All Chapters of Forgotten Alpha: Reclaiming the Lycan Queen: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
154 Chapters
Chapter 81
Levi"What?" is the only thing I can say, and I feel like that sums up the whole statement that my dad just said.The words feel like they're floating around my head and the only thing that made contact are the words 'dinner' and 'Arya'."I said, we're inviting Arya over for dinner this week," Dad says. "She can come whenever she pleases. Of course she's a princess and she's bound to have a pretty busy schedule. We must make way for her so just be prepared for that."My heart starts to race. I don't know if it's just me being dumb and sleep-deprived or if this is bringing out a legitimate feeling of dread and nerves, but right now my head is swimming and my body feels so light that a small breeze can probably take me away right now.Still, I manage to find my voice and ask, "What for? What are you inviting her for?""Just to catch up," Dad says, and he smiles. That's when I knew that he really does mean it, that his intentions are pretty genuine. But that does not ease the growing fea
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Chapter 82
Arya“Arthur . . . enlisted?” I ask, my voice fragile, but I don’t dare show any kind of emotion on my face. I know that if my mom finds out about what Arthur and I fought about, it would be bad. I don’t want them to interfere. “Since when? I didn’t know about that.”Mom stops examining one of the monitors and turns to me. “Huh, okay. Well, he just messaged us a while ago, right around the time you got home, actually. We’ve been offering the job to him since the whole event happened, though.”I clench my jaw. I want to scream and cry in frustration but I keep my calm, even to my own surprise. “Oh, okay.”Even though I sounded pretty normal, she must have sensed my surprise because she holds my hand and says, “Maybe he’s just about to tell you, my love. Why don’t you come to talk to him?”“I’ll do that,” I mumble, then I just say my quick excuses before hurrying out of the throne room.I rush inside my room, trying to keep it together long enough to take out my phone and try to call Ar
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Chapter 83
Levi“Dude, you’re bleeding,” Daniel says lamely as he sees the marks on my stomach. “This can’t be good.”“Just hand me over some bandages.” I motion for him to go on and fetch me some. “I’m not in pain in any way. I think the effort of the day just reopened some things and that has to be pretty normal, right?”Daniel doesn’t look very convinced by my lie but he quickly runs off anyway and comes back with some disinfectant and gauze. I take off my shirt and crumple it into a ball so I can hide it in the washer much quicker later, and Daniel helps me soak the gauze in some disinfectant before dabbing away at the mess.Contrary to what I originally thought, the wounds didn’t completely reopen. There are some areas that have been scratched open, though, and I don’t know what caused that. I don’t even know why they caused so much bleeding.As I wrap up my torso and wear the extra shirt that Daniel also brought, I can’t help but get worried about what the scratches would do in the future,
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Chapter 84
Arya The tears are about to fall from my eyes when suddenly there’s a knock on the door and Levi immediately hurries to open it. “May I come in?” a voice from the outside says, and my heart immediately skips as soon as I hear it. I get up from my seat to look at the one at the door, and I almost collapse in joy and relief as soon as I see who it is. “Arthur,” I say in a broken voice. I should be embarrassed at how soft my voice sounds but I don’t care. I rush past Levi and hug Arthur, and he smiles down at me. “I didn’t know you’d be here. I didn’t know you wanted to come.” “I can never leave you for too long,” he says, and I hug him again. Meanwhile, Levi is smiling, clearing his throat and offering his hand to shake for Arthur, who just broke off the hug and put his arm around my shoulder. “Come in, man. There’s plenty of room for everyone.” I wait for Arthur to say anything, and for a moment I thought he would say something bad and maybe start a fight. He stares at the hand t
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Chapter 85
Arya“Arthur!” I scream, then I rush towards him trying to hold him up as he nearly falls to the floor, right on the shards of the wine glass. “Arthur, what happened?”Just as I ask that, his skin begins to heat up. The kind of heat that is more than feverish, like an actual fire is starting to burn right under his skin. I don’t release him and just continue to hold onto him, tears running down my cheeks. I know that letting him go would be more helpful than anything, but it feels like if I do that, something much worse is going to happen.I feel like if I let him go, I would somehow end up losing him forever.“Arthur,” I whisper, caging his cheeks with both of my hands and staring at his face.And to my absolute horror, his eyes start to roll back in his head.“Mrs. Ellis!” I yell, my voice cracking and shaking. “Mr. Ellis! Something is happening to Arthur. . . .”Levi’s parents immediately rush towards us and they both gasp when they see Arthur. But then he starts convulsing and sha
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Chapter 86
AryaWe fall silent for god knows how long. All I know is I’m just sitting there twisting my hands and waiting for Duke Basset to tell me the catch. He keeps opening and closing his mouth like he can’t figure out what to say, so I decide to turn around and face him.“How can I help?” I ask at last, leaning closer to Duke Basset and staring into his eyes. “What do you have in mind? Because I don’t know what to do.”He clears his throat. “Again, I just want to say that I like you for my son and I have no problems with you as a person. I think you’re a wonderful influence to him . . . but I would need you to spend some time apart.”I was expecting him to say something like that since he got here, but for some reason, hearing it unfold like that makes me feel sick. My heart drops and I have to gasp because my throat closes up and I feel like I’m going to pass out at any moment.Duke Basset watches me with a sad expression, but he didn’t make a move to comfort me. “I really am sorry, Arya.
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Chapter 87
LeviI can’t believe this.My parents are finally reinstating me as the Alpha.For a long time this is what I wanted. Hell, all my life all I wanted to be was the Alpha. I was eager to learn and eager to discover things and eager to take the title from my dad. It was all I ever wanted and all I ever hoped for, but when I lost it, ironically, was the moment I discovered that it’s not the only thing that life has to offer me.And I was happy. I really was and I still would have been if it weren’t for that surprise announcement that they just sprung out on me with no warnings whatsoever.To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I was straight up floored by the news. It’s only been a few weeks since I got demoted and I honestly expected them years to think about that.Honestly I didn’t want them to think about it at all. I was truly happy being a normal citizen in my own pack and I really want to keep it that way.But I do understand where my parents are coming from. They’re
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Chapter 88
Levi“Come here. Don’t panic.”Connor’s words are floating in my head. I feel weightless and almost nonexistent, just a speck of dust floating around and not really heading anywhere. I don’t know what to do and I don’t feel like doing anything but rush to where Arthur is and make sure he’s okay.Because none of that is my fault. I know it.I don’t want to ruin what could have been a great start with me and him and Arya. I don’t want him to take her far away from me and I don’t want her to think that I’m some kind of sick murderer who will do that to anyone.“Take me to the hospital,” I keep saying, but none of them are listening to me.The next events happen in a blur. Daniel and Connor help me up and support my weight as we walk, and then suddenly I just find myself in Connor’s house with his sister Lauren sitting me down on the sofa and checking my face.“What’s happening?” I ask absently. “Why am I here?”Lauren turns to her brother who hands her a small glass with green liquid ins
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Chapter 89
LeviThe offer that came out of his mouth stunned me to the core, to say the least. I look at Connor to see if he's serious and I realize that he is. He really thinks it's a good idea for me to run away with his sister and go build a life for us somewhere else.A part of me thinks that's a good idea. I actually feel my brain lighting up with ideas the moment he said that, but a bigger part of me thinks it's going to cause more trouble. Not only to me but to Lauren, who is innocent and pure and should never be dragged into things like this.Connor leans back and stares at me. "It's your choice, you know. I'm not forcing you on my sister and I'm not forcing her on you. I just saw the way you two interacted earlier and I thought there might be something there, especially since she got rejected by her mate too."My eyes go wide. "Seriously? Why? Is it someone I know?"He shakes his head, smiling slightly. "Well, because we're Omegas. No one wants to marry down. I guess. Even in the face o
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Chapter 90
Levi“NO!” Mom screams and tries to get in between me and the Royal Guards who all have an array of weapons. “Don’t take him. Please, don’t take my son. . . .”“There is no proof!” Dad yells too, wedging himself between me and the squad. He even dares to swat the muzzles of the guns like he’s just dealing with pesky flies. “Get those weapons away from here and get out of the pack! Do not wage a war with us because all of you will perish!”“Dad,” I say, scared for what he could get or what could happen to him if he continues with the threats. “Move away. Mom and Dad, please, just stay to the side and let me handle this.”As I lead all of them to a spot behind me, I heard the door opening, and out comes Connor and Laura. “What’s happening?” Connor asks, and I can hear the fear in his voice. “What’s going on?”“I’m being taken,” I say briefly. “Arya wishes to see me.”Lauren’s eyes widen. “But why would she ask them for a whole force? What’s wrong?”I swallow hard. I know the answer and
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