All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
140 Chapters
“Are you leaving?” Ethan had asked, shocking me as he stopped before me, his puppy eyes staring at me. I swallowed a saliva and gave a small nod. “Yeah, it’s getting late”Emily looked concern as she listened to the interaction between her brother and me. “Are you afraid of the dark?”“No, why do you ask?”She gave a shrug, “Ethan get scared at night sometimes”Meghan looked conflicted, her eyes darting between her kids. As I sat in Meghan's cozy living room about two minutes later, a sense of warmth enveloped me. The room was alive with energy, vibrant with the laughter and playful banter of the children after I agreed to stay a bit more, not that I rather be anywhere else—Meghan watched from the sidelines, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia and something else I could not make out."I'll deal the cards," I announced, shuffling the deck with practiced ease. Ethan and Emily leaned in eagerly, their eyes bright with anticipation. They were excited to spend this time with me, and I felt
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My heart still ached from the sudden... rejection I had faced at Meghan's house. The confusion and hurt lingered within me, fueling my need for solace. As I left Meghan's house, I allowed my true self to emerge, transforming into my powerful wolf form. My fur glistened under the moonlight as I ventured into the depths of Trinity Woods.The woods embraced me like an old friend, offering a sanctuary where I could seek solace and find answers. The earth beneath my paws provided a steady rhythm, matching the thudding of my heart. Each step carried me further away from the pain of rejection and closer to the tranquility of the wilderness.The scents of the forest enveloped me, a tapestry of life and nature woven into the very fabric of my being. The crisp scent of pine mingled with the earthy aroma of damp soil, creating an intoxicating symphony that soothed my troubled spirit.Driven by a mixture of instinct and the need to regain my inner balance, I embarked on a hunt. My senses sharpen
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After being rebuffed once again by Meghan, I returned home to Trinity pack, seeking solace and a reprieve from the tumultuous emotions swirling within me. The encounter with Meghan had left me feeling hurt and confused, longing for answers that remained elusive. I decided to take a shower, hoping that the warm water would wash away the lingering anger and frustration. As the water cascaded over me, I closed my eyes, allowing the soothing sensation to calm my racing thoughts. Each droplet seemed to carry away a fraction of the turmoil that had consumed me, gradually easing the tension in my muscles. However, the emotional wounds remained raw, refusing to heal so easily. I had no idea what had happened at the end there, back in Meghan’s house. I did not know what sort of dynamic existed between us, and that made me frustrated and antsy. Coupled with the way she had suddenly rejected me, I did not know what she thought of me. I suddenly found myself wishing I had not met Meghan today
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Meghan’s POVI tucked Emily and Ethan into their beds, their sleepy eyes watching me with innocence and trust. I leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads, silently wishing them peaceful dreams. "Goodnight, my sweet angels," I whispered softly, my voice filled with a mixture of love and regret. They murmured their sleepy goodnights, their small voices fading as they drifted into slumber.As I exited their room, a heavy weight settled in my chest, refusing to let me find solace in my own sleep. The events of the evening replayed in my mind, each moment etched with pain and confusion.I couldn't understand why I had let fear guide my actions, why I had pushed Lin away despite the bond he had formed with my children.Seeking a temporary escape from my troubled thoughts, I made my way to the kitchen. The soft glow of moonlight spilled through the window, casting shadows on the familiar surroundings. I reached for the bottle of brandy, its amber liquid promising tempo
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As I made my way home, I decided to take a detour to the mall. The events of the day had left me feeling a mix of emotions, and I hoped that a change of scenery would offer some solace. The crowded mall buzzed with activity, but my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of recent encounters and the complexities they brought into my life.My mind was focused on completing my errands efficiently, eager to return home to my children. It had been too long since I had seen their bright smiles, and my heart yearned for their warm embrace.I made my way through the mall, the hubbub of shoppers surrounding me, but I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of the day's events. Thoughts swirled in my mind, a mix of emotions battling for dominance. The change of scenery provided a temporary respite, but deep down, I knew I had to confront the complexities that had infiltrated my life.Lost in my own thoughts, I suddenly feel a familiar presence nearby. My heart skipped a beat, and my gaze instincti
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To my surprise, it was Lin standing there, holding a small bag in his hand. His warm smile instantly put me at ease, and a flutter of excitement danced in my chest. It was as if the universe had sensed my need for a glimmer of hope and sent Lin to my doorstep."Meghan," Lin greeted me, his voice filled with warmth and genuine kindness. "I hope you don't mind me dropping by. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd bring a little something for your kids."In other words, he came all the way from the other side of the city to pay us a visit. A wave of gratitude washed over me as I welcomed him inside. Lin's thoughtful gesture touched my heart, reminding me that there were people who cared about me and my children. We settled into the living room, where Emily and Ethan were engrossed in a game, their laughter filling the air.The sight of Lin interacting with my children, their faces beaming with joy, melted away the remnants of unease that had lingered within me. I couldn't help but
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Lin's gaze shifted, his eyes fixated on a distant point in the park , “I lost her” he said softly, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and longing. "It's been five years now. We were in a car crash, and I was the one driving. I lost her that day."A wave of empathy washed over me as I listened to his words, realizing the depth of pain he carried within him. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for inadvertently causing him to recount his painful past. Wanting to offer some form of solace, I decided to share my own story, hoping it would serve as a gesture of connection and understanding."I'm sorry, Lin," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to make you talk about something so painful."Lin offered a small smile, a mixture of gratitude and reassurance. "It's okay, Meghan," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "Sometimes, it's cathartic to share our stories, even the painful ones. It helps us heal and find solace in each other's presence."Embarki
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I was faintly aware of their footsteps and scent fading, then I broke open the capsule in my hands roughly, bathing the air around us in wolfs bane. I reached for the nearest object—a heavy vase sitting on the nearby table—and hurled it in Zack's direction.The vase shattered against the wall, diverting his attention for a split second even as he began to morph back into a human. It was enough of a distraction for me to seize the opportunity and make a dash for the utility closet that was on the way to the stairs.With every ounce of strength and determination, I barricaded the door, praying that it would hold long enough to help. The adrenaline coursing through my veins fueled my actions as I rummaged through the room, searching for something, anything, that could serve as a weapon against him.Zack's menacing voice echoed from the other side of the door, his threats reverberating through the silence. "You can't hide forever, Meghan. I'll find you, and when I do, you'll regret ever d
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Maybe I was indeed being paranoid but I realized that a little too late of course, after I had confronted a lady who was about to pick up her son from school as well.“I’m so sorry ms. I must have mistaken you for someone else, please pardon me”I didn’t even wait for her reply before I quickly hurried back to my kids and drove off. Back on the main road and away from my anxiety and paranoia, I listened to their stories about their day, feeling grateful for their happiness and energy. Though I had a lot to think about, I couldn't help but feel that these moments with my children were the most precious part of my day. On our way home, the kids kept talking in hushed voices at the back seat. I wanted to ignore it but had to ask when I noticed Ethan pouting and staring at me through the mirror. "What's the matter honey?" I asked soothingly.He crossed his arms instead and Emily muttered under her breath. "Emily?" I called out, strictly this time. "Yes, mom." She answered reluctant
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Lin's POVAs I sat silently with Meghan watching as her expression morphed from fear to relief, I couldn't help but interrupt her thoughts. Moving my seat to be closer to her, without thinking I held her hands that were clenched on the table in mine. It seemed to do the trick as she was drawn out of her reverie and looked at me. I couldn't help but soften my tone as I stared into her deep blue eyes, "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with worry. Her lips moved like she was about to say something, but nodded instead."What Emily said earlier....""It's nothing." She replied hastily, cutting me off. "Meghan." I called soothingly. She turned to look at me as I searched her clear eyes and could see the uncertainty in them. "It's going to be okay." I assured, having a good idea what must be bothering her. "Thank you." She replied smiling. "Uncle Lin!!" I heard Ethan call out as they both ran towards us. "Will you come home with us today?" He asked ecstatic. His invitation made
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