All Chapters of Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
154 Chapters
Jax's POVI don't know if it's because Aurora is not here, I can't seem to find sleep no matter what I do, I'm too immersed in the thought of her, she's all that I've been able to think of, at this rate, I might just go crazy or something.Then her scent came to me, I quickly sat up on the bed and started to smile like a little child, she probably can't sleep without me by her side as well and that's why she is here, but then I waited and there was no sign of my Luna in the room, I was expecting her to slam the door open or something but there was nothing like that, I was even hoping to hear the guards chant or something like that but nothing came, I was baffled as I laid back on the bed, I must be going crazy already and I can't keep calm about it no more.Damn I need Aurora right now, her scent came again and I groaned out in pain, what the hell is wrong with me right now, I really can't get a hang of myself right now, this is really killing me, I just stood in the middle of the roo
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Aurora's POVI opened my eyes to the cruel sunshine piercing through the curtains and then through to my skin, I rubbed my eyelids with my fingers till they were starting to hurt, I just needed to stand up a little bit, I thought, I looked around and I could see absolutely no one in here with me, I was still in the office with Jax and he soundly asleep, I had initially thought that he was not here, I sighed deeply as the memory of yesterday flooded my mind, my eyes widened with shock as I remembered Maya, oh damn she must still be at the back of the shelf.I know her, she will never leave that place unless I tell her to, I quickly stood up and looked through the shelves and there she was sleeping, she didn't look so comfortable, oh gosh, she must have been really uncomfortable all through the night."Hey Maya" I whispered as I tapped her on the shoulder, I didn't want Jax to hear me speak, he can't know that she's here, that will just expose the whole thing.Maya opened her eyes and s
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Aurora's POVSabrina stood there startled, she had no idea that her brother is mate with the lady Emily, cause the last time that she checked, her brother had no mate which everyone had been questioning for a while now, it's not normal a male wolf to be without a wolf at that age, except if this has been going on for a while now."Have you known about this before brother?" she asked and Jasper nodded his head."Nope, all I know is that I was itching to come to this place, I didn't know that destiny had something else in store for me" he said and looked at Emily smiling.Emily still cannot come to terms with all the things that is actually going on right now, she can't believe that he his her mate, the first thing that came to her mind is her brother, she doubts if he will ever agree for her to have a mate outside the pack, he's definitely going to freak out, she should not have come to this feast in the first place."My lady" Sabrina said, she really cannot believe that this is happen
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Jax's POV"Long live the alpha of the dead moon pack" Julius chanted the moment that he came inside, he has not seen much of Jax lately, he has been busy filling up for him and he had a lot to do."Rise Julius, what brings you here?" I asked him, I've been busy taking care of Aurora and the only thing that she does is to sleep all day, the doctor says that it's normal so there's nothing to really worry about, she will be fine soon."I'm here to inform you that Emily is back but she came alongside with alpha Jasper of the west wing pack and his sister lady Sabrina" he reported and I quickly stood up in panic."Did something happen to my sister?" I asked and Julius shook his head to my relief."No nothing is wrong with her, I saw her now before coming, all three of them are in the waiting room but it does appear as though something happened, I think that they will like to see you" he said and I stood up, I wonder what must be so important, but whatever the case is, I'm sure that it invo
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Aurora's POVI could feel all the eyes on me as I walked on weeds into the hall, it was as though they all saw a ghost or something, they were probably not expecting me to show up here I guess.Jasper saw the woman come in and he knew that she is alpha Aurora, he has never had the opportunity of meeting her, he has only seen her once and of course stories and portraits of her, the only female alpha, and Luna to the most powerful alpha also, he likes her especially because she's on their side and she's helping them to bring him down, he quickly stood up so he can help her sit down.Japser walked up to her and stretched his hand towards her."Long live the alpha of the crimson pack and Luna of the dead moon pack, please do me the honor of allowing me walk you to your seat" Jasper chanted and, Aurora was in fact shocked, she didn't expect that their visitor will be so nice, she looked at his hand and tried to hold it so she can go with him, she really needs the support anyways because sh
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Aurora's POVI've not been feeling like myself ever since Emily left my room, everything has just been plain blank to me, but in everything, I know that her mate is someone to beware of and stay clear from, he's not in any way a good person at all."Can I talk to you?" I heard Jax's voice from behind."You are the alpha, you can talk to me anytime that you want to" I turned back and said to him, he looked at me with deep eyes, and wrapped his arms around me."Is Emily okay?" he asked me"No she's not, she left crying, she loves you and this pack and she doesn't want to leave you just yet," I said to him and I can feel him nodding."I don't want her to leave as well, but it's inevitable, she has to leave someday," he said to me, even though I know that he didn't mean that."Do you want her to leave?" I asked him."Hell no, but of course, I can't stop her, this is her destiny," he said to me."Yes of course," I said."Jax I want to ask you a question, and I want the simple truth," I sai
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Jax's POVIt's been two days now that alpha Jasper and his sister have been here and they have been not able to get any response from Emily herself.She has been hiding in her all these while, she hardly comes out or even have dinner with them. The last time that Jax requested for her presence. Luna Aurora asked that she be left alone. She probably didn't want to be distributed.But he's starting to get really impatient. He's the alpha of a pack for goodness sake and he has duties that he has left behind. Now he's been avoided here, he can no longer take it."Are you okay?" Sabrina asked her brother."No I'm not, of course I'm not" he said."She has refused to come out of room these past days, I need to return to the pack" he said."I know exactly how you feel brother, but I'm sure that the council of elders will understand that you are doing this for the pack as well." she started."You know how much we need the lady, if she becomes your mate. it's the best for us." she said."Just s
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Jax's POVI have been waiting for Aurora to return for a while now and she's still nowhere to be to found. I knew exactly when she left to go out but I decided not to follow or even stop her. She made me promise to trust her and that's exactly what I'm doing. I wonder what she's up to.But now she's yet to be back and I'm really starting to get worried. Damn whatever plan it is that she has, I can't take it anymore.I stood up and got into my cloth and then made my way out but before I could take further steps, she was right there walking down.Aurora could see Jax staring down at her and she immediately got tensed. She was not expecting to meet him wide awake but there he was even waiting for her. She searched in her head what lie she is going to tell. She's not ready to tell him yet what she just found out. She wants to know everything and everyone that is behind this whole thing."You don't have to tell me where you went. I have decided to trust you but, please Aurora be very caref
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Aurora's POVI put the letter inside and fled the scene, I don't know if it's just my instincts but, I could feel that someone was watching me. I looked back a little bit and there was nobody.Maybe I'm just hallucinating. I know for a fact that it can't be Jax because he's at the meeting with the council members at the moment, that's why I had the opportunity to leave the pack because I know that he won't try to find me.I don't know if I'm also overthinking but I think he already told the guards not to disturb or look for me each time that I'm missing, he does really trust me and I'm thankful for that. That's why I must ensure that I find the real culprit behind all of these things.I made my way back to the pack and then I found out a wolf staring at me. It's that woman again! She would never appear to me as human but as a wolf. I wonder what she wants to say to me this time.Julius made his way back to the pack the moment he saw that, he needs to inform the alpha fast and now. The
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Jax's POVI have been in my office for a while now and my beta is no where to be found, I wonder where he has gone to.Suddenly he came inside the office breathing like a goat."And where in the world have you been?" I've been looking all over for you. There are a lot of things that you need to do here, what? you've also found your mate?" I asked him and he just bowed his head."Long live the alpha of the dead moon pack." he chanted."Speak." I said to him."I'm sorry for coming so late, I was making rounds with the soilders outside to see if everyone is in good shape and doing what they are supposed to be doing then I saw the Luna walking into the woods." he said and started to explain to him."Did something happen to Aurora?" I was already up on my feet."No alpha, actually I saw her putting like a letter inside a jar. I think that you might need to ask her, she's up to something. That is what I think." he said to me and I pretended to be surprised.I've known for a while now that s
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