All Chapters of Future Alpha Nix? (Book 3 -Azure Moon Series): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Chapter 11
Council Member Ethan’s POV I couldn’t believe what was unfolding in front of me. The former Alpha abused his authority to banish his son’s girlfriend. So that his son had a better chance of finding his fated mate, he had free will to choose who he wants as his mate. I nearly choked on thin air when he said Natalia’s original surname was ‘Mene’. Does he not know anything, Mene? As in the Moon Goddess is also known as Mene. He is obviously not an intelligent man if he didn’t know that! I dread to think about what the other Council Members will think. I already know he is an arsehole. But when he referred to his granddaughter as a cripple, I couldn’t believe he was ever an Alpha. Alpha Vance was on the brink of killing him. But when Reed yelled, “Get everyone out.” I realized it was Nix I had to be concerned about. He was losing control. “Out” I yelled, joining Reed in his need to get everyone out of the vicinity. “Get them all out.” I saw what Nix did to the protective deta
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Chapter 12
Nix’s POV Melissa is carried in by her father. He places her gently on a chair. But she stands up straight away and uses the furniture to make her way over to me. She hugs me, telling me how grateful she is that I am okay. She has just met me, but I appreciate her loving gesture. A girl pushes a boy through the door in a wheelchair. They have similar features. I guess they are siblings. She looks to be of a similar age to me, but it’s difficult to age the boy. She places him at the table and puts a backpack I front of him. “I’ll be back soon,” she tells him. “Hey Christina, do you want some food?” The Luna shouts as she is leaving. The girl stops, “I will, when I get back. There is something I need to do before dark.” “Okay, but don’t do anything stupid.” “Me. stupid, as if?” she says, smiling before she leaves. Luna then approaches the boy. “How is she today?” She asks him. “It wasn’t too bad today, to be honest, Luna. She appears to have made
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Chapter 13
Alpha Vance’s POV I have a son, a son. From a woman I loved a long time ago, a woman who should have been my Luna. I love Stella, I really do, but my life would have been so different if Natalia had stayed. I don’t know how it would have worked out with Stella being her best friend and my mate. But Natalia was my chosen love. I don’t know how she got pregnant. My father was wrong about his decision to banish her. He will forever live with those consequences. But he was right about pregnancies outside of fated mates. They are practically impossible. Nix must be a blessing from the goddess. I sat at a table with Stella, Reed and Nix. He looks to be such a healthy man. It would be wrong to refer to him as a boy. He is as big and as broad as I am. We just sat there in silence, no one knowing what to say. “Eventful day?” Reed says, finally says, breaking the ice. I took a deep breath. “Look, Nix, you have lived a life without us. We have lived a life without you. We
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Chapter 14
Council Member Ethan’s POV I can’t believe I had to accompany this idiot to the hospital. He will be banished from this pack tomorrow. The only reason they have not banished him already is that I need him to come back to the Wolf Council with me once he has healed. That is, if his wolf can heal him. Nix hurt him badly. Apparently, a person’s eyes and ears bleeding only occurs when there is a change of pressure within the skull. It stumped the doctors, as they have never seen or heard of this occurring in a wolf kingdom. In the human world, yes. But not in the wolf world. I need to know all the details about Natalia Mene. I know she was adopted into the Bird family, but her adoptive parents are dead. Roger is the only one that may have answers. Even snippets of information can be informative. After the Wolf Council has finished with him, I don’t know what they will decide to do with him. I know the Red Moon Pack takes rogues in, but Alpha Isaac is very specific about the r
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Chapter 15
Nix’s POV We arrived at the pack high school. Melissa is helped out of Stella’s SUV and into a wheelchair. Christina is waiting outside for her. “See you tonight, Christina.” Stella says to her. Christina gave her a weak smile. I don’t know Christina, but she seems unhappy about something. I follow them as Christina navigates Melissa’s wheelchair around the school. She takes her to a classroom where Dylan is sitting, studying. I think he is a bookworm wrapped up in geek’s clothing. Christina offers to take me to the office on her way to her locker. I needed to enroll anyway, so I accepted her offer. “You okay?” I asked her. “I would be if these idiots would leave me alone.” She says angrily. “How can they have pissed you off before the first bell?” She looks at me and laughs. “Follow me.” She turns and walks in the opposite direction. I don’t know where we were going. But when we got there, I saw what had upset her. Someone had written all over the outside of her lo
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Chapter 16
Alpha Vance’s POV “Why aren’t there any cameras in that school?” Stella was yelling while pacing the length of the house. She is seriously angry and so am I. “That is a deliberate attempt to harm the future Luna of this pack. I want answers.” She demands. Nix walks in and sits at the table, watching Stella let off some steam. “You know it may not have been aimed at Melissa.” Nix says. Stella stops pacing and stares at him. “There are two students in the school who use that bathroom. You said yesterday Dylan is always with Melissa.” I realized what he was saying. “Dylan, it could have easily been Dylan who got hurt today.” Colt, my Beta and his son walk in, as Stella is yelling, “Anyone wanting to hurt either of those kids should be ashamed of themselves. Don’t they struggle enough?” She stomps off to Melissa’s bedroom, where I know Melissa is. I looked at Colt. “Anything?” I asked him. “Nothing,” he responded, shaking his head. “No one has seen anything. Nothing is
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Chapter 17
Nix’s POV I woke up that morning with a fresh perspective. I will no longer grieve because she is gone. I am going to grieve because I loved her so much. She would be upset that a happy memory made me so sad. I need to smile at the happy times and the happy memories I have. I need to move forward with life and enjoy the memories she has left me with. The house is so quiet when I walk downstairs, but it probably is early for most people here. I walked out to the annex, which was unlocked. Inside there is a large living area, with a small kitchen area in the corner. 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. More than I need, but I will take it. It is the best offer I am going to get to be honest, and what other choices do I really have? There is everything there to get the rooms painted in neutral colors. So, I got started cleaning the rooms, before I started painting. I must have been painting for hours when a bunch of men turned up, ready to do the job I had nearly finished. It’s not a g
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Chapter 18
Nix’s POV “This is Jen.” Christina tells me, looking at the hawk that has just landed on her arm and eating the mouse she is holding. I walk over and stroke its head while it’s eating. A bird of prey, it’s so hard to believe. I have never been this close to one before. They are amazing creatures and from this close, I can see its killer claws and beak. Fortunately, I am not in the way of its food. “I found her a few months ago. She couldn’t fly or catch food, she was starving to death. I fed and cared for her. She was scared of me at first. It took time and patience until she trusted me. Now she is back to full health and doesn’t want to leave me.” I just looked at her. Maybe that’s what Christina needs as well. Time and patience. But she gets neither in this pack nor at home being Dylan’s full-time carer. We sat and had the picnic Stella prepared, Jen flying round overhead. I opened up and unloaded on her. I told her about my life at Blackwood Farm, where I grew up, about
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Chapter 19
Nix’s POV I got up early the next morning. I can’t believe how lazy I am getting lately. It is ridiculous how unproductive my mornings are becoming. As Christina and Dylan are still sleeping, I decide to go for a walk in to town. Explore a little of my new home town a little. It must be around 7am when I see anyone, or should I say hear anyone. I wandered over to the sound of yelling. When I find the source of the noises, I find myself standing in the middle of a huge arena-style field. The men and women segregated. Each gender appears to have their own training session on the go. I see Stella leading the group of women. She sees me and comes running over. “Morning Nix. Fancy joining us?” “Nah, I don’t know how to fight.” I told her. I only had a little training when I stayed with the Wolf Council. Even then, I spent more time on my butt than on my feet. “Fortunate for you then, Nix. We train every pack member in this pack to fight from a young age.” She calls a guy ov
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Chapter 20
Nix’s Pov After training with Colin, I went back to my annex. Christina and Dylan weren’t there, so I went to see Melissa, which was where I found them all having breakfast. It just looked like one big family gathering. I went over and joined in. We all eventually went with Dylan and Christina to their house to see the new modifications. I rode with Dylan and Christina while Melissa went with her parents. The workers were still at the house when we got there. Vance and Stella went and spoke with them, after which they left. Christina pushed Dylan up the new ramp and into the house. It was like a completely different house compared to the one I saw yesterday. There was a front door for starters and stairs. I carried on pushing Dylan through the house, his hand pressed against the walls as we went along. “The workers worked all night. They never knew you needed help. They have been right through the house and fixed as much as they could in the time they had. The cupboards are
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