All Chapters of One Luna, Three Hated Alphas: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
188 Chapters
Eighty One
SHELLY My mama was away, her usual daily escape from her mate and her suddenly withdrawn daughter. I blamed her every single day, had she not mated a lunatic just maybe I won't be roped in this misery and the moon, it sucks like hell. Once upon a time, I admonished it daily for such a lovely papa, and I wish I could take it all back. I wore my favourite pink gown and sneaked out for an evening stroll I had accustomed myself to, a pretty getaway from the greedy monster that defiled me every damn time my mama was away. For more than thirty minutes, I roamed the quiet and lonely street in search of momentary liberty and peace and wishing there is no insane monster out there.The night sky is out, urging me to return home even though it was no different from the unsafe street. Noises from creeping insects and birds made goosebumps grow on my skin, itching me underneath my garment. I stopped and turned around, exhausted from the whole mess, I dragged my feet as I walked back home. A
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Eighty Two
SHELLY “Get your fucking hands off Fallon.” I screamed at Aaliyah, the same age as I was, who was playing with Fallon’s fur.“Moon, Shelly! Language. You're way too aggressive for a fourteen-year-old.” My mama who was surprised at my outburst, spilled. "Plus it's just some sick cat.” Little Aaliyah defended herself, getting more on my nerves "We all know the sick one here." I moved furiously in her direction, my cheeks all swollen and it was minutes away from exploding like a balloon with excess pressure.“She is your best friend, Shelly. Be nice.”"She is not." I rebuked and when I got to where she sat with Fallon on her lap, I shoved her hands aside."Shelly, but she is your papa’s best friend's daughter, Aaliyah.”"Those are two different things.” I finally carried Fallon in my arms, pressed him onto my face to smell him, and reassure him I was there to protect him."Moon knows I will slit that cat’s throat if you get grumpy and scary. What are you becoming? Nike, Nicholas! What
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Eighty Three
SHELLY “What were you thinking?” his hoarse voice inquired, angry eyes glaring at me as he made his way into my room uninvited and gave the door a loud bang.I didn't respond, rather I swallowed hard, greasing my parched throat. I had offended him by wanting to tell my mama, maybe I overreacted, and of the truth I demanded some slack.“Answer me.” His thunderous voice yelled and made me shiver. "You don't get to order me around. I have nothing to say to you, shut the door behind you.”He scoffed and rubbed his chin. "You want to act mature? I've got the best medicine.” He continued approaching me.I trembled, but I kept myself in check to not loose an already won battle. "I know nothing of what you speak...PAPA." I threw shades at him. He should bury his head in shame. Pathetic.“Your little smart mouth, you almost told your mama about us.” He rephrased, putting it to my dumb skull. "This, you mean?... there is no 'us’, you're obviously abusing your position and I’m just your vict
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Eighty Four
SHELLY He left me for days and gave me space to heal from the bruises his callous hands caused and the pain his cursed body inflicted. I didn't go out of my room, didn't open for the maid to come in or my mama. My mama was worried, but I wasn't bothered. If papa was right, it was all a waste of pity. So I would sneak into the kitchen at night and stock up my room with supplies for Fallon and me.My scheme was going perfectly, and so when he came back I didn't let him in, for the first time and then the second until the third, still I refused. He wouldn't pull down the door, so I thought until he had banged nonstop and the hinges looked like it would give way.Well, that was the closest he could get to me, never was I going to open the door out of fear, not for my mama nor anyone. My supplies were out, water and snack to be precise, so I opened the door and surveyed the area before I brought out a toe. Normally, my mama would be out visiting like she doesn't own a home and my papa w
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Eighty Five
NIKKI Before me is the glittering mirror image of myself as I sit opposite it to lay my hair and wipe my makeup off for the day. I apply some deodorant on specific places, ready to retire for the day as beautifully as I started it.The door opens and Chris walks in, then gently shuts it afterwards. He comes closer, wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Hey honey, you smell amazing.” He rests his chin on my hair, savouring the scent of my perfume."Hey dude, don't mess with my hair. I put so much work in there and yeah, thanks.” I make a jest, sniffing his masculine scent that I’m obsessed with and literally all of him. And then he buries his nose in it and nuzzles it like a pig, ruining it totally, sending us both into one hell of laughter. Skies!"Stop, would you." I spank him on his arm. "You surely know how to piss me off.”“If it lubricates you, I would do it over and over again.” We glare into each other's eyes in the mirror.I shift my gaze, not wanting to engage him furt
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Eighty Six
NIKKI The main hall is rowdy as workers assemble the various items I had instructed them to put together. After numerous surveys and keen observations, Chris and I decided to disperse the basic; food supplies and first aid to every member of Wild Crest Pack.Splendid! That was his exact reaction when I brought it up as a suggestion. Why didn't we think about this? He had questioned and so he had left me in charge of the purchasing and distribution."Bring that over here." I order a maid as she packs up one of the mini bags. "Put it in there...something is missing, don't you think?” I demand of her and she bows her head as though I’m a monster.“Hey, young lady I don't bite, figuratively speaking. What's the worst that can happen? I debunk your idea, okay?” I prompt her. "So?”"Streaks and the painkillers and lamps.” She murmurs.I pause to process her ideas. "Great. That was helpful, I could have forgotten.” I pull out a small note from my pocket and scribble on it. "Thanks.” She d
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Eighty Seven
SHELLY “I desire to be left alone.” I whispered when the door opened with my mama peering inside. "Please...” I added."Shelly, dear.” She says calmly, stepping in and defiling my desire."No, please stop. At least leave me alone, if papa can't hear my plea, you should be different.”"Listen..." she began. "Please!" I yell out in frustration, almost bringing down the roof with it. "Just go away, go anywhere but here.”"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you...”"You shouldn’t be, now can you please leave me alone.”She came closer and sat on the edge of my bed and I adjusted further in, not wanting to be close to her."I didn't know what else to do, I tried my best.”"Not true. You should have done more. Hit him harder...hurt him further...but you just...” I pause to sniff and wipe the tears rolling freely down my chin. "you just sat there and...and...” I point at the exact spot”...and watched.” My voice gave way. "Shelly, mama...”"I get it, I expected more, maybe calling on you wa
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Eighty Eight
SHELLY “Wow! What could be more amazing, than a visit from the queen herself.” Aaliyah mocked once she opened the door. She shuts it and walked to where I sat on the edge of her bed. "Don't be ridiculous.” I managed to speak, considering how badly behaved I was in the past week and how much it was ruining our friendship. "Now I’m being ridiculous. How convenient.” When she finally got to where I sat, she stood in my view. "When my papa told me you came to visit and is waiting in my room, I swear I almost thought he saw wrong, or maybe he had hit his head somewhere.”I deserved all she said to me, and I can't fault her, if I were her I may do even worse. "Why would you?" I questioned, though aware of the answer. "Why would I? For someone who's not your 'friend,’ it's suffocating and irritating to meet her in your room and on your bed.” She made an expression with her fingers.“You’re my friend dummy, my best friend at that.”"Apparently, you told your mama otherwise, like I was so
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Eighty Nine
NIKKI.All of the gifts were ready for the go, and are carefully stuffed in a carriage. Chris had made arrangements for another carriage to convey us conveniently as we disburse all of what I intended to give away. He had also insisted on coming, as a source of emotional support despite my turning down his demand. "All set?" His firm tone inquires of the servants. “Yes, Alpha.” They chorus. “Look at you, looking all gorgeous, are you sure it's the same function we talked about last night?”"Don't get started.” I bluff, my cheeks heating up from his praises. I walk past him and to the door, ignoring his incessant praises. I get to the carriage and get in. The rider is ready, while we both wait for Chris, who at this point is our 'go’ button. When he arrives, we begin the journey almost immediately. The two windows are open to enable us to stop at strategic places and offer our gifts to different households, our carriage in front and the other behind, as we take the lead. Cries a
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CHRIS. In the private room that was solely for meetings between the pack’s Alpha and authorized persons, I sit on the stool at the centre, waiting for the council elders and curious as to the urgency of their meeting. The door opens and four men that are in their late forties walk in, they're the selected members of the council, preferably called the elders. One of them, Ethan, I had specifically chosen as my Beta for the indispensable qualities he has shown us over time. While I can't brag about his physical strength, he is the man for the job regardless. His values align with mine and that of the pack, a loyal follower and a defender of the figurehead and his attention to the slightest of details is top-notch. “Good day, Alpha Chris.” Beta Ethan begins. "Hope you're free to hold this meeting? I apologize for not informing you earlier, it came as impromptu.”"That's not a problem, besides I have plenty of time to spare. What is the state of things in the pack? Hope we're not unde
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