All Chapters of Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
154 Chapters
Aurora's POVI set out to the woods with Maya, Lina, Joana and my two other maids here at the crimson pack but before we left I made sure that they took an oath, they are not allowed to disclose what we are about doing to anyone no matter who or what.I made sure to be very alert, I need to be sure that no one is following us so we won't be exposed, we need to make sure that our plan is as perfect and clear as day.We finally made it to the cave, I can see that they are all tired. I asked that Maya not to come with us but she insisted, now she can barely stand. I'm yet to tell her about my encounter with my mother. I will still do that but that will be later on.We entered into the cave and I led them to the door. I'm sure that they are dying to know what's going on but they would not dare to ask me, that's one of the advantage of being an alpha.I opened the door and led them inside, they were all amazed at the sight of the things there, and I can see it in their eyes.I asked that L
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Jax's POVJax has been hearing about some things that have been taking place in some places in some part of the region and he needs to go check it out, he heard that some of his alphas are starting to rebel against him and he needs to go check for himself. He can't afford to have war within before the real war."How many more time do we have left before getting there?" he asked him and he looked at the map before him."Not so far anymore alpha we are almost here." he said."You all stop right there" I shouted the moment that I entered into the pack, I can't believe all that I'm seeing right now. They are actually starting to change things and put other stuffs in check without permission, something must be really wrong with this people. They must have a death wish or something"You all need to come in here right now, the alpha will like to speak with and each and everyone of you." he said and the pack members were starting to make their way to himMeanwhile at the crimson pack, Aurora
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Aurora's POV"Long live the Luna and alpha, it's always a pleasure to see you and lay eyes on you." the man said, I can already tell that he's same person from the other time and he is the one sent here this time as well."So, lets get this over with, I'm sure that you got my message and you have my mother ready and of course I want to see the person behind all of these." I said to them."Yes, alpha we did get your message and we are going to do exactly as you have said, you just need to come with us. And I'm sure you know what to expect, your eyes can't be open while we journey." the man said and I shook my head."I'm already on your side, you have nothing to worry about." I said."We can never be too sure of that until the enemy is defeated completely." he said and I sighed, they don't want to take any chances and it's absolutely okay I thought to myself and closed my eyes waiting for their next move.They didn't make me unconscious this time, they just covered my face with a blindf
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Jax's POVI can already sense it in my guts that something is going wrong, I just didn't know what exactly it is, there is something fishy going up somewhere. My packs are starting to rebel against me and I'm just finding out. I already asked Julius to visit each and every pack to see if things are going as usual there while I stay here at the pack and see that things are run smoothly.We both can't be away from the pack for such a long time, I also asked to see if Aurora is doing fine over there. I miss her already."Long live the alpha of the dead moon pack." Jasper and his sister chanted, it's time for them to go to their pack as well, I've not taken over their pack yet and I don't know if I still will, it all depends on my sister's decision.He already knows of her decision and he has decided to wait for three full moons for her to make her decision or rejection will take place.But I already told him that whichever side he choose during the war also matters, but I doubt if there
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Aurora's POVI went to the wardrobe side where I had kept the sword that I had found that day and placed it in front of him on the bed there."That day, whoever the person was dropped this, cause I confronted him. I just badly wanted to prove that you were the one and if I can catch you taking the poison, you would have no means to deny it but I didn't get to to see the person's face." I said to him and brought out the second thing that I had seen."Remember when I was shot with an arrow the other day?" I asked him and he nodded."I later found this scarf in the woods, this and even more things carry the seal of the dead moon pack indicating that you are the one behind all of these things." I said to him.I went ahead to get the letters that my mother had written years back and placed it on the bed as well."These are some of the letters that Maya showed to me that my mother had sent when she just newly disappeared, take a look at the sign up here, it also carries the seal of the dead
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Aurora's POVI have no idea how to break the news to him, he's going to break down definitely."Yes my mother helped me in finding it, she took me to the cave where you had kept it and I found the key to the room in a safe right in your office, Maya helped me with that as well." I started off by saying and I can see him trying hard to remember when that was.Jax could remember now as he connects the dots together, that night that she had said she was going to be with Maya and then he found her in the office naked, she had claimed to be waiting up for him or something and he had believed her.So she had actually come to find the key to the seal or she was looking for the seal and found the key instead."So? Did you hand it over to them?" he asked me and I nodded my head, suddenly he grabbed my neck and was strangling me like he wanted to kill me."Jax, you are hurting me, let me go." I said to him but he was not even listening to me, he had lost it and is no longer himself.My entire n
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Jax's POVAurora took some water and she calmed down a bit, she went outside to look for him immediately but he was nowhere to be found so she asked the guards and they told her that he had left alone on a horse.She knew exactly where he was heading to and she didn't think that it was good to follow him, she should just leave him alone and allow him calm down a little bit.She had gone inside his room and stayed over at the balcony, that way she would know if he was coming and she can go meet him and explain some things to him.But then she saw him talking to julius, she can't hear what they were saying but she knew for sure that he would want to tell him all that is going on and she cannot afford for that to happen, no one is allowed to know anything just yet. Everything has to stay between the both of them. She thought and began to run towards his office.Thank God she got there on time to be able to stop him from talking to him about it."I told you already that there's really no
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Aurora's POVWe stood there and made as many plans as we can make and arrived at different conclusions.We agreed that we were not going to make any moves yet while we wait for them to fall into our trap, this is not going to be easy but we will definitely do it."What are you doing?" Jax asked me the moment he saw me going close to my drawer to pick up something."I'm going to write letters, one to the crimson pack, Maya and the girls must be worried about me. And the other one to the night soilders. I believe that they are some among them if not all are one of them. They gave me fake information, they definitely have something to do with this." I said to him and he nodded his head."I will leave you to it then, I will be on my way to the office. You can find me there." he said to me and kissed me on the lips before actually leaving."You spoke to her?" Julius asked him the moment that he got back in."Yes, a woman with a pup is the hardest to deal with, you don't want to find out."
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Jax's POV"We need to fish out as many of them are that have that mark on their wrist and we are starting from the alphas." I said to her as she pat my back and try to calm me down because I was obviously shaking.A lot things have been going on right under my nose and I had no idea, all these years. That man must have the one to plant the seed of revenge in my heart. He just wanted to use me to get what he wanted and he almost succeeded."Is there something else that you remember?" Aurora asked me and I nodded my head."I'm actually trying to remember his voice and place a face to it but I can't." I said to her and she came to sit right in front of me."You don't have to beat yourself up about it, it's been so many years and the moon goddess bringing it to your remembrance should tell you that she's on our side on this and she will definitely help us." she said to me and hugged me."I think we should go back to sleep." she said to me and I obliged her. I think I need to sleep more, I
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Aurora's POVI woke up quite early and my maids were already at the door, I had told them to get here very early and that's exactly what they did, I have very loyal subordinate and it's makes me really happy."Long live the alpha of the crimson pack." it was shella that chanted while Lina and Joana chanted me the usual way.I made my way to the door and unlocked it so they could make their way inside."Rise" I said to them and they lifted their heads and made their way inside."So for how long are we going to be gone for and how many piece of clothing do we need to take along?" they asked me and I thought about it for a while before giving them a reply.The thing is that I don't know myself, I would have to find out from Jax but from the look of things. We would be staying quite a while."Just take enough clothes, we will be staying for a long while." I said to them. They had a lot of things to pack so I asked that only Lina help me with my bath while shella and Joana pack my things.
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