All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
140 Chapters
Lin’s POVIt was at what had to be the worst moment - or certainly close enough - that we spotted him – the alpha of the Zuma pack, Zack Evans was prowling around in our territory. He was pacing back and forth, making it clear that he wasn't there for a friendly visit. My hackles rose as I watched him, and I could feel the anger starting to build up inside me.I approached him, ready to confront him and make it clear that he and his pack members was not welcome here, not in my land or whatever reasons that seem interesting to them. But Zack wasn't one to back down easily. He turned to face me, a sly smile on his lips."Well, well, well," he drawled. "If it isn't alpha Lin. What brings you out here on this fine day?"I knew exactly what he was up to. He was trying to provoke me, to get me all riled up enough to make a mistake. But I refused to give him the satisfaction."I am here to ensure our borders are secure, and keep scum like you out," I said, keeping my tone even. "Now, What a
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Meghan POV.Lin narrowed his eyes at me, and I braced myself for the worst. But instead of lashing out, he seemed to deflate. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it then.""Thank you," I said, and then feeling like that wasn't enough, added; "if it makes you feel any better, Zack and I absolutely hate each other as much as you do so I am looking forward to taking him down a notch in court."Lin smiled. A beautiful thing that reached his eyes and made them sparkle and causing my heart to skip a beat."The enemy of my enemy is a friend, I guess," he said."Yeah, you can take it like that. Oh, by the way, we need to have a talk when we get back to the pack.""More legal stuff?""Court related, yes. Also to get some signed witness accounts from your pack members."Lin nodded, and with that, we resumed our drive back to the pack, both lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. Would Zack come after us again, now that we'd made our presence
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As we drove, Leon kept up a polite conversation, asking me about my business and how my stay in the city had been so far.I ended up telling him that I had lived in Hundsville before, in the past, but moved out later. When he asked why, I just gave him a vague family reason and threw off his curiosity.He glanced at me briefly, then turned his attention back to the road. We continued driving in silence for a few more minutes, the question he had asked drudging up memories of Zack, and making me realize that I should probably just shut up about anything tangentially related to that since I knew that Alpha Lin was already suspicious of my relationship with the man, and no one wanted to have their enemy's old flame handle their court case.It took a whole hour's drive before we reached the hotel where I was lodged, Leon having taken a more direct, but just as much more lonely path. The beta slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road and I thanked him for the ride and got out.Le
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There was probably no one following me, and I had heard wrong, I tried to reason yet I continued to run. Because getting back to the hotel was paramount, I reasoned. It was probably pretty late already so I had to get some shut eye soon. Although the streets were giving me the creeps, there was nothing to be afraid of. I was just running... to make sure. As you can guess, the self delusion did not last long.The hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge, and I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched, by multiple people too. I glanced over my shoulder, peering into the shadows cast by the flickering streetlights. There was no one there. I shrugged it off, chiding myself for letting my imagination run wild. I took a sharp turn and my forehead slammed into a thick, boney arm. My momentum suddenly interrupted, my feet left the floor and I ended up falling onto my rear. A slight whimper escaped my lips and I looked up to see a dark figure – a man, judging from his figur
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Of course. Of – oh, by the goddess, of course he made his way to the cafe we used to visit when we were together. And just for the record, the last three words of that horrid sentence made me cringe internally, something fierce, considering it was Zack I was referring to. Goddess above, I can not believe we used to be a thing back in the day considering how arrogant and vile he turned out to be. That said, it was a good thing the cafe had not been open at the time. Of course, I would have demanded we change venue if it was, but it was good things did not get to that. What we had was an unstable dynamic where Zack was willing to accord me a certain level of... let us say indulgence so that I would listen to him prattle.If I pushed too much, he would push back – with force – and I did not want to challenge him, the group of stray wolves he had with him, and the ones who thought they were being sneaky about following us. Stupid amateurs. Eventually, we settled for some other place
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A week after Zack's threats, I was at the exact hearing he had warned me not to attend.The courtroom hummed with anticipation as I, and my legal team made our final preparations for the crucial court case Alpha Lin has against him. The weeks leading up to this moment had been filled with tireless effort, sleepless nights, and unyielding determination. The outcome of this trial would shape not only my career but also my reputation as a formidable lawyer in the firm.I immersed myself in the preparations, meticulously gathering evidence, constructing arguments, and envisioning the potential scenarios that could unfold in court. Every detail mattered, and I left no stone unturned. The weight of the case was heavy on my shoulders, Lin was counting on me and I embraced it, knowing that my dedication and unwavering resolve would be the keys to success.The courtroom itself exuded a sense of grandeur, with its polished wooden paneling, high ceilings, and a gallery filled with eager specta
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I held my breath, my heart still threatening to jump out of my chest as my phone continued to ring away and finally I heard their Nanny voice, “How is my kids, please tell me they are okay”“Yes, yes, everything is fine. I didn’t want to worry you but Emily has been running some temperature and I just thought you should know”Oh my babies. I have been so engrossed with Alpha Lin case that I totally negligence the most important people in my life. The sole reason I keep pushing. Tears stink my eyes as I thought about my baby girl being sick and I’m not there to care for her myself.I sniff back my tears, “Can you put her on the phone please? Let me talk to her”“Emily is sleeping right now but Ethan is right here”“Give him the phone”I held my phone as I heard her shuffle around for a bit before I heard the most soothing voice filter into my ear, “Mommy?”“Yes baby, mommy is right here sweetie and I miss you so much”“I miss you too mommy, Emily is missing you”I smiled sadly, “I miss
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I have said it before, but I'll be stating it again, with the full conviction of someone who has experienced things first hand - HR reps are absolute devils. Toss in Anthony Curtis into that pile while you are at it too, just don't tell him you did because you would sooner find yourself riddled with fines for things you only vaguely remembered doing than you are to get anywhere meaningful with your life in the next three to five years.When I arrived back in Hundsville again, I was welcomed by an old building that looked like it had not been used in years. It was not the living house, thank goodness, but the building where the branch was to be set up. I knew I should not have accepted to do this, but it was the house they offered, damnit. It was beautiful, with a simply magnificent backyard, an even better view, and far enough away from both Trinity and Zuma pack territories that Zack and my former work clients would not find me if they tried.I could see that there was a lot of work
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Lin’s POV Weeks had passed since the conclusion of the court case, with Meghan leaving without even a good bye. At first, I was worried something bad had happened to her but the hotel receptionist where she had lodged had assured me that she saw her leaving in good shape.I was really disappointed yet Meghan remained a constant presence in my thoughts. The few times we had spent side by side leading to the court case had forged a connection between us, even if it was solely professional. Her unwavering determination and sharp legal mind had left an indelible impression on me. As I went about my daily routine around the pack, my mind often drifted back to Meghan, wondering how she was faring and if our paths would ever cross again.It was a peculiar feeling, this lingering fascination, especially considering we hardly knew each other even though I’m certain we have met before but she still doesn’t recall or remember me. I was hoping we could talk better over dinner and was truly dis
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Meghan pursed her lips then gestured toward the backseat with her head. I glanced back, remembering that the kids were there, and saw that Emily and Ethan had fallen asleep in the backseat. They looked so peaceful, their little chests rising and falling with each breath. I could not help but smile at their innocence and the way Ethan head gently lolled to the side as I carefully lifted him into my arms was adorable. Meghan led the way, guiding us through the dimly lit hallway towards the children’s room. We moved silently, tiptoeing as if any noise could shatter the tranquility of their slumber. It was a delicate dance, navigating the unfamiliar surroundings while ensuring the kids remained undisturbed. Just as we reached the doorway of their room, a creaking sound echoed through the apartment, threatening to wake the little ones.Meghan’s eyes widened in alarm, and we froze, holding our breath. The silence that followed was almost suffocating, and I silently willed the kids to c
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