All Chapters of Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
154 Chapters
Aurora's POV I heard the door close behind me and I stood up after some time, I wasn't feeling sleepy I just wanted to be on my own and don't feel like talking to anyone, and that's the only way that I could have just avoided him, this is really so crazy. Right now the only thing that I have is my instincts and my head, I have absolutely no idea what to do, I will have to find a way around this whole thing, I brought out the whole letters that I have received, all of them from the ones that I got before I got mated with Jax to the ones that I got after.I sat on the bed to read each and everyone of them, these are letters from different people, two of them if I'm not so mistaken, two different people, and they are saying two different things.But what baffles me at this point is that the same handwriting that has been warning me not to go to or listen to the other person is the same handwriting that is asking that I carry the seal of the alpha and take it to those people like they ar
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Jax's POV"Just how well did you sleep my dear Luna?" I asked her and she turned just to look at me, she didn't say anything for a while and then she started to turn back to the other side."Aurora?" I called her name but she said absolutely nothing to me, she just kept quiet"I'm fine Jax, I slept well thank you, I just don't feel too good this morning, I think that I might need some tea" she said to me and I quickly stood up, I know the kind of tea she's talking about it's the one for all of those pregnant people I suppose."Uhmm okay, I will ask that they prepare just that for the both of us, I'm as pregnant as you are" I said to her and she was forced to smile, I don't know why I feel like she has only been trying to stop herself from being so happy all these while because this time she's happy and then the next time she's not."Are you sure that you are okay?" I asked her and she just looked at me saying nothing."I'm fine Jax it's just that it's nothing never mind" she said to m
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Aurora's POVJax entered into the office and the only thing that he could do is to just smile at me like a moron, I felt a flip flops and battles going on in my heart, I don't know why I feel this way towards the man that killed my father, I'm supposed to hate him and despise him, not feel this way towards him so I just stood there battling with my emotions thinking of all the things in the world that I can actually do to escape this man but I just cannot find anyone, I really cannot find anything, as he moves closer to me I felt drawn to him like it's the first time that I will ever see him in my life, I don't know how or why but hell that's the way that I feel, I want this man, every fiber of my being, every bone and cell of my body wants him, there is absolutely nothing that I won't do right now to be in his arms but no, I have to focus on the misson at hand, I can't allow myself be moved and controlled by my emotions, I can't do that."Aurora he called out my name, so softly yet f
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Jax's POVI can't just get enough of this Luna of mine, she looks really beautiful and I don't mind staying here, morning, afternoon and noon and I'm sure that she's also up to the task, she has the energy to meet up with my energy."I think we should just stop, we will just use the entire day and night to do this and I know that we both have things to do right?" she said to me and I was forced to stop kissing her, she's actually right, we both have things to do and if we continue to do this we may never be able to do anything tangible with our day."Long live the alpha and Luna of the dead moon pack" Julius's voice could be heard clearly from the outside, we both looked towards the door, it must be something really important, Julius will dare not interrupt us if it's not something that's so important."What do you want Julius, I'm very busy at the moment what exactly do you want from me this time, I'm very busy as it is" I said to him and he kept quiet for a while without saying anyt
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Aurora's POVI placed my hands on my chest, waiting for the excuse that she has this time around, I told her not come here and she didn't listen to me, if she continues this way, she might just return to the moon goddess, sooner than I want her to."I can't possibly be calm knowing that you have a child growing inside of you Aurora, oh child, I can't believe that this is happening right now, your father must be very happy wherever it is that he his, I'm so happy" Maya said in excitement.I shaked my head, I should have just known that she would not be able to bear it, she just can't, I can't stay angry at her for wanting that, she's the closest thing to a mother that I have and she's only expressing her happiness for me."Come on Maya, let's get going, we will go to my room" I said to her and she followed me."We got to my room and she pulled me into her arm and hugged me so tightly, I can tell that she was starting to cry and I was really fluttered, I always know what to say, given t
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Jax's POVI can see her stealing glances at me as I walked past her down to my seat, I took my seat close to her and took her hands and kissed it."How are you doing this morning Aurora?" I asked her and she blushed effortlessly, I can't believe that she's actually turning red at my greetings, I've not been able to get the words that she said to me out of my head."I can't believe that Aurora loves me, she said she loves me, that's like the best thing that I've heard in my life, I looked at her and I felt content in my heart, I'm just grateful to the moon goddess for the gift of her."We are at breakfast alpha, we can do this later" Aurora said to me and I found myself laughing, I don't think that I have ever laughed like that, from the depth of my heart, but I just did that, I just did, and I can see her smiling at me as well.Julius cannot believe what's going on here, just what is wrong with this two people, they spent the night together for the love of God, just how come are they
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Aurora's POV"Come on Maya you have to be willing to help me this is really important for me, that I find this thing" I said to Maya but then she was looking away."I hope this is still not all about the whole revenge thing Aurora, why can't you just forget about this whole thing and move on with your life with the alpha, he seems to be treating you well, and that should be all that matters at the moment, at this point of your life, if you can't let go for yourself, at least do this for your child" Maya said to me, her voice almost sounding like a whisper, thank goodness that I know what her voice sounds like, I might not have been able to distinguish."Maya, I really cannot let this go, this has been the purpose of my life from the onset, I need you to understand this, I've always wanted this, but this time around, there is a twist because I feel like Jax might be innocent in all of these, I'm really trying hard not to believe any of those things, the woman that I met in the woods sa
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Jax's POVBut not as important as what he his doing here, that piece of news can definitely wait, but his crazy beta is bent on ruining the whole thing for him."You should go ahead and attend to him, it has to do with your sister and uncle" Aurora said to me and I nodded my head, she's right anyways, I walked to the door and opened it, I feel like throwing my fist into his face right now, what a jigollo he his."What do you want Julius, why do you always have to interrupt me whenever I'm doing something important?" I asked him, saying that last part as a whisper."I'm sorry alpha, but I didn't know that you were about to get busy, you know, I really had no idea" he said to me and I shook my head, I know for a fact that he's only trying to mock me, what an idiot."Just say whatever you have to say and get lost will you?" I said to him and he became serious all of a sudden."Uhmm, words have been sent, Emily is almost at her destination, and so are my parents" he said to me and I nodde
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Aurora's POV"Promise me that you are not a bad man like everyone says" I said to him, I don't think that I can ever bring myself to hurt this man, that I love so much, he means a lot to me at this point, and I realize it with each and every passing minute."I'm not a bad person Aurora, I swear it, I'm just a man that wants vengeance on all the people that have wronged my father, me, Emily and the pack, I know that he might have had bad intentions but he hasn't even done anything bad yet" he started to say, I can see a lot of emotions written in his eyes and face, as he spoke, I wished that I can take away all of his trouble and pain, but too bad that I can't right now."He hasn't even killed anyone, he was only going to make his plans known to the alphas, and they killed him, tell me how I'm supposed to let that go, Aurora, they robbed me off my happiness and that of my sister's" he said and I took his hands."I know exactly how you feel Jax, my father was killed too, and I swore to
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Aurora's POVI woke up in the middle of the night, I quickly stood up and peeped through the window, the whole place was clear and quiet, most of the guards must have retired for the night, this is just the perfect time for me and Maya to leave, in few hours now, they would definitely want to sneak back to work."Hey Maya" I called out to her as I tapped her gently, I hate that I have to put her through all of this stress, but I really do not have much of a choice right now, it's the only way.She reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at me."Hey Maya, I think that we should just go now, or what do you think?" I said to her and she quite stood to her feet."I'm sorry that I slept off alpha" she said with her head bowed."Oh come on Maya, let's just go already, I'm really sorry that I have to put you through all of this" I said to her and she said tapped me at the back."It's fine child, now let's go so we can find it on time" she said to me and then she stopped for a minute."Do you
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