All Chapters of Future Alpha Nix? (Book 3 -Azure Moon Series): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41
Christina’s POV Quinn has only been in my life for a few hours and she has blocked me out several times. I know she is doing it to stop me from seeing what she is doing. But I am also worried about what she is doing. Especially when there is a taste of copper lingering in my mouth. I know that there won’t be there for a good reason. Seeing as she promised, she would make the rogues pay. When she asked me if I wanted to go home, I simply told her I couldn’t. I couldn’t face my life without Dylan. Not in our house, not with all of his memories and belongings there. All those daily reminders of what I had lost. That he is gone forever. There was no coming back from a fall like that. This is our birthday. We should be celebrating together, celebrating our birth and receiving our wolves together. Not me being alone mourning his death. Grieving because I will never again get to hear him tell me some stupid facts that he has learned about. Or waking him up and him giving me a go
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Chapter 42
Christina’s POV Waking up the next morning, I felt awful. I had a banging headache and the light hurt my eyes. Looking at myself in the mirror, I had a red face and big puffy eyes. “Crying about him won’t bring him back.” Quinn tells me. “I know. It just hurts to know I will never see him again.” Walking down the stairs, I realized I could stay there for a while. Being alone may help me process what happened. I know I would have to integrate with a pack, eventually. But right now, being alone may be beneficial. I borrowed some clothes from Nix’s room. They are horrible and huge. I had to put knots on the t-shirt and turn the trousers into shorts. But I am desperate and have no choice. Other than using his mom’s clothes. I know that would upset Nix knowing I was touching her belongings, so I would rather not. I start the taps running to get a drink of water. It's possible I'm getting a headache because of dehydration. I’ve been crying a lot recently. But the water
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Chapter 43
Caren’s POV I don’t know how I ended up in Blackwood. Deana has been in charge for a while. When she finally allows me to take over our body again. I find myself looking at the entrance to a road. The sign read ‘Blackwood Farm.’ I take a few seconds to remember where I have heard the name before. This was Nix’s home before he went to the Mountain Creek Pack. Someone probably lives here already. “Someone does live here. Can you not smell it?” Deana tells me. I take a big whiff and I know what she is sensing; a wolf’s scent. I don’t feel too embarrassed now that I am naked standing on the porch of the farmhouse. I stand there and process my life. I knocked lightly on the door. While I wait for someone to answer, I process the extent of my situation. I was rejected and will forever be alone, never to have true love, never to have kids. A love that should last my entire life, a soul mate that was destined to be with me forever, a man to call my own. I cried. What have I done wron
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Chapter 44
Nix’s POV I never want to let her go now that I have found her. But I have been holding onto her for too long and it is becoming awkward. “Is this where you have been all of this time? Why didn’t you get in touch? We have all missed you.” I told her all in one breath before pulling her in for another hug. I let her go this time after a few seconds. “I just couldn’t cope after Dylan’s death. I still struggle. But I am getting better.” she says while tears run down her face. Oh, my goddess, she doesn’t know. How would she know? She disappeared. Do I tell her? Or do I show her? That would be too mean. What if I tell her and she doesn’t believe me? She will hate me forever. What if I tell her and she runs off? No, I have to show her. I have to get her back home by any means necessary, even if I have to lie. It is in her best interest to get her home. “Melissa has really missed you. She was so upset when you both disappeared.” “I was too upset to return. I could
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Chapter 45
Christina’s POV I thought he was taking me to the pack house. Now he is telling me I have to go to the cliffs for closure? He must be having a laugh? There is one reason and one reason alone why I would go there and I have been supported through those dark times! “Melissa is there. She needs to know what happened. She was completely in love with Dylan. She has the right to know what happened.” I hate him throwing Melissa in my face. He has done it several times. It is a good job I love her, otherwise I wouldn’t have come back to this pack at all. We walked up to the cliffs. I can hear Jen. Her screeches make me smile. I have forgotten how happy she made me over the last year. She is a vicious killer. But she protected me like a friend. Even on THAT night. I don’t see Melissa anywhere, but there is a man standing on the cliff edge. He is tall, even from this distance I can tell he is tall. But no Melissa. I kept on walking, searching for her. I will kill N
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Chapter 46
Nix’s POV We all walked back to the pack house together. I can arrange for my SUV to be picked up later. Walking back, I can’t help but feel happy and thankful to have this group of people around me. Thankful that I have found Christina. I find it a strange co-incidence that Caren ended up in the same place as Christina at the same time. I must have only just missed her. I am still concerned about Caren. But I wouldn’t know where to look. Where is her sister and her mate? What about Parker? Something is not right. But there is nothing I can do right now. When we get to the pack house, we go straight for the kitchen. I can smell food cooking and it smells good. “Hi Nix. Welcome hom....” Stella says. She drops what she is holding when Christina walks through the door. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought home a guest home with me.” I know she won’t mind. Stella’s eyes glaze over for a split second and she walks over to Christina and just holds her. “Stupid is defi
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Chapter 47
Nix’s POV I could tell instantly when I glanced at my friend that something was wrong. He didn’t have a smile on his face and when he stood, his clothes looked baggy. He also stank. It hurt to see him this way. He was so good to me and I am looking at him now. I wouldn’t have believed he was the same man. He lowered himself to the floor, brought his knees up to his chest and cried. I probably appeared unsympathetic when I went and got him a glass of water. But he drank all of it when I handed it to him. “What’s happened?” I finally asked him. He sniffled before wiping his face on his jumper. “I found her. I found her, Nix. I found my soul mate. My mate.” He started crying again. He found her? Did she die or something? What is wrong with him? He should be celebrating. With her not crying on my floor like a child. “Congratulations.” His head snaps in my direction before he breaks down again. Seriously, what has happened to his mate? “Nix, I did the stupide
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Chapter 48
Council Member Ethan’s POV I am getting a little concerned about Reed. I haven’t heard from him for a while. Normally, he will check in every few days, even if it is one of those stupid emoji signs I don’t understand. But right now I have heard nothing from him. I walked into the Council offices as I had been summoned by one Council Member Charles. He is one of the more senior Council Members. There are 6 of them in total. “Ah Ethan, your cousin still works for us, doesn’t he?” “Reed? Yes he does. He is out on assignment.” I am surprised Council Member Charles even knows about Reed. “I have a job for him. This task requires someone who is not a formal member of the Council. I need them to go to the palace and collect a statement from a girl who is under the protection of the Royal Guard. He should be able to manage that simple task, shouldn’t he?” I got Reed the job here, as he and his brother David didn’t get along. David didn’t understand why Reed didn’t want to be
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Chapter 49
Nix’s POV I saw to it that Reed went to bed without a problem that night. I don’t think he has been sleeping much. I’m still shocked by what happened, but I understand why he did what he did. I don’t get it fully because whenever we were together, he always acted sure of himself. He is obviously masking a lot of unresolved issues. But I stand by what I said. He can stay and be my Beta. But not in this state. I heard him in the shower in the morning, so I started making us both some breakfast. He’s already looking better. He certainly smells much better. He devours the bacon and eggs I have made. “Thanks Nix.” He says. I do not know what he is thanking me for. Nor am I prepared to ask him to explain. I simply responded, “No problem, Reed.” We remained in silence until we were both finished. Then he pats his stomach. “That was amazing.” There he is, the Reed I know. “I met a girl.” I announce now that I think he needs some good news. He may not want to hear that sort of conversa
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Chapter 50
Reed’s POV I watched Nix walk toward the training field while I waited for the general. “Are you from the Wolf Council? Sorry, I wasn’t here to greet you. I have just got back from the hospital.” I heard a voice say. When I turned, I saw a tall man, probably in his forties, wearing an official-looking uniform. “The Wolf Council has sent me, if that is what you mean, but I am not really one of them. They just keep me around for low-level stuff.” He smirks at me. “They asked me to come and get a statement from a girl about something?” He nods. “I was also told you had the information?” He nods again. “Honestly, General, I don’t know why I am here or why you couldn’t just send the information across.” “It’s because they want Lottie and I refused to hand her over to them. They want one of their own to ask her some questions. Someone from their office sent some stuff to me today. They want your opinion of how she answers them. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter. They are going t
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