All Chapters of Forgotten Alpha: Reclaiming the Lycan Queen: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
154 Chapters
Chapter 61
AryaConfusion floods my chest to the point that I can hardly breathe. There are so many questions and doubts running through my mind and I don’t know what to think first. I want to take a pick from one of them and ask it, but for a long while, I don’t know what to say.I look Nancy who is just staring at me with a blank expression and I open my mouth to speak. Nothing comes out.Only when Nancy asks, “Are you okay?” do I snap into my senses and shake my head.“I just. . . .” I trail off and sigh. “Do you see something bad? I know you can sense my future and not really see clearly but . . . I just want to know if there is something bad in my way, and if you can sense it.”Nancy smiles as though to cover it up for a while, but then she lets out a long exhale. “I do see something, but if assurance is what you are looking for, I’m afraid I can’t give that to you.”My heart beats fast and for a second I consider just brushing it off, but then I decide to get it over with. If my fate is ba
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Chapter 62
AryaPain suddenly erupts in my head, as though a million entities are all in my ears, screaming for help.I stagger back and grab my temples, breathing hard and resisting the urge to curl up into a ball and cry until everything is gone.But then, when I look back at the door again, the figure isn’t there anymore.“Are you okay?” Daniel is standing right beside me, holding my hand and looking into my eye. “You suddenly stumbled back.”“I think I tripped on something,” I say, thankful that I’m quick on my feet when it comes to lying. “I was pretty clumsy. I think it’s because of this big gravel in the driveway.”He lets out a small laugh but he still looks worried. “It’s okay. Just hold onto my arm.”I obey him, surreptitiously looking around the area to find the shadow, but it seems that there is no longer any trace of it anywhere.What was that? Why was it here? Did it have something to do with the shadow or cloud thing that Nancy was telling me about?I turn to her and she looks lik
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Chapter 63
AryaThe loud explosion makes the whole house shake. The walls groan and the windows rattle. Some of framed pictures on the wall fall on the floor with a loud crash, making everyone in the room flinch.Mom screams and Dad rushes to her and keeps her in his arms as the whole house shakes and trembles. Both Nancy and I rise from our seats, looking at each other.For the first time since I met her, I see nothing but cool and clear determination in her eyes. She nods at me as though to signal what we should do, and for some reason I immediately know what she wants us to do.“No one moves,” I say. “But be on alert to shift or to hide.”“What’s happening?” Mom asks in a shaky voice. “What’s going on outside?”The first instinct is to leave, but something inside me is telling me that what’s waiting for us outside is more horrible. My senses are on overdrive and my feelings for protection are heightened to the point that everything feels like they’re expanding.“Don’t panic,” I instruct them.
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Chapter 64
AryaThings seem to be happening in slow motion, and it seems that there's nothing much I can do about it. Nothing I can do to stop it. Nothing at all.I see the Rogue charging at me with its teeth bared, its red eyes flashing with hate and malice. Its claw was outstretched, trying to get my face.And it would have successfully clawed my face off if it weren’t for Ivory taking over my body and using her sharp instincts to make me duck and kick.The impact is strong. Ivory did not hold back at all. In an instant, I see the Rogue flying into the air and landing on the ground with a thud and a crack. It whimpers, slowly shrinking into its human form while writhing on the ground.I rush to approach it but Ivory tells me, “No. That thing almost attacked you. Why are you trying to get near it? What are you trying to get out of this?”"I want to know who they are working for and who is trying to control them," I answer as I come close.But as soon as the female Rogue sees me coming towards h
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Chapter 65
Arya"What?" I splutter, and that is when I make the mistake of loosening the force I have on the Rogue's neck.He takes this as a chance to push my foot away and try to roll out of my way. But of course, my instincts kick in and I manage to grab him by the collar and push him back on the ground."What did you just say?" I demand, pushing him harder. "Tell me everything."The Rogue opens his mouth as though to say something, but the only thing that gets out of his lips is a small laugh.I admit. I'm not one to be easily thrown off but that makes me stumble over my own feelings. I came here knowing what's waiting for me and I didn't hesitate to do what I had to. All the other Rogues have left and I'm the only one standing here now. I know that I'm pretty much undeterred by anything at this point, but why am I suddenly nervous because of a small stupid smile?"Are you trying to mess with me?" I ask in a harsh voice, pushing his head down and trying to intimidate him, but hurting people
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Chapter 66
LeviThe moment I hear the screams, I knew something was up.I don't know why, but ever since I got demoted to being an Omega, my senses have been in overdrive. I know I've only spent a couple of days with them, but I feel like I'm learning a lot just by being in their shoes. It makes sense, because they're the ones who suffer from the hardships of our society, and they're basically the front liners for bad things.In the pack, the Omegas are the ones who take care of the chores and make sure that everything is orderly for everyone. I learned to clean and cook and look after young Werewolves that their parents can't focus on.It's been rough, but honestly, it doesn't feel like a punishment.And the fact that they were nothing but welcoming and understanding to me makes all the difference.That's why when the sudden chaos came, the first thing that came to my mind was saving the Omegas.I was in the libraries when I hear the explosion. It doesn't take me to come and look to figure that
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Chapter 67
Levi"Mister!" the little boy yells and rushes back to me. He touches my face and gives it hard pats. "Mister, are you okay?"I try to nod, but it's the only thing I can do to not lose my consciousness completely.My vision is spinning but I still see the kids looking at me with worry.I curse myself under my breath. I feel like such a weakling. I should be the one who's protecting them and guiding them to safety, and yet here I am feeling like I'm about to faint any time.I'm still standing by the doorway of the house and I'm grabbing onto the doorframe to keep myself upright.I don't think I've ever felt this way before.I've been into a lot of fights in my whole life, and I don't think I have ever come out of that condition helpless and weak like this. I have fought a hundred Rogues before and not once did I get an injury from them. This is the first time that someone had a lucky shot and did this damage.Speaking of damage, I don't know how much I'm actually hurt.With the two kid
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Chapter 68
AryaThe Rogue’s body starts to go slack as blood continues to flow out of her severed neck. I step back, my hands shaking as I stare at the whole scene in horror. My hands are shaking and I feel faint. Never in my life have I seen this amount of blood seeping through the grass, escaping from his neck like a small river. . . .I feel nauseous. My vision is swimming. My fingertips are cold.I know I came at him with the full intent of hurting him and making him learn his lesson. I know I was planning to get the truth from him no matter what the method is.But seeing him do that to himself just makes me feel like a monster.I know I didn’t do it myself. But I know it could have come to that.And I’m absolutely terrified at the fact that he was willing to end himself that easily just because he was getting close to telling me a secret.He was begging for his life just minutes ago.This means that whatever or whoever was making him do what he did is more dangerous than I thought.I swallo
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Chapter 69
Arthur“We need some assistance. The Dark Howl Pack has been attacked by Rogues.”These two sentences have been playing in my head for hours now as I drive from the kingdom to the pack. My heart is racing and I feel like I’m going to scream in anger any minute.I must admit that I’m not thinking straight anymore. All the images in my head all consist of Arya being in some sort of danger somewhere. I only had the time to inform her parents quickly and they sent me off to check on her. I had to tell them that I have to come alone, because they might just get into more trouble if they come with me.Also, the last thing I want is for them to see how angry I could be if someone I cared about is in danger.My hands tighten around the steering wheel as I speed through the roads. I see the arch that indicates the place of the pack, and my body clenches.There are guards standing outside trying to stop me, but I ignore all of them and just speed through.They try to chase after me, but I stomp
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Chapter 70
ArthurThe only thing that follows my announcement is silence, and I don’t know if I should be happy or not. At least at first.Arya smiles happily and puts a hand on my chest as though to stop me from saying any more. For a second I thought she’s angry, but she’s just smiling at her parents. “I’m sorry about that! We’re just . . . in love.”Mrs. Clarke and Mr. Clarke exchange glances in surprise, then they both smile and hug Arya and I.“I’m sorry!” Arya squeaks, but her mother just laughs it off as we break apart. “I know you would prefer it if I wait for marriage but--”“Oh, my dear, you can do whatever you want!” she says and looks at me. “As long of course as you promise to take care of her and love her forever. I have nothing to say.”Mr. Clarke holds us at arms length. “You two make a wonderful couple.”Arya looks up at me and kisses my cheek. “I’m so happy you approve of us.”Her parents just smile and beam and ask some basic things about me, all of which I answer. Soon enoug
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