All Chapters of One Luna, Three Hated Alphas: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
188 Chapters
Ninety One
SHELLY Like a creepy night owl, my mystery lover pays me a visit. He is almost huge as his frame hovers close to the top of my door, the tight shirt he's wearing does a perfect job of accentuating the hard curves of his abs and biceps. He's cladded in tight pants and long sleeve shirt, with no bare flesh left for the eyes of anyone that wills to pry. And overall he is thoroughly covered by his hoodie that has a cap attached to the neck area and with a mask to kiss the perfection. He's mine and mine alone to discover and explore. “You sounded urgent, what's the matter? Is Petian okay? And your little one kicking alright...” “Our little one.” I correct with a scoff. Is he ever going to bring me to light or leave me to get lost underneath the shadow and drown in my darkness and want?He shuts the door, not minding my interruption and then he sighs. It's ridiculous no doubt, but I’m as weak as a leaf, putting up a fight is useless as one can imagine. Getting my hopes dashed pricks
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Ninety Two
SHELLY.A day before my departure, my mystery lover had brought a lot of supplies to last me for a lifetime, and then extra money to chatter a carriage. Even though he could have taken me himself and I would have loved it that way if he did take us himself, he didn't, because we're obviously just relevant to him at night and not worth being seen with him during the day.I deserved the supplies, the money, and even more, public display of affection that we never showed, true love confessions that he never said, sacrifices he would never make, and much more, but he won't be all of that and I’m past it, a little too old to sulk, so I would chin up like I was born for it, for the hard life.I had packed my belongings not all of them, I wasn't going to be at Scorpio Villa forever, and not like I am abandoning my home in Wild Crest Pack, it was the only home I knew while growing up. I just wanted to find a grip and let go of my regret and hurt and revenge. Put an end to this shitty grief p
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Ninety Three
SHELLY.By the time I arrive at Scorpio Villa, it is almost dark. The sun slowly descends towards the horizon, casting its warm golden hues across the community. It is oddly larger than I envisaged, for a community of like-minded rogues, it is so much to take in.Petian is strapped to my back, and my bag is in my hands as I hurry along before dusk settles fully. No one seems to notice me, for someone they've never seen, it's not strange. I double my pace, with no particular place in mind. My eyes scan through the sea of heads and signpost in search of an inn. “Hello,” I try to stop a woman in her late fifties. She looks at me with flat emotions, not recognising the face she begins her journey before I could say another word. I hiss, exhausted from the long distance I had travelled. There is no more will to continue, so I go underneath a canopy of trees to relax for a bit.If I were to be honest, the community isn't bad looking. The view is marvellous, with neat roads and well spac
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Ninety Four
HECTOR “What have you got?” I inquire of the guard that came to me with a box. “It was sent from Alpha Chris and Lady Shelly of Wild Crest Pack.” He nears me with the box. "Very well then, you may leave it there,” I pointed to a corner. "And is that all?”"Yes, Alpha.” "You may take your leave in the absence of nothing else.”He turns and leaves. I last saw Lady Shelly last month, but it felt like ages. She was so refined, brand new is the word, and when she came, she had been all over baby Hendrix like he would vanish in minutes. Nor was Aaliyah ready to let her go. She had somehow persuaded her to stay for an extra week before Lady Shelly got bundled in another carriage and over to Wild Crest Pack. So cheesy, but it made me like Alpha Chris more, such a man of action. He has blood coursing through his veins, I would do the same if Aaliyah as much as spends days away from our home. When Lady Shelly left, it was like a part of Aaliyah left too. She had ranted nonstop about how
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Ninety Five
AALIYAH“Hey, big boy.” I scoop baby Hendrix from his crib and into my bosom. He keeps blooming like spring flowers daily, so adorable and cute, I could just sit and watch him smile at me for a whole year.He smiles, and makes his usual cooing sound, popping saliva on me as he tries to play with me.His presence in my life unlocked a part of me that I never thought existed, the calm, loving and attentive part.Whenever I start to nag and suddenly go soft when I’m dealing with baby Hendrix, Hunter and his two other papas get jealous.I find their been jealous of their own child utterly ridiculous and I don't seize to give my baby all of my attention, and intentionally ignore all three of them so I could watch them sulk the more.Daily, I thank the moon for the most precious gift, it's safe to say I’m crazy about my mini wolf because I’m living up to it. And I most of all wish my papa is alive to see his princess’ mini alpha. Tears sting my eyes and I wipe them off, aware it's all for t
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Ninety Six
HECTOR“Hey, Liyah Bunnie.” I tease her after opening the door and as usual without knocking.She frowns at me before making her baby bun face.“That's more like it.” I blow her a kiss, before entering her room and shut the door afterward."You do need to start knocking, very soon baby Hendrix will be all over, and picking up your bad characters, easily." She starts removing items from her lap and places them on the bedside table.I laugh so hard and it feels like my lungs would explode. "Jeez, easy.”She stands up gently walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist. "Or you think he will remain a baby forever?”"For a minute, it never occurred to me that he is already a grown-ass man.”"Stop it." She hits me with her flexed elbow. "I want you to tell me how much you missed me, baby Hendrix’s papa.”"What? Nah, that sounds archaic.” I frown, thinking through the names coming up in my head."What? He's still a baby...”"Why do you call him baby and me papa? Something like honey or
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Ninety Seven
HUDSON “Jeez! Hudson, what are you doing?” Hector’s voice breaks through the silence like a piece of thin ice. His eyes are wide, and his pace doubles, ready to jump on me. I stop to take a closer look at his face, and then back at the box I was ransacking that is suspended on top of a table. “What?” I ask and stuff my mouth with oats and milk that was dried in the form of crackers. “Do you know who those are for?” "If not you, who else?”"Thank the stars you acknowledged they're mine. You came into my room unannounced, and dug into an item without knowing how it came by?”"Oh, pardon my manners. How did it come by?”"Are you serious?"“What's the fuss about?” The door opens and Hunter joins in on our conversation. I take another mouthful of the dried oat and milk. "It's Hector, he's making a mountain out of a molehill.” I struggle to say, crumbs of the crushed oat and milk spilling from the sides of my mouth. "You're still spewing shit?” Hector jumps on me, landing me on the b
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Ninety Eight
SHELLY “Just a minute, please.” I scream in the direction of the door and at the person on the opposite side of it. “Take your time.” She replies calmly. I've heard a whole lot of voices in this short visit and I've gotten it all jumbled up. Being greeted by a bunch of strangers has its own downside. But it's sort of familiar, it's calm and soothing, even though I still can't place it after critical thinking. “Hey, Lady Agnes.” I open the door to the smiling face of Lord Asher's partner. I was right with the hunch after all. She is quite aged and yet exceptionally beautiful which made it more sneaky to guess her age, not even the range. She is the kind of lady that makes you hiss at nature for being any different and not her clone. "Welcome, to my...your place.” I'm swift to correct, not sure how to relate to her yet, regardless of her kindness and jovial nature. "That's gibberish, darling. It's your place so long as you remain beneath its roof. And you're welcome for the appre
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Ninety Nine
SHELLY.“Be still, darling. Moon goddess knows why.” Agnes tries to console me, her eyes are dull, and she too lacks the proper words to pacify my broken soul. “Sure.” I sniffle, quite pissed at the statement. "But I too want to know why, why lots of things have been happening to me, as innocent and humble and...and honest...” I break down in tears, sniffing all the way through. Long weeks after she last visited, I got hit by strong and painful conversations. It wasn't up to term, not exactly complete so I second-guessed it. But it wouldn't go away. The nonstop kick in my abdominal area intensifies and then it got stronger and stronger, with each duration longer than the previous and the time occurrence shorter. It didn't take long to know that it was labour signs and my baby would be part of us in a few hours.Having had Petian with just the help of a lady and in my lover’s absence, I did awesomely, this was my second and shouldn't pose much worry, or so I thought. A fine blend o
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SHELLY I remain standing by the door after there isn't any response to my knock. It's a bit noisy, and I'm sure they're probably inside busy with their lives, not expecting any jobless visitors. I adjust Petian on my hip, spreading her weight evenly as I towards the side I lay her for support. My postpartum body is still robust, an evidence that it housed a baby, makes it hard to withstand too much weight, and chubby Petian isn't helping. I knock again, this time louder than the previous, and as usual, I wait for a response.“It had better be a good one, or lose your goddamn fingers.” A croaked voice cuss. I stay put, not frightened by his threat. Even though this household is renowned for their notoriety in the whole of Scorpio Villa, they've been nothing but sweet to me, the daughter of their late saint, Beta Nicholas. "Hey, dear.” The face behind the angry voice surfaces, Lord Asher. He blossoms with a smile on seeing me and he's holding a cigar.“Good day, Lord Asher.” I gree
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