All Chapters of Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
154 Chapters
Jax's POVSeeing that I have the attention of everyone, I proceeded to speaking."As you all know, that war is upon our pack and we are going to the various packs to see what we need to do and or not do, this is not easy for anyone, especially my Luna who is also expecting a child. But things needs to be done and done fast." I said to them while holding the hands of Aurora for comfort."I need you to be motivated and up to the task, we will be heading to the first pack now, keep your eyes peeled for danger and call my attention to anything if necessary." I said to them."Yes alpha." they responded."Now let's get going" I said to them and led Aurora to the carriage."Long live the alpha and the Luna of the dead moon pack." they chanted till I got to the carriage and placed her there.I made sure that she was comfortable and then I hopped on as well as I sat down beside her and pulled her into my arms, she's still meant to be sleeping so she would just sleep in my arms till we get to t
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Jax's POV I studied the body language of them both and I knew in an instant that the Luna definitely knows something that she's not telling off and I need to find out what it is and I guessed that Aurora noticed it as well cause she was looking at her and then she decided to ask. "Is there something that you would like to tell us?" Aurora asked her and she nodded but it was very evident that she was lying. "It's fine, if you know nothing about what's going on, we will just keep checking but we strongly believe that your mate was not killed." I said to her and she nodded. I was also trying to see if alpha James was giving off any signs to his mother but he was saying and doing nothing. "I would love to have some lone time with you Nora, there are a lot of things that I still do not know about my mother, my father forbade me from speaking about her or asking any questions that has to do with her." Aurora said, I can already tell what she's doing and I think I will just leave everythi
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Aurora's POVI can see the look of contempt and she was looking like she will be willing to kill me if given the opportunity to, of course she tried to frame me for treason anyways, there is absolutely nothing that she can't and will not do.Alice saw Jax coming her way alongside James and her heart skipped a beat, she has not seen him in moons and no matter how much she tried, she can never stop loving him, she wished that she can just go home with him.But of course the almighty Luna Aurora will not allow her."I can see that your dreams to be a Luna has finally come to pass." I said to her and she didn't say anything but remained silent. I guess what I said must have touched her a bit, of course she wanted to be jax's Luna and not just a Luna."A Luna to who?" I heard Jax's voice behind me, I already knew he was coming towards as I can already smell him."Long live the alpha of the dead moon pack." Alice chanted and Jax waved his hand."Rise, Alice but I still need an answer to my
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Aurora's POVWe up got to Nora's room and it was a bit dark in there so she had to bring the curtains up so there could be light."She's not his mate right?" I asked her and she nodded her head, I was right all along."Yes, I've tried to talk him out of it, but he would not listen to me at all. I have no idea what else to do." Nora said and I held her hand."It's absolutely fine, I'm sure he will come around. So let's see those letters shall we?" I said to her not wanting to get down to the main reason why I'm here yet."Oh, of course please forgive me." she said and brought out those letters for me to see and there were really old, they must have known each other for a very long time.I took the letters from her and started to read them, it seems my mother used to be from this pack."My mother used to be from here?" I asked her and she nodded."Yes, we used to be very close until the alpha of the crimson pack your then grandfather held a feast back then, we were chosen to serve in th
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Jax's POVI can already tell that he was feeling very uncomfortable as I was talking to him but I pretended not to notice and just continued talking, I wish I can get into his mind right now but I can't. He's an alpha and not some ordinary wolf."Oh here comes the Luna." he said and I looked, I saw Aurora walking towards us with Nora and some of her maids were with her, I can see her crying and I quickly stood up to meet her on the way, why in the world will my Luna be crying?"Aurora, what is the problem and why are you in tears?" I asked her and she nodded her head."My mother left behind so many memories, just look at them." she said showing them to me and I looked into her eyes, hoping to hear her tell me that it's nothing but joke of some sort."I'm so sorry Aurora." I said to her and hugged her, I patted her backs gently and every other person were just there looking at us."It's okay Aurora, come on let's go into the room, I'm sure that you will feel much better when you get th
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Aurora's POVJax and I made our way out of the quarters, we've spent two days here already and it's time to move on to other packs and get other thing done. I'm so glad that we came here first.We were able to get some very useful information and that will go a long way. Jax has been feeling a little bit restless since last night, he can't seems to be able to do anything. He just keeps opening his eyes even when he tries to close it.I had to stay awake to attend to him.I asked him what the problem was this morning and he said he could sense that something is seriously going on and he believes it should be at the pack. That is why we have decided to leave this morning so we can return home as soon as possible."We will back for your mating ceremony, I hope that we will be invited." Jax had said to alpha James and he nodded his head."Of course alpha, who else would we have grace the occasion if not you." he said smiling."I would visit again Luna Nora." I said to her and she bowed he
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Jax's POVIt felt like I went deaf for a while, I can't believe what I just heard, Aurora is actually carrying two pups in her, I will think about the other part of what she said later on but right now I can't even think straight, so I'm going to be a father of two pups at the same time."Which region and pack do you belong to?" she asked us and we looked at each other for a while before speaking, she seems trustworthy so I don't see anything wrong in telling her the truth besides what can she do about it."We are from this region, the dead moon pack." I said to her and we can see that she froze for a while and didn't say anything, she was just looking into the air."Oh the dead moon pack, the most powerful of them all. Too bad that the pack is going to fall soon except the right things are put in place." she said and I looked at her with an intense gaze."Who are you?" I asked her and she smiled."You don't have to know, but people call me the wolf witch, I have the ability to see in
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Aurora's POVI can feel Adrian's restlessness inside me, and same as Anaya, I can't explain why I feel the way that I do but it's not such a good feeling and I do not like it one bit."Jax, is there something that I need to know?" I asked him and he didn't say anything to me. He just kept quiet."Jax?" I said and looked up at him."It's nothing, I'm just a bit worried." he said to me and I can tell, but I believe we will be able to do this, we can do this together."Come on Jax, we can do this. You don't have to worry about anything." I said to him and he didn't say anything. I feel like there's something more to his silence than he's letting on, and I just have to find out for myself what's going on.I kissed him on the lips probably I can help him calm his restless soul a bit."Aurora stop it, you are just recovering please." he said and stood up from the bed, I can see that he's trying hard to resist me but I'm not going to give him that opportunity. I want him this night and he wa
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Aurora's POVI made my way outside the room as I could no longer keep my head together, my mind and thought were running free and wide, and I just wish that I can see him right now. I even feel like killing him. If he dies, I die with him."Long live the Luna of the dead moon pack." they all chanted as they walked towards me."Did you know all know where the alpha is headed to?" I asked them and they all looked at me as though they were not understanding the one thing I was saying."The alpha is right in the." one of the guards was trying to say but he didn't finish the statement. I understand what's going on now.He didn't let anyone know that he would be doing what he did, that tells the reason why his mood was the way it was this morning. He had this all figured out and I didn't even notice a thing."You all are coming with me now." I said to them and they all looked at me not knowing what is going on."Now you all listen to me right now. We have war going on right now at the dead
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Jax's POVI was really surprised to see her in front of me, she's supposed to be sleeping and not be here, I looked at the guard close to me, and he was also dumbstruck, I can tell that he's very surprised as well.She kept shooting the arrow and I didn't bother to stop her because I can already tell that she's very angry, so I just allow her satisfy herself. At this point I really don't mind dying in her hands, it will be such a good death anyways.She got to me and the next thing she did was to slap me across the face, I didn't stop her as well, I allowed her express all the anger in her."Aurora." I said to her as I held her in my hands."How dare you decieve me like that?" she said to me with tears in her eyes."So if I had not woken up, you would have gone to war without me? What about all the plans that we had together. What happens to all of them?" she asked me as she continued to hit me.Aurora have never felt so afraid of anything in her life, she felt so scared that she was
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