All Chapters of Forgotten Alpha: Reclaiming the Lycan Queen: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
154 Chapters
Chapter 71
AryaMy heart nearly stops. I tell myself to snap out of it before it’s too late, but the imagery around me only becomes sharper and sharper until I feel that I’m exactly right there.But the weird thing is, I’m familiar with everything except for the part where I’m pinned down and under attack.I know it’s not real and I can snap out from this dream if I want to, but it’s just so . . . vivid. I can see the bright red eyes of the Rogue looking at me like he wants me to die. I can smell his stale and bloody breath fanning on my face. I can feel his weight on top of me and pinning me on the ground. I can feel the sharp edge of the rock just grazing on my neck.And any moment, I know he can kill me if he just pressed that thing harder against my skin.The sense of danger is real. The fear of dying is very very real.I swallow hard, and even that simple movement gives me the fear of accidentally grazing my skin against the sharp edge of the rock and bleeding to death.The Rogue stares int
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Chapter 72
AryaThe words coming from Arthur's lips, which are still brushing against mine, are enough to make my knees almost buckle. Instantly, I feel myself wanting him, yearning for him in a way I have never felt before. Good thing he's holding me against him, because if not, I would have collapsed on the wooden floor.As soon as those words leave him, I find myself wrapping my legs around him and pulling him closer to me until I feel that big bulge against my core.He gasps, his breath brushing on my lips. "Fuck."I buck my hips and wrap my arms around him, letting him know that I want him right then and there. I feel his hard length responding, growing impossibly bigger and harder, twitching with every sensation like it wants to be let out.Because of that, I suddenly remember what he did to me on our first time, the way he licked and sucked the slit between my legs. How he teased me and almost made me beg.An idea forms in my mind.He leans in to capture my lips but I pull back and unhook
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Chapter 73
ArthurWe both reach our climax, and I find myself getting lost in Arya with the last few thrusts. I empty myself inside her, feeling her clench and squeeze around me.With a deep sigh, I pull out of her and lie beside her.Arya giggles. "That was amazing and I must say you really did get my mind off things."I can't help but smile. "Of course I did. I must say that you also did a good job getting other things off.""Arthur!" She gasps and slaps my chest, making me chuckle. "That's so gross!""It wasn't so gross when you were into it," I joke again, making her protest, but I just take her hand and kiss the top of it before pulling her towards me and wrapping my arms around her. "I love you. And I love making love to you."She sighs contentedly. "I love you too. And I love making love to you too." She looks up at me. "You're wonderful."With that, we dissolve into kisses again, and after a while we just find ourselves making love once more. This time it's slower, less frantic, a lot mo
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Chapter 74
AryaMaking love has guaranteed me the sweetest, deepest sleep I had for what seemed like months. I roll in bed and bury myself under the covers, reaching out for Arthur so I can feel him holding me.But when my hand lands on the spot where he is supposed to be, all I feel are cool sheets.That instantly snaps me into attention and I open my eyes.I sit up too fast, making my head spin a little bit. But that doesn’t stop me from swinging my legs off the bed and getting to my feet. “Arthur?” I call out. “Arthur, are you there?”I head to the bathroom and push the door open. No one is in here. Nothing looks touched either.“Arthur?” I call out again, knowing that it’s a pretty big house and he might not hear me downstairs or in the other rooms. “Arthur, where are you?”No answer. Now my heart is nothing but a fast and steady thrum inside my chest. I grab my coat and a pair of shoes from under the bed so I can go downstairs, and that’s when I hear the loud howl.My whole body freezes. My
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Chapter 75
Arya“Arya?” Mom’s voice is the first thing that enters my mind. “What’s happening?”“Mom, it’s Arthur,” I say, steadying myself just enough to string together a coherent sentence. I want nothing more but to cry in her arms and ask Dad for an embrace, but I swallow hard and force myself to get it together. “We got attacked by Rogues in the beach house.”A beat of silence exploded in my mind, like Mom was so shocked that she fell into some sort of blank state for a moment.And I’ve been in some sort of blank state for a long while now.Tears continue to run down my cheeks. “Mom, please, he’s severely hurt. Send people here. We need help. He needs to make it, Mom, I’m begging you.”“On it,” Mom says in a sudden flash of determination. “We’re coming. Just do what you need to do first and we’ll be there.”I don’t answer and she vanishes from my mind, and now I’m left at the side of the beach, with the lights from the house shining on us, letting me see how much damage the Rogues did to my
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Chapter 76
AryaThe next Monday, I wake up early for school, but my energy is unbelievably low even though I almost passed out on the bed because of exhaustion and sadness.I hurry preparing everything I needed for school and I go down the stairs to leave. Mom sees me and beckons me over to the dining table. "Come here, Arya! Come eat.""I'm not hungry," I say, and I just leave the house.Outside the palace, a car is waiting for me. A guard opens the door to the backseat and I get in.The trip to the school is quiet and sad, and I hate that I have to be alone with my thoughts for nearly an hour. I try to distract myself with some views outside the car but my mind is still spinning with images of Arthur lying on the side, bleeding and wheezing. . . .The car stops and I the guard opens the door for me.I don't know if it's just me, but for some reason all the students I pass by turn to face me and look at me, and I get this bad feeling. Maybe it's just because I'm not with Arthur and they're curi
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Chapter 77
AryaA series of emotions start to flash in my chest. From bafflement to fear then back to confusion. I look at Arthur and he’s staring at me intently. I guess a part of me wants this to be a joke, but the single look on his face tells me that this is far from a joke.I swallow hard, shifting my weight from one foot to another. “I . . . don’t know what you mean.”He looks around again before lowering his voice and leaning close to me. “Those Rogues that attacked us in the beach house, and probably some that attacked the Dark Howl Pack . . . well, they have been dead at some point. Something is bringing them back to life to do its bidding. Something that we can’t recognize and have no trace of.”My pulse starts to race. “How did you know this?”“I started to suspect when they got close to me and I smelled them,” he says. Nancy leans closer to us to listen in but Arthur doesn’t stop. He looks at her too. “They refused to die. No matter how much I hurt them it seems that they just spring
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Chapter 78
AryaFor a second I don't know what to say. I just look at Daniel, my smile stuck on my face."Well?" he prompts after a while of me not saying anything. "What do you think?""I don't know," I say after a beat, feeling Arthur's arm tensing around my waist. "Did they say why they want to talk to me?"He pauses to think about that for a moment, but he then shakes his head and shrugs. "No. They didn't say anything about it. And I personally have no idea why they want to talk to you."When he sees my confused expression, he quickly adds, "No, they're not angry or anything. It really doesn't seem like anything negative. They're just asking about you and how you are doing. I don't think it has anything to do with. . . ."He trails off, but he doesn't need to continue. I know what he means and I know that he's talking about Levi.And I don't know why, but I just automatically say, "I'll be there."Then I realize that that's a mistake, because the temperature seems to have dropped ten degrees
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Chapter 79
Arya“I didn’t say anything,” I insist, and to my horror, tears are starting to brim my eyes. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Arthur. I’m just going to come see his parents and it would be a civil event.”Arthur doesn’t say anything more. He just backs the car off the driveway and then we’re in the road.“Arthur,” I call out to him, trying to touch his knee and look at him imploringly. “Please, talk to me. I want to know what you’re so angry about.”“I’m not angry,” he mutters. “I’m afraid.”I frown in confusion. “Afraid of what?”“Afraid that the mate bond is not going to be severed,” he says, and his voice drops even lower. “Afraid that someday, you will realize that he’s what you want and you will leave me.”His words hit me hard, almost like a direct punch in the chest. I look over at him but he’s already focused on the road. I clench my jaw, trying to hold back the tears long enough to talk, but my words start to fail me.No sound comes out of my mouth. Before I knew it, we’re alr
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Chapter 80
LeviThe damage in the Shadow Moon Pack is nothing I have ever seen.For the past days since the attack, that has been the focus of everyone: getting everything ready and seeing to it that all the damages are assessed and repaired.In over a thousand members, thankfully only ten people were injured, including me. We didn’t have any casualties apart from that, and that makes me really glad. Our pack is still whole. We didn’t lose anyone.Our homes, on the other hand, are a different matter, since we have to start from scratch and build some of them from the ground.The ones who suffered the most damage from the Rogue attack are the Omegas.It’s something I already expected, since after living with them, I have come to realize that their homes are . . . well, not made from the best material.So as we start our rebuilding projects, I appeal to Daniel and ask him if we could use some of the better materials to rebuild the houses of the Omegas, and Daniel was actually all for it.It’s Mond
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