected presence."Hi," Cheryl greeted them with a sheepish smile as she reached their table. Eric nodded in greeting."What are you doing here?" Shawn asked, a surprised yet welcoming smile on his face."Just here to grab a bite," Cheryl replied casually, shifting her gaze to Amy, who continued to gaze at her with a hint of disapproval.Good for you, Cheryl thought happily, sensing Amy's reaction."Oh," Shawn nodded skeptically. "Have you eaten yet? Maybe you should join us. You don't mind, right?" He turned to Amy, who reluctantly turned to face him."Yeah, sure," Amy forced a smile, and they signaled a waiter to bring two more chairs to the table."I must admit, Cheryl, you have great taste. This restaurant is one of the best," Amy began once they had settled and placed their orde
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Chapter 26. Wary Intentions.
“A man came to the company this morning, very early this morning. He said he would be in charge of all of Antonio corporation welfare till the end of the project,” Jeff said.Shawn struggled to comprehend the situation. His voice trembled as he addressed Jeff, barely audible to his own ears."What?" Shawn's words hung in the air, a mixture of disbelief and confusion. He desperately sought guidance amidst the chaos. "What should we do, boss?" Jeff inquired, his concern evident."How can they do this? When was this agreed upon?" Shawn's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. It seemed nothing had been agreed upon, yet they had apparently become the largest shareholder in the corporation."Fuck!" Shawn spat in frustration, catching the worried gaze of his son Andrew. Shawn forced a smile, patted the boy's head, then distanced himself, needing a moment alone to process the situation."When did they acquire shares? How come all of this is happening?!” “I’m not sure boss, but it
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Chapter 27. The Big Revelation.
“Hi Cheryl,” The man on the seat said, giving her a calming smile. “You grew up to be a fine woman,” he commented as Cheryl still had a confused look.“Rafael?” Cheryl called her lawyer that stood at the right hand of the unfamiliar man.“Miss Cheryl, let me introduce you….Meet Mr. Allen, your father,” he said. “And the chairman of Castle Corp,” “What?” Cheryl asked, her voice barely audible.The man that was introduced as her father stood up, his steps slow and determined as he advanced towards her. “Sorry for introducing myself this late, I’ve always wanted to meet you, my sweet girl,” Cheryl parted her lips to speak but closed it back. What was he talking about?“Who are you?” She gave a burst of incredulous laughter instead, her voice hinting with fear.“Your father, as Rafael has said,” Cheryl shook her head and darted glances at all the men in the room. “Are you all crazy? You said my parents are dead. Y’all fucking came to me to say I needed to take over this country because
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Chapter 28. Justified Deception
"You've only known me for a few minutes, and yet you're already passing judgment," Allen retorted, studying Cheryl intently.Cheryl sighed and rose from her seat. "I'm not being judgmental, Mr. Allen," she countered, dismissing the disapproving look on his face as she addressed him formally. "I simply don't think Shawn should suffer for the misdeeds of this man. They aren't even related. Antonio Corp is innocent."Allen observed her for a moment as she stared back, her gaze unwavering. "You may be right, Cheryl. You may be the CEO, but I am still the chairman," he said, eliciting an incredulous chuckle from Cheryl. "Now you want to take my company, huh?""Everything I have is yours, Cheryl. You are my only heir," he replied, his gaze softening, but Cheryl remained unmoved."I don't trust those people—Shawn or whoever. And besides, Nathaniel will be in charge for the time being, until the project is completed. You've invested a substantial sum. It's only proper to exercise caution," Al
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Chapter 29. Goodbye, Shawn.
“She started hanging out with this Eric,” Bane mentioned as Magnus waved his hand. “You know how Isabella is. She doesn’t stop at one man,” Magnus said.“Yeah but this one’s different. It looked like she is serious about him,” Bane Clarified as Magnus nodded slowly.“It’s good news then. I won’t have to worry about the kind of man she hangs out with everyday, why are you telling me about this again?” Magnus frowned. “It’s totally irrelevant.”“You’re mistake, boss. Eric has some kind of relationship with Cheryl,” Bane said as Magnus abruptly turned to look at him. “What!” His eyes shone.“I told you to keep your eyes on her and avoid any kind of meeting with those people!” Magnus fired.“I though he was like the other men she flirted with. I never knew she would pursue this one,” Bane said quickly.“Damn it!” Bane cursed.“What are we doing to do boss?” Bane asked as Magnus sighed, his thoughts juggling at each other. “Follow her everywhere and whenever she plans to meet that Eric, d
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Chapter 30. Pursuing Eric Pt 1.
"Daddy?" Andrew’s eyes widened as she asked, "Did you two have a fight?""Why do you ask?" Cheryl furrowed her brow, hoping her expression hadn't given everything away."You argued this morning..." Andrew pouted, his frown deepening. "He even raised his voice at me," he added, and Cheryl sighed, knowing this conversation wouldn't be easy."Does he hate me?" he asked, and Cheryl quickly shook her head."Where are you getting these ideas?" she asked, her expression filled with concern.Andrew shrugged nonchalantly, but Cheryl knew her son. He was hurting but trying desperately to conceal it."I just thought so..." Andrew stared at her intently. Cheryl removed her hands from his shoulders and held his hands. "Daddy loves you. I love you even more," she chuckled bitterly, aware that her words wouldn't alleviate their concerns. But her nerves refused to calm down."Is he leaving us?" Andrew asked once again, and Cheryl pursed her lips."How would you feel if you didn't see him again?" she
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