All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Secretary : Chapter 31 - Chapter 39
39 Chapters
Chapter 31. Pursuing Eric pt 2.
"What is this, Bane?" she asked, her voice dripping with anger."It's the boss's orders, miss," Bane replied apologetically."Screw you, Bane!" she fired back, her anger intensifying. She turned to face the group of men, determined to leave no matter what. However, their resolute expressions matched her determination, hindering her escape."You'll pay for this," she warned, directing her gaze back at Bane, who remained unfazed. Frustrated, she faced the men again, their stern looks discouraging her further. She unzipped her bag and pulled out a wad of cash. "Who wants this?" she taunted, searching for any signs of surrender, but they remained unyielding."Drop it, Miss. We've been ordered to keep you here," Bane spoke from behind. She turned and briskly walked towards him. "I have a damn party to attend," she feigned a smile."We both know you're lying, Miss," he responded, causing Isabella to furrow her brow in confusion."I'll make sure you lose your damn job," she threatened, pokin
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Chapter 32. Foreplay.
“What are you….”“Don’t get me wrong,” Isabella interjected with a sarcastic look. “I came with my date. I wasn’t following you around.” Eric cursed under his breath as he took a quick glance at Cheryl who had a confused look.Isabella had a gaze turned to Cheryl. “Hi….I’m Izzy. And you must be….” She narrowed her eyes to Eric, she noted his discomfiture at her appearance. And to be honest, she was enjoying it. She planned to play with him till the end. “Eric’s girlfriend.” She said gleefully.Eric turned to Cheryl. “Give us a minute.” He said nervously and dragged Isabella away. “I didn’t get your name!” She shouted back as Eric dragged her away.“What game are you playing?” Eric asked in a low angry tone.Isabella blinked as if trying to understand what he was saying. “What do you mean?”“You know what I’m talking about!” Eric snapped. Isabella pouted as if hurt. Eric closed his eyes for a while as he tried to control the growling anger in him. This girl was driving him crazy.“Fuc
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Chapter 33. Pick a side pt 1.
“Mr. Antonio here is Andrew’s Mum.” Ms. Lambert introduced herself as Shawn watched her.“I'll leave now. I have to go back to school.” The teacher excused herself and left almost immediately.Cheryl too was more stunned to speak. What was Shawn doing here? Why was he related to Katherine’s parents?“Daddy!” Andrew shouted as he rushed to Shawn. The older man opened his arm willingly as the boy walked into his embrace.“Hey….” Shawn bent down as Andrew pouted.“What are you doing here?” Cherly was the next to speak.Shawn looked up to her. As he could see a renewed hatred she had for him.“I…”“Shawn!” Another woman shouted from afar as they all turned to see Amy.She rushed towards him like a deranged woman. “My daughter…..” she said quickly. Then it dawned on Cheryl. Katherine was Amy’s Kat. That was why Shawn was here. He came as her father. What mess. She thought angrily.“She is fine. The doctor is monitoring her.” Shawn said quickly. “Ugh? Why did she get into an accident in th
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Chapter 34. Pick a side pt 2.
He rushed towards her as Isabella raised her gaze to meet Eric’s. She smiled at him but Eric wasn’t looking welcoming. “What are you doing here?” He asked with a tone of urgency.“I am officially homeless.” She drawled sarcastically as Eric watched her in disbelief.“What?”“Dad asked me to leave. I don’t have anywhere to go.” She pouted as Eric cursed under his breath.“How is that my business?” “You are the cause.” She said curtly.“How? What the hell are you talking about?” He mused.“Dad asked me not to see you. But I’m too obsessed. I can’t seem to get over you.” Isabella said like it was normal.“Can you listen to yourself? Don’t you have an atom of shame?” Eric asked, utterly irritated.“Can we go inside?” Isabella said as if she hasn’t been listening to him.“I’m cold.” She added as Eric sighed in frustration.“Then you should go home and beg him. Or go to your friend’s. I don’t care.”“I don’t have any friends.” She said with no hint of emotion. Eric watched her, how could a
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Chapter 35. Wanting The Forbidden.
Amy drew a deep breath and bit her lower lips. “You were the sole cause of their fight. If the kids keep fighting over you, worse things could happen.” “What? What do you mean by sole…”Shawn paused as he sighed. “You can’t do this, Amy. I can’t just shut Katherine out of my Life.” “Oh…You already chose sides. It’s Andrew, ugh?” Amy gave him a painful smile.“Come on, Amy. Don’t do this.” Shawn begged desperately.“Okay.” Amy started after a moment of silence. “I allow you to be with Katherine. How would Andrew feel next time? This time, it was just a push. I saw how you defended them today. You still want her, right?”“I….”Shawn parted his lips to talk but closed it abruptly. “I needed to comfort both parties.”Amy stared at him for a while as if contemplating something. She moved close to him, closing the distance between them. Shawn stared at her, as he took note of the painful look she gave him. She moved her hand to his….and slipped the phone from his hand.“Don’t…”Amy looked u
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Chapter 36. The Last Decision.
“Shawn would do anything for you right now. Katherine’s life is at stake and he loves her so much. At least we are sure of that.” Clary started.“Specify. What should I do?” Amy said impatiently.Clary stared at a for a while then burst into mocking laughter as Amy stared at her with a frown.“What?”“Just shocked you’re suddenly interested.” Clary eyed him as Amy pressed her lips together. “I’ve given up everything for Shawn. It’s crazy to give up now. And Cheryl isn’t good for him. They separated then, now shouldn’t be any different.” Amy mused.“Ugh? Who are you saying that?” Clary gave her a quizzical look.“Shawn was genuinely happy before she came back to his life. She’s just a bitch.” Amy sighed.“What was that sweet gesture you showed her when she was here?”“I promised Shawn not to act weirdly because of the kids.” She drew in a deep breath. “She won’t get funny ideas. Cheryl is a smart woman. What plans were you talking about before.” Amy swiftly changed the subject as Clary
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Chapter 37. Go Ahead.
“You would agree with me that Shawn doesn’t deserve her. You do, Eric.” Allen gave him a weak encouraging smile.“All this while…” he took a deep breath. “Ivey has been watching Cheryl in the dark. And the one reason why I didn’t reveal myself quickly was partly because you were around….with her.” “That’s..” Eric chuckled nervously. “That’s great to hear, sir.”Allen nodded. “That’s why you should pursue her Eric. Please do.” He stood up and walked up to him. “I support you.” He tapped his shoulder and walked out of the room. Eric stood there transfixed for a while then found his way back to his office. He rested back on his chair as he reminisced over what Allen said. This was exactly the push he nodded. The support. But then, where was Cheryl?Maybe he was right. Shawn was bad. He affects her too much. Negatively. His phone dinged as he checked the notification. It was a voicemail from Cheryl.“Hey, Eric. Don’t freak out. I’m not dead. I just need some time alone. Could you help
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Chapter 38. Hardly Yours.
“I won!” Andrew’s cry of delight cut into the night as Isabella fumbled with the cards and started reshuffling.“You were just lucky.” She said absentmindedly as Andrew chuckled.“You can hardly call winning three times in a roll a luck.” Andrew grinned as he shifted on the floor he sat.Isabella narrowed her eyes at him. “I will think whatever I want. You a just a kid.” Andrew made a mocking face at her when she wasn’t looking. “I saw that.” She turned to him with a stern gaze.“You’re just a sore loser.” Andrew mockingly retorted.“I’m not!”“You are!”“What?” Isabella chuckled incredulously.“You’re sulking because I beat you. You shouldn’t be. Eric and Mum are not a match for me.” He said, more interested in showing his prowess than comforting her.Isabella rolled her eyes. “Really?”“I wouldn’t lie if you could easily ask Eric.”“Who taught you then?” “No one. I played cards with myself most time. Because I don’t have friends. No one wanted to be friends with me because I didn
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Chapter 39. Demands
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” Cheryl said quickly and walked off.“Fuck.” Shawn cursed and made to run after her but Any blocked his path.“Amy,” he started with a pleading tone.“Her? Again?” She accused.“You shouldn’t have done that.” Shawn was accused immediately.Amy’s mouth dropped. “What?”Shane brushed his hand through his hair. “Why did you kiss me? What was that for?”“Are you dumb? Do you even need to ask,” Amy turned her back to him, angry? But she could hear her heartbeat now. She was losing and she hated it.She heard him draw a deep breath. “No matter what happens between me and Cheryl. I will always love her.” She heard him say.“Wow.” She turned to him with a bemused smile, laced with pain. “How sweet for you to tell me to my face.”“I wasn’t trying to…”“I don’t need your pity, Shawn. Just leave.” She snapped.“I don’t just pity you, Amy. You are my best friend. I care about you a lot.” “Well, I’m not too sure about that. Leave Shawn. Go meet her, but don’t come bac
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