All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
140 Chapters
I stumbled forward, following Rachel's earlier directions as best as I could. The forest seemed to close in around me, every step a struggle against my own body's weakness. But I refused to let the darkness consume me. I had to keep going, for my children and for myself.The forest around me was a blur of shadows and sounds, the howls of the weird wolves echoing in the distance. I couldn't tell how much time had passed, each moment stretching into an eternity as I fought to stay on my feet.Just when I thought I could go no further, a figure emerged from the trees ahead. It was Lin, my love and the man who held my heart. Relief washed over me, but the pain in my body was overwhelming, and I stumbled forward, my legs finally giving way beneath me."Meghan!" Lin's voice was filled with concern as he rushed to my side, catching me before I hit the ground. "What happened? Are you hurt?""I... I don't know," I managed to gasp, my breaths coming in ragged bursts. "Zack... drugs... I think..
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The forest seemed to close in around me as I raced through its dark and dense embrace. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breaths came in ragged gasps. I knew I had to keep moving, to put as much distance as possible between myself and Zack, who was chasing me relentlessly. His pursuit was relentless, his powerful strides closing in on me with each passing second.My legs burned with exhaustion, but I couldn't afford to stop. The adrenaline surged through me, urging me to push my tired body forward. Twigs snapped beneath my feet, and branches scratched at my skin as I weaved through the labyrinth of trees. The fear that surged through my veins only spurred me to run faster, to put as much space between me and the Alpha wolf hunting me down.But no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't shake the feeling of Zack's presence behind me. His aura loomed large, a menacing force that seemed to consume the very air around me. I could almost hear his snarls, his hungry breaths, as he closed in on
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I stirred, my eyes slowly fluttering open, and I found myself back in the comfort of my bed. The soft morning light filtered through the window as I woke up, my body still feeling a bit weak from the events of the previous day. I shifted in bed and turned my head, only to find Rachel standing at my bedside, sporting a black eye. My eyes widened in concern."Rachel, what happened to your eye?" I asked, my voice tinged with worry.Rachel grinned, her usual playful spirit shining through despite the injury. "Oh, you should see the other guy," she quipped, winking at me. "Don't worry, it's just a little battle scar. I can handle myself."I chuckled, relieved to see Rachel in good spirits. "I'm glad you're okay," I said, appreciating Rachel's loyalty and bravery."Well, I couldn't let you have all the fun, now could I?" Rachel replied with a mischievous glint in her eye.As we shared a light-hearted moment, my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since the day before. Rachel's
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I was tired and more out of it than I thought, and could barely manage to leave the bed throughout the rest of the day. Eventually, dusk fell, and I dreamt that night.In my dream, the darkness seemed to swirl and thicken around me, creating an eerie and surreal atmosphere. I found myself standing in a vast, barren wasteland, with nothing but an endless expanse of black sand stretching to the horizon. The air was heavy with an acrid scent, and an unsettling chill permeated the desolate landscape.As my gaze shifted, I caught a glimpse of a distant figure, shrouded in shadows. As I squinted to get a clearer view, the figure gradually materialized into the form of a woman – Donna. A surge of mixed emotions washed over me – anger, fear, and confusion – as I realized that the person responsible for my children's disappearance might be standing before me.Donna's face was etched with a sinister smile, her eyes glinting with a cold malevolence. I felt a shiver run down my spine, the unsettl
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I was sleeping more than I thought possible. I had no idea why - the doctor had said it had something to do with drugs I had ingested when I was held by Zack (I fucking knew I was getting drugged!) - but anyhow, I did not like it one bit. Just minutes - MINUTES - after I had seen the note from Lin, I had fallen back asleep.That was ridiculous, sure, but I soon found my eyes fluttering open to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. I stretched, still feeling the heaviness of sleep weighing on my limbs. As I tried to sit up, I noticed Rachel standing by the bedside, holding a tray with breakfast."Morning, sleepyhead," Rachel said with a playful grin, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "I hope you're feeling better."I managed a weak smile, feeling grateful for Rachel's presence. "Thank you," I replied, my voice still hoarse from crying the night before. "You didn't have to do all this for me."Rachel shrugged, her eyes warm with kindness. "It's my pleasure," s
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My heart pounded in my chest as I held the stuffed doll in my hands. There was no denying it; this toy was suffused with Emily's scent. The sight of it filled me with both hope and dread. It not only meant that my children might have been here, but it also confirmed Meghan's suspicions about Donna's involvement.Suddenly I felt the sharp sting at my neck, and I whirled around to see Donna holding an empty syringe, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "You should have left and stayed out of this when I asked you to, Lin," she taunted, her eyes gleaming with malice.My heart pounded in my chest as the effects of the unknown substance coursed through my veins. Dizziness swept over me, and I tried to steady myself, but my body felt weak and uncoordinated.Chasing after Donna into the stairwell, my mind was clouded with a mix of rage and desperation. I couldn't let her escape, not when she held the answers to the whereabouts of my children.Our fight intensified, and I soon realized that Do
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Hours blended into each other, my anxiety amplifying by the minute, and by the next morning, my restlessness reached its peak, and I couldn't bear it any longer. I needed answers, reassurance, anything that could help ease my troubled mind.I reached for my phone, contemplating who to call, and decided to reach out to my mother. Maybe she would have some information or offer me some comfort during this trying time.The phone rang for what felt like an eternity before my mother finally picked up. "Hello?" Her voice came through, devoid of any warmth or affection."Mom, it's me, Meghan," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, but it cracked with emotion. "I... I just wanted to talk, to see how you were doing."There was a brief pause on the other end before my mother replied, "I'm fine. You don't need to bother me with your problems."A pang of hurt shot through me at her cold response. I had hoped for some support or understanding, but it seemed that my mother's stoic demeanor remaine
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"Yes, I know," she waved me off. "I'm still coming with anyway."Rachel shook her head, her determination matching my own. "I don't care. We're in this together," she affirmed, fierce loyalty shining through her gaze. "We'll find Alpha Lin and bring him back safely, no matter the challenges we face."Her unwavering support brought a small smile to my lips. "Thank you," I whispered softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Without all of you here with me." I turned to look at Leon as well, appreciation glistening in my eyes.In that moment, we shared an unspoken understanding of the bond that tied us together. With Rachel at my side, I felt emboldened to face the uncertainties ahead. The journey before us was bound to test our courage, strength, and resilience, but we were determined to find Lin and reunite our family. Together, we set forth, hoping against all odds to bring him home safely and find our missing children...........We arrived at the place which was, supposedly, Do
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Chapter 84Lin's Pov.My consciousness slowly returned, and as I opened my eyes, I found myself in a dimly lit, foul-smelling room. The stench of decay and dampness filled the air, assaulting my senses and making me cringe. The walls were rough, cold stone, with patches of moss growing in the corners, adding to the eerie atmosphere. Chains clanked against the stone floor as I shifted, trying to free myself from the restraints that bound me to the wall. For all that being an Alpha gave me strength though, I still am unable to break away from thick chains such as these.Confusion and fury mingled within me as I struggled against the cold, unforgiving metal. The silver chains sapped my strength, leaving my wolf weakened and my human form feeble. Every attempt to break free only resulted in searing pain, as the metal burned my skin and shredded my resolve. My heart pounded in my chest, the sound echoing in the small, claustrophobic space.I tried to focus my mind, to come up with a plan t
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Even though it should not, my heart sank as I realized the full extent of Vincent's twisted desires. The power struggle that had claimed the life of my father was far from over. Vincent had returned, stronger and more dangerous than ever, with the sole purpose of finishing what he started. I guess that when it came down to it, Meghan and I could admit to having one more thing in common - we both knew borderline mad, psychotic people. Was it strange that that was the case? Maybe. I mean, what are the odds? On the other hand, I heard somewhere that most everyone needed to be put in a mental institution so maybe it is pretty normal. Vincent glared at me, malevolence simply oozing from every pore in his body. The room seemed to hold its breath as the weight of his words hung in the air. My uncle's quest for power had brought us to this moment, but there was more to his dark past that needed to be acknowledged. "You were always so power-hungry, Uncle," I said, my voice tinged with sadnes
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