All Chapters of Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
154 Chapters
Aurora's POVHearing that Jax was no longer in his room and now in his office with his beta, the diary came to mind, Jax has shown me to the room where his father used to stay and now that he's in his office with julius, he will be so busy at the moment and he might not have the time to look for her, she took the opportunity and made her way outside."Luna Aurora, I'm not done with your hair, where are you going to?" Lina asked me but I didn't give a reply to her, I needed to be on my way to the room as soon as possible."Yes Luna, we still need to put this right here" she said"we will come back to this later on, can we go now, I need to check for something really quick" I said to them and they looked at each other."Luna Aurora, it's not good for you and the baby for you to move around like this, you can't be stressing yourself out like this" Joana was the one that spoke this time around, oh gosh, they all won't let me be because of the pup, now I can't even leave my own life the wa
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TJax's POVI've been really busy with work and the whole thing, giving that I spent most of my day with Aurora, I had a lot of things to catch up with, even the council meeting had to be postponed all because of me and I had to quickly attend the meeting and get some things done, I had even blamed Julius for not coming to get me knowing that we have a lot of things to do, but even I know that he would dare not to do that.I then made my way to the my office right right after that, all these while my mind could not stop thinking about my Luna, the only woman that has ever succeeded in making this heart of mine beat so fast.Even as I worked seriously my mind still drifted to her once in an hour.I decided to take a break so I can find my Luna and rest a little in the comfort of her bossom only for me to find out that she isn't in her room, some of the guards that were close by told me that they saw her leaving her room with her maids and my mind skipped a bit, I didn't know how to reac
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Aurora's POVIt's already evening and I still refuse to stand up from the place and spot that I have been sitting for the past few hours, I can't stop reading this dairy, I've read it over and over again, jax's father is a very ambitious man, he wanted to dominate the entire packs and regions and make it a werewolf kingdom where he becomes the king, he had this plan for so long but he didn't start to execute it because he was waiting till he had a son and when Jax was born he kick start his plan.From what I have read so far, Julius and his family don't use to live here even though he's the beta of the pack then, but when the former alpha started his plans he asked that they come to start staying here at the pack, especially so that Jax and julius can get along and know each other pretty well, as they both will be ruling the empire that he has created, but in all she has been reading, Jax's father never made the move to kill someone, what he wanted to do was to talk to the packs and l
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Aurora's POVI don't even know what he's saying but it's all nonsense to me at this point now, how can he say that to me, I don't care anymore, the fact that he didn't help my father when he needed his help is all nothing but nonsense to me, now he's saying that he would have helped him."Aurora, I swear that I would have helped him, I would never have done that if I had known" he said to me again."You honestly do not need a reason like that to help someone, he was dying" I said to him and I was already having tears in my eyes, I can't keep calm when it comes to things and topics about my father, I just cannot, like he literally watched him die, how cruel of him."They also didn't have a reason for allowing my father die just like that, it was very unfair of all of them at that time, my father had not even done anything to hurt them, he was just a man with a dream, and there is nothing wrong in wanting something in this life, but instead they killed him, and that's why I'm going to m
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Aurora's POVI don't know why but I feel like I've heard this voice before in a place that's not here, I can literally feel it, it's strong in my senses, I can literally just feel it, like I've heard this voice before but I don't know where, I really can't point out the place and time that I heard this voice but I can swear that I've heard it before."I want to believe that the Luna is still here with us" he said and l quickly came back to reality, I didn't know when I zoned out, I just hope that I didn't do that for too long, so they don't get too suspicious of me."Uhmm yes of course, the pup messes with my emotions these days and just make me so stupid things please forgive my manners" I said to him and he bowed his head."And the pup is the exact same reason why we are here, I remember when Jax was born, he was just a tiny little boy and now he's having his own pup, my brother must be so proud of the man that his son has become, thank you Luna Aurora for bringing in so much joy in
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Aurora's POVI quickly took the letter that I've written to Maya and went straight ahead to Jax's office, this is also good because that way he would be too distracted to look for me cause he's quite a very busy person, my anxiousness increased as I made my way to his office, I just hope that he doesn't see through me and know that I'm lying to him, I really need to get the letter or whatever it is that is in that woods."Uhmm hey so sorry for disturbing the alpha and his beta, i would like to have this letter signed, can you help me with that before you continue with your work?" I asked him trying my best not to let myself out, may the moon goddess help me with this one that I'm about to pull off."Of course I can help you with that, just tell me what it is that the Luna wants exactly?" Jax said to her smiling."I want to send this letter to Maya, since you have already announced it, I would just like to tell her myself as well, it won't so nice if she heard it from someone else" I s
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Aurora's POVMy heart was beating hard against my chest as though it was going to burst through.My legs stamping on the floor gradually as I made my way to the woods, I will just have to find a way to boycott them and get the letter from them, I can't even see anything as I moved on but I'm pretty sure that I will definitely get it, that person came for me, that I'm very sure of.We got to the woods and I moved forward pretending to be enjoying the scene of everything that's going on, I was just there looking around for any clue whatsoever, I just wanted to get the damn letter and get the world out of this place.I kept moving around, hoping that I would just catch sight of the letter, the guards were very far away from me but they were keeping a very close eye on me, I stood there and my eyes caught the jar, that must be it, I just need to find a way to get the letter without their knowledge."Oh my moon goddess, can you get me that flower it's so beautiful, you as well get me the p
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Jax's POVAfter I had taken Aurora to my room, I made my way back to the office, I had already told Julius not to bother waiting up for me, it's not necessary in anyway, I want to be alone for now, her maids arrived with the food that she has asked them to prepare but she's already asleep and I doubt if she would like it if I woke her up, so I just asked that they drop the food right inside her room, she would decided if she still wants to eat it when she wakes up.I reminisced on the question that she had asked me when we were on the horse, I just can't stop thinking about the question and I can't stop wondering what could have promoted her to ask me that kind of a question, of course I'm sure that I've not killed anyone that I'm not supposed to kill, they all deserved death for ganging up against my father and killing him, and to the others that knew as well but decided to keep quiet about it, I have a child coming on the way now, he would be the heir to my seat and all the things t
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Jax's POVI can see that Aurora feels a little bit uncomfortable so I decided to change the subject of what aunt is actually talking about, I have absolutely no idea what exactly she feels uncomfortable about but I still decided to come in after all."Aunt why don't we eat the food first, then we can resume to the talk about the pup, Aurora is really hungry, she slept off waiting for food" I said politely and that made everyone concentrate on their food, I can see Aurora give me a weird look, I have no idea what that is for but I really don't like it, she seems to be a little bit upset about something, what that is something I have absolutely no idea about."I'm proud of you dear alpha, you are just like your father, very loving towards women" Julius's father said and I shrugged, I can really see how compassionate he his, he sold my mother into slavery, what in the world would he call that?"Come on uncle, you are just being a flatter, I'm just doing what exactly is right, nothing mor
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Aurora's POVI didn't know how to react to what I'm seeing, I fidgeted back a little bit, not out of fear but out of shock, this wolf I'm seeing right in front of me looks exactly like mine, just some slight difference, I am bigger than her and I look more I can't even explain what it is right now."Who are you?" I asked her but she didn't say anything to me, she just kept looking at me, and I'm not trying to sound weird but I do feel like I've seen those eyes before, she reminds me of someone but I can't place it, I really can't."You don't have to know who I am Aurora" she said to me and the way she called my name, I can already sense some emotions in her voice, even though she's trying to control it, I can still sense the emotions in her voice."I need to know who you are, I demand that you tell me right now, I'm sure that you know who I am" I said to her, how dare she talk back at me, I was starting to feel angry."Of course I know who you are alpha and Luna Aurora, I know you too
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