All Chapters of Future Alpha Nix? (Book 3 -Azure Moon Series): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21
Nix’s POV Stella organized a small service for later that day. She said Christina and Dylan had waited long enough. She was annoyed with herself for not realizing how much Christina and Dylan had been suffering. The ceremony in itself was small and there were only six of us there. We decided we would hold it on their cliff as it held so many memories for Christina and Dylan. Vance said a few words, followed by Dylan and finally Christina. The love the pair of them expressed for their parents oozed out of them. They talked as if they had recently lost their parents, not that it happened years ago. But they had never let go of anything of theirs. They were practically living the same way as when they were 13. Finally, we all lit lanterns and let them float into the night sky. It was a simple ceremony, but it held a powerful message. Afterwards, Dylan and Christina went to their home, thanking us all for our support. They both felt that they finally had some closure. “I
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Chapter 22
Nix’s POV “Morning Mom.” I said to her photo as I walked out of my bedroom that morning. I woke up in such a good mood, it’s like the cloud of grief that has been looming over me is no longer casting an enormous shadow over me. It is still there, but it is allowing a bit of sunshine to peek through. I don’t know how else to explain it. I think about the ceremony yesterday and encouraging Christina and Dylan to say their goodbyes. It sort of helped me too. Yes, I have my moments. I just try to have them when I am alone. Melissa encouraging me to stay and be with her, made me feel like I had a place again. I mean, having my mom back would be my dream. But being wanted and having a home. I should be grateful and I am going to be. Mom would want me to be grateful. Vance and Stella had nothing to do with what happened to my mom and they have shown that they really loved her. It doesn’t mean I want them as my parents, but I don’t hate them. They have shown me nothing but respect an
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Chapter 23
Nix’s POV I have been here about 5 months now. I am slowly getting used to pack life and having a family. I have had no anger issues during that time and Reed calls me occasionally. When I’m by myself at home, I speak to my mom’s photo. It gives me the sense that she is still here and I can tell her about everything. It’s not the same, it never will be. But it helps me cope. People in school still avoid Christina. She uses it to her advantage now. She says she doesn’t like most of the people there, anyway. She has joined the women’s and children’s training sessions now, so we train together at least once every day. We are really good friends. Dylan also gets to spend more time with Melissa. While we are in training, the pair are getting friendlier. I am convinced Melissa is pushing for me to be Alpha, which is why she is allowing her friendship with Dylan to blossom. It’s a Wednesday and me and Christina are in English listening to the boring teachings of Mr. Hermes. When th
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Chapter 24
Beta Colt’s POV I am sitting with my lifelong friend Vance, doing paperwork, again. Day after day, we have always done it together. Helping him means it would be done in half of the time, seeing as we both have families, means we both benefit from the arrangement. We are laughing about what happened in training this morning when Nix flung Colin across the field. “I bet he wasn’t happy.” Vance says to me. “I bet.” Since Nix has arrived, Vance seems calmer. I don’t know, but I know the boy is having a positive effect on my friend. It may also means that Melissa doesn’t have to be Luna. I know Vance didn’t want that to happen, either. Not because of her abilities. No, she is an amazing girl. But because an Alpha may take advantage of her physical disability. Vance would kill anyone that hurt her though, everyone knows this. “FIRE” a mind link comes through from the school principal. “FIRE, this is not a drill.” I look at Vance, Vance looks at me, then we make a mad dash for th
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Chapter 25
Alpha Vance’s POV Stella is going crazy in my office. I feel her frustration. I am just as mad about the situation. But I can’t just go around accusing people of attempting to kill my children. I will wait for Colt to arrive and look at the camera footage and find out all the facts. Then I will be finger pointing or fist punching. Whoever has done this has to pay. That was done intentionally. Colt walked into my study. He looks vacant. He stands in front of my desk and stands up straight with his hands behind his back. Like a prisoner about to be marched off to the cells. “Alpha, Luna. I have something to tell you.” Official titles as well. Something is wrong. “What?” Stella barks at him, out of temper. “I have had a confession from the person responsible for the fire.” His face was emotionless. “You mean the deliberate attempt at killing my daughter?” Stella corrected him. I just stared at him. His demeanor is all wrong. “After I left you at school, I went home to
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Chapter 26
Nix’s POV The four of us are sitting around the table when Vance informs us of what Beta Colt has been told. I want to kill Raiden. The look on Dylan’s face tells me he wants to as well. Melissa was looking at Christina with a concerned gaze. “I will kill him if I ever meet him again.” Christina stated. We all looked at her. “Sweetheart, he is your mate. You won’t be able to kill him.” Stella informed her. “Don’t be mad Christina.” Melissa says, “You can always choose a mate.” Christina looks shocked. “I couldn’t give two monkeys about that. The only thing that man will ever be to me is the man who nearly killed my brother. Which makes him a dead man in my book!” Dylan took her hand, trying to calm her down. It doesn’t work. Colt is looking into the fire. He will look into everything that has happened since Raiden’s 18th birthday. Both Stella and I attended the meeting when he presented his findings to Vance. He is thorough and methodical when he gives h
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Chapter 27
Alpha Vance’s POV “Vance, they’re all dead.” Is the mind link I got off Trevor, Stella’s dad. “The border patrol, they’re all dead.” I froze in shock. “I will be there shortly. Don’t let the news get out until we can assess the situation.” Both me and Colt shift and run as quickly as we can to the border control base. It is a building which sits near the edge of the territory. Wolves work 12-hour shifts between them, so they get more time off with their families. When on duty, they split into two teams and circle the territory throughout the night. We shift into our human, so when we approach and see 16 dead men outside of the building. I suspect they were killed before they left for their first run. I looked at Trevor, hoping I was wrong. “Did they go out at all last night?” “Not by the looks of things. Some of them haven’t even taken their clothes off.” Looking at their bodies, several of the men have had their necks snapped, some have had their throats ripped out. “No
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Chapter 28
Christina’s POV We had an amazing meal we had at the Alpha’s house. I ate so much I almost popped. Me and my brother have an exciting night ahead of us and we don’t want to waste time eating later, which is why we stuff ourselves. I drive us home and I get Dylan out of the truck and into his wheelchair. “Do you have space for cake?” I ask him. “There is always room for cake.” he responds. I happily smile at him before going inside and retrieving two cupcakes, two candles, a few matches, a picture of us with our parents and a few nibbles for Jen. We already have flashlights at the cliff. It’s a few hours to midnight, but I can see the path up there better in the daylight. I don’t mind coming back in the dark. It’s all downhill and gravity is my friend at that point. But I am hoping we won’t need the wheelchair after tonight. That is my dream. We get there and laugh and joke about Dylan dating Melissa. It’s nice to see him happy. I show him some of the new things me and
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Chapter 29
Nix’s POV The pack house is going crazy. Stella is doing an amazing job at directing everyone and telling them where they need to go. She made sure no one went anywhere alone. “Telling there is strength in numbers.” She would say before sending people off to shelters, escorted by warriors. Her leadership and organizational skills are amazing. No wonder she is Luna. Trevor appears and speaks to Colt. I can’t hear what they are saying. But I see Trevor handed something over to him. I guess I will find out later. I walked over to them, just in time to see the color drain from Colt’s face. He steadies himself against Trevor. I rushed over to help. He carried on taking deep breaths. “What’s wrong Colt?” I asked him. He stands up straight, still taking deep breaths and gesturing for both of us to follow him. We climbed into an unlocked car. I am confused. I think the look on my face tells Trevor that as well. “Wolves have good hearing, Nix. At least, the car windows act as
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Chapter 30
Caren’s POV I can feel the air shifting smoothly above me, as if something is gliding through it. The sun is glaring into my eyes. I can’t see anything. My first thought was that I was imagining things when Deana told me. “Trust your instincts.” I can’t leave now, so I suggested Parker stay with me and Lottie to go with Maddox. I say goodbye to Lottie, asking her to cause a distraction on her way out of the Mountain Creek Pack. She smiles as she says. “That I can do.” It’s not long before someone yells Fire. ‘Thanks Lottie,’ I think to myself as everyone runs towards the blaze. “Stand guard.” I tell Parker as I walked past him and around the corner. It’s time to see what my instincts are telling me. With my eyes closed and my thoughts focused, I lower my arms and turned my palms toward the ground. I feel so in control of my elemental gift right now. I don’t know how high I am when I feel a disturbance in the surrounding air, then I hear it. A shriek. Startled, I opened my e
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