All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
140 Chapters
Lin's POVMy fists clenched at my sides, my jaw set in a firm line as the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place. Donna's role in all of this had been calculated, a deliberate manipulation that had led me straight into their trap.My gaze bore into her, a mixture of disbelief and fury in my eyes. "You planned this all along? You knowing where to find Santana and all"Donna met my gaze, her expression surprisingly devoid of guilt. "It's not personal, Lin. It's just business."The callousness of her words only fueled the fire of my anger. How could she stand there and dismiss the magnitude of her actions so easily? The gem, the promise of a cure—it had all been a ruse, a calculated move in a game that I hadn't even realized I was playing.My gaze shifted to Vincent, his scarred face a grim reflection of his intentions. The truth was a bitter pill to swallow, a betrayal that stung on a personal level. "And you, Uncle? Is this all what family means to you? No, don't answer that. I t
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Meghan’s POVMy heart pounded in my chest as I clutched Emily and Ethan close, their small bodies fitting into my arms perfectly. The room had descended into utter chaos, the snarls of the intruding wolves piercing the air like a dreadful symphony.Panic threatened to claw its way into my heart, but I couldn't afford to succumb—not with the safety of my children hanging in the balance."Remember all we've practiced," I implored, my voice a steady anchor amidst the turmoil. I wished I could help - oh, how I wished so - but I was pretty much tucked out at the moment. It was a bother to even keep my eyes open! I had to fight just to stay awake. Over these few months, Lin had diligently drilled them on the basics of self-defense, honing their instincts and abilities. Now, in this moment of peril, that training was going to become their greatest ally.Ethan, standing steadfast by my side, made a promise that sent both pride and trepidation coursing through me. "I'll protect you, Mom, and
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Lin's POVAs I knelt beside Meghan and the kids, the weight of my actions pressed upon me like a leaden shroud. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of the recklessness that had nearly cost us everything. Tears welled in my eyes, a mixture of relief at seeing my family unharmed and the overwhelming guilt for what I had put them through. I was a fool to trust that woman. I should have listened to Meghan when she wanted her out of our lives but I thought she could lead us to the solution to our problem.Sniffing back my tears, I leaned away, my gaze barely meeting hers. “I’m sorry, so sorry!”Meghan looked confused as her gaze bore into mine, her eyes a complex tapestry of emotions. “Lin, none of this is your fault.. If there is anyone to be blamed then it’s that vile woman”I shook my head, “No, you don’t understand.. I’m to blame too, I didn’t push her away when she offered. I let my emotions get the best of me and I gave him to temptation and we…we”“…Stop!, d
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Lin’s POV.Apologies flowed naturally from my lips as I navigated then dark path towards the safe house, Meghan and our children nestled securely behind me, Rachel and Zack not very far behind. My heart was still heavy with Meghan’s demand for me to leave.I know this night was far from being over with an uncertain outcome but one thing I do know was in the fact that, I was going to keep Meghan and the kids safe.I couldn't help but turn to Zack, who presence was now beside me. "I'm truly sorry about the gem," I said, my voice sincere. "It falling into the wrong hands was my fault. I should have known this was going to end in one of her betrayal."Zack's response was reassuring, his voice steady. "Lin, it's alright," he replied. "In the heat of the moment, we all make choices we later regret. What's important is that we're focused on protecting the people that matter”I nodded in agreement, appreciating his understanding. We were united in our determination to safeguard our packs and
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Lin POV.Chaos reigned, the eerie glow of the moon casting shadows over the relentless clash between our forces and Vincent's rogue wolves. The rogues kept multiplying in numbers since our initial encounter, and their determination was palpable, as if they were been driven by an unquenchable thirst for power.Leon, his eyes reflecting both exhaustion and unwavering determination, has been at the forefront of the defense. When it seem like our efforts were going to waste, his voice filtered through my mind, strained but resolute. "Lin, I don’t think we can hold them off much longer, it's like they're being fueled by some unseen force. They just keep coming."Zack, his wolf form mirroring my own determination, chimed in, "Leon's right. It's possible the gem is their power source. We need to find it and neutralize it if we want to break their momentum."My gaze swept over our burning village that was swimming with rogues, searching for any signs of the gem's presence. The rogue wolves fo
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Meghan's POV.The atmosphere inside the safe house had grown thick with tension. My wolf paced restlessly within me, its agitated energy radiating throughout my being. It was as if an invisible thread connected me to Lin, and that thread was tugging me relentlessly toward the door.No matter how much I try to shake it off, it still lingered, getting heated right under my skin and making me even more restless.Gently, I laid our sleeping baby on the bed, swaddled in the softest blankets. My gaze lingered on his innocent face, and for a moment, I brushed a gentle finger against his cheek. He was a precious reminder of our love, and my heart ached to hold him close.Turning to Ethan, my seven-year-old son, I knelt before him, my hands on his small shoulders. "Ethan," I began, my voice gentle but firm, "Mommy needs to go out for a little while. I need you to be a big, brave boy and watch over your baby brother and Emily until I come back, okay?"Ethan nodded, his wide eyes filled with det
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With the short bloody dagger still in my grip, I readied myself for the worst as the two rogue wolves closed in on me, their snarling faces contorted with hunger and aggression. I braced myself for the impending attack. My grip on the dagger tightened, the maternal instinct within me more than ready to protect the child cradled at the corner, not very far from me. The weight of responsibility bore down on me, and I was ready to face whatever threat came our way.The first one lunged at me, it’s claws slicing close to my cheek in a deadly swipe and causing me to stumble a few step back. Without hesitation, I swung the blade at its snapping jaw, only missing it by a few inches.My stand against them only made them angrier. I knew I stood no chance against them in my human form as my movement was too sloppy and still weak from childbirth. My wolf was of no use either, she was in no position to fight either. An hour or two could bring us more recovery but that seem to be the last thing
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Lin's POV I could feel the life force within me waning, the pain in my chest intensifying with every breath. But I refused to give in to defeat. Desperation surged within me, and I summoned every ounce of my strength but it was of no use against him.Vincent's claws dug deeper, pressed down against my chest, his grip tightening around my heart, and for a fleeting moment, terror coursed through me. The pain was excruciating, the sensation of my life being forcibly extracted unbearable.But in that moment, I felt a presence, a force surrounding me. From my peripheral I saw Meghan and her mother not far from the chaos. Her mother’s hand outstretched and enchanting some strange words.A surge of energy surged through me, a surge that matched the desperation in my heart. It was as if I had tapped into an ancient wellspring of power, a wellspring fueled by the love and determination of the two incredible women who held my heart in their hands, figuratively and literally.With newfound str
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Meghan’s POV."What's happening to him?" I demanded, desperate for answers but mother simply looked at him as though nothing was wrong even though Lin looked like he was undergoing something more life threatening at the moment.“The cursed blood is getting fused with his beast making the transformation twice as painful for a normal wolf”My eyes widen, “How do we stop it?”"It can’t be stopped, child. Lin has to learn to control the powers that plagues him," mother said, sounding unbothered. "Often times, great powers comes with great responsibility"Lin let out a strangled cry, curling into himself and I pulled him closer, wrapping around his frame even though my arms barely fit across his board shoulders."Mother..look at him, this is a freaking curse…there has to be a way to help him." I pleaded, looking up at her."I’m sorry, Meghan but not all curse are a curse! Some are actually blessings if and only if he learns how to control it. If he doesn’t then he will die”My heart sank a
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Epilogue Six months later. “Emily, go get your Dad and Ethan to get ready or we are going to be late for the ceremony” “Okay, mom” Emily nodded and turned to leave while I continued to busy myself with Jaxon. His birth came at a time when we were going through the most difficult moment of our lives and I can’t help but cherish the bond I have with him. Jaxon looked like Ethan when he was a month old. A resemblance that was uncanny to their father. Our little family went from four to five and ever since my hands have been more than full. Having to care for my kids as well as carrying out my duty as Luna around the pack hasn’t been easy but thanks to Lin, I was given a year leave from my work as a lawyer even though I have a feeling I won’t be returning after that. Lin had already hinted that he was working on helping me start my own law firm where I can recruit and train other lawyers in neighboring packs so they can defend their territories the right way without wedging war on ea
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