All Chapters of One Luna, Three Hated Alphas: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
188 Chapters
Seventy One
NIKKI Days after my release, I stayed indoors to recuperate. Linda did everything she could for me, even those outside her scope of duties, she rendered so long as I was okay like she owed me an eternal debt Linda pleaded with me constantly that I don't miss the ceremony of the Alpha, I had argued that the affairs of this pack has nothing to do with destitute as myself, but she rebuked me and cautioned me otherwise. The rude secrets the wind blew along recently is a lot for me, way too much that I can fathom, and the ceremony? So much was said and identities were revealed, I was sick to the stomach.I stuff a polythene bag with my belongings, even though I came here with nothing. Though I’m happy for the gift of freedom and acceptance, it's time I went to my people, sky knows I weep silently every day knowing I may not see them again.“Hello, dear.” A familiar voice calls.I jolt, surprise that I have a visitor. Apparently, she has been here for like two minutes but I am too preocc
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Seventy Two
NIKKI Alpha Hunter has arranged for a carriage and a rider to convey Aaliyah, himself, and me to Wild Crest Pack. Beta Nicholas is well fed, being that it is his last supper and he would be strapped to the back of the carriage as we ride along.Trusting Aaliyah and her nasty cravings, she has packed a bag full of snacks, food, and drinks to sustain her for the journey back home. Against Aaliyah’s will, Alpha Hunter accompanied us.For me, it's a whole new feeling, as soon as we were relieved of the badge, my wolf roared within like it would burst out at the taste of freedom, long-lasting freedom. But it was too weak.The cool sensation of the wind makes fur creep on my skin, I am gradually shifting, and as enticing as it is, I fight it, knowing I will be left vulnerable as Aaliyah was.“Have some snacks.” Aaliyah offers me, having opened the backpack of food. "You need the energy.”"Not like she's going to till the soil.”"Hunter, don't be mean. She has to enjoy every bit of this jo
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Seventy Three
NIKKI I open my eyes, feeling exhausted, and somehow I'm lying on a huge and soft bed. The room is faintly bright and strange.His sculpted physique stands by the window, bare-chested. His hard muscles are alluring. When he turns to face me, I quickly shut my eyes as though I’m still asleep."You're awake.” His rich voice startles me.I tighten my lids, hoping it is a wild guess.“Nikki, you look beautiful when you sleep, I would remain here as long as they remain shut.”I sigh, aware he's caught me red-handed. My frail form spring up, sitting up in bed facing his hard mass, soft linen settling on my lap."You're half-naked,” I whisper, trying not to chew my lower lips in front of him.“And we're even.” He grins.I look down, to see a pair of big, firm, and luscious boobs bare and pink nipples that are peering at his hard muscles. Shit! I lift the bed sheet over my bosom, embarrassment washing away my pride. "You shifted before us all and collapsed. I brought you in here, there's n
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Seventy Four
NIKKI Last night, Aaliyah nor Alpha Hunter bothered to come see me, totally leaving me to the mercy of Chris.I can't make out the silly things they will be thinking of me, aware that my wolf shamelessly proclaimed Chris as its mate in public and since they returned, I've been locked in here with maids serving us food and water.We spent the whole of the night fucking on and on and on, and I gladly switched positions countless times.His eyes are now on me, exhausted from the marathon sex, I fold in his arms, cuddled up and we both lay fully naked, in the warmth of our wrapped bodies.“What next?” his voice is still rich in the dawn.“We travel back home after the ceremony.” Aaliyah and Chris thought it wise to prolong the ceremony till this morning, having that we arrived later than envisaged. He sighs. "You could stay longer, I’m capable of conveying my Luna to her pack. I will send for the carriage if you want it now and...”“Chris?” I chuckle. "We’ve been woven together like a
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Seventy Five
NIKKI Noise from afar grows louder, as they get ready for the ceremony. Chris requested to bathe me, he had my bath ready and asked that I relaxed. I step into the cosy bathtub, the scent of the flower soap appealing. “You’re nature’s best piece.” He admires my nude frame underneath the water. His hands do more of caressing and squeezing, than actually sponging my skin. "I knew you were up to no good when you asked to bathe me.”“What do you have in mind?” His eyes are on me as his fingers work their way to my bottom.I tremble, clapping his hand on my thighs and the warm water feeling cold in minutes, Goosebumps on my skin.“Relax.” He whispers.I don't trust him, but I obey without deliberation.He leans forward, covering the distance between us as he deep kisses me while messaging my sore cunt.Just what I needed, I moan.“Your moan is like music to my ears, you will make me do what you imagined earlier.”"What?" I indulge his evil."This..." He rubs the orifice of my vagina, g
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Seventy Six
AALIYAH The ride back home is quiet, I rest my head on the bosom of Hunter, my face is gloomy and Hunter lets me be, allowing me to open up at my own pace.The face of Shelly and her voice, the shock she experienced, her papa’s blood on her and her young. Tears sting my eyes, the trauma haunting me.Fair enough, my papa was beheaded, but I never get to see him or taste his blood not have his blood spattered on my baby's face. I imagine the pain she must be going through and I weep aloud.“Aaliyah, you can't cry all day, you didn't do wrong.” He pats my shoulder."No one is without blemish, I could have overruled it, at least on her behalf...”"Not everything is in black and white, there are rules you can't tweak...”"Then maybe Hector’s head should be underneath the earth and Hudson’s and yours!” I sit up, freeing my head from his bosom."We were ignorant and stupid, we're not the traitors, that's what makes us different .”"And you all killed and crumbled a peaceful pack, you all we
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Seventy Seven
AALIYAHSince last night, I've been having this excruciating pain that consumes my being from the inside, as though it would snap me open from the inside out. It's stronger than the regular pain of depleted energy, and annoyingly different. Hunter couldn't sleep, he spent the whole of the night giving me head-to-toe massages and tummy rubs and filling my energy, what scared him the most is the spike in my temperature, I’m running a high-grade fever.“The physician is almost here, honey. We should go to the waiting room.”"Take me to the theatre.” My breath is slow and hard as I constantly inhale deeply."He needs to examine you and...”“I’m in labour.” I affirm.His expression is a mix of strong emotions; confusion and bliss and every other blend of anxiety. I've never seen a woman give birth, my mama never lived to give me a sibling, nor was I decent enough to watch the midwives assist women in distress, and knowing that I’m in labour is only but natural. "No matter what Hunter, do
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Seventy Eight
AALIYAHI’m addicted to the thrill.Ever since I informed the three alphas of my slutty game of four that I willed to be played again and their buzzing acceptance, it has been the only thing on my mind. And the day is now before me, my adrenaline rush is unmatched, serving me up for mild destruction.I soak my thick body in the bathtub with warm scented water, doing my scrubbing and massaging to my taste, knowing the triple alphas love their meals neat and smooth.Having finished with my bath, I step out and dry myself, then walk out fully nude into the bedroom. Baby Hendrix lays quiet and wide-eyed on my bed, he's my most obsessed gift from the moon. Initially, I could only imagine the tip of obsession my papa possessed of me, but having birthed my mini, it becomes relatable every damn day.I pick him up in my arms, rocking him gently, kissing and nuzzling his soft fair frame. His smile is contagious, the prettiest little thing the earth has seen, a perfect combo of his mama and pap
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Seventy Nine
SHELLY His coarse hands guarded my delicate frame as I sat on his lap and laid on his firm bosom, I was young, fourteen years old to be precise, and as proud as I was to be my papa’s daughter, I would jump on him whenever he came back from work. He would get me sweets and chocolates and every damn thing a child craved for. To be honest, I was the dream girl my peers wanted to be like and I never seized to rub it in their faces... I wish I still can.My mama was always away, either to pick food items or go visit a friend or just take a stroll, but barely was she ever at home. My papa was the only one that gave me due attention and spoilt me like the princess I was, hence I was completely vulnerable with him, not like anyone expected different from a fourteen-year-old.Tenderly, he stroked my hair and whispered nice words to me. I smiled, lost in my fantasies of having Wild Crest Pack's most loving papa. When I was with Aaliyah, it was papa this and hardly mama that, to be fair, I abu
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SHELLY.The cry of Petian, my baby girl jerks me into reality, apparently she is wide awake and not getting the attention of her mama, hence she takes to crying. “Shh,” I whisper, trying to get her to be quiet. She is a young mirror image of myself; tender and beautiful and weak. Her eyes are the colour of my pathetic lover, pale straw, large and adorable. I never wanted a child and I still don’t, the moon has a way of distorting my wishes and shoving her will down my throat. I longed to breathe and be free and never worry about anyone or anything but myself... Selfish and I don't care.And even though my perception about having babies that can't defend themselves and are nothing but liabilities, I’m never walking out of her life, nor my unborn and probably the next and the one after. I may not be giving her the life she deserves but certainly, I will protect her with the last fibre of my being. Eventually, when I’m gone, what next? The question sickens me to the marrow. Just mayb
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