All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
140 Chapters
kept my eyes fixed on Vincent, rage boiling within my core. Oh, how I so wanted to jump at him and rip him limb from limb until nothing but his cry of pain left. It had been twenty years since that tragic event, and I had believed Vincent was gone forever and for good, but now that he was here, very much alive and well I could see exactly why my father was always angry and fuming whenever the subject of him came up.I always thought and told myself, Father was exaggerating when it came to his younger brother but little did I know it was because he was despicable and totally crazy in the head."Now, Lin my boy, I guess I could let you in on a little secret, eh? As it turns out, I got your kids too. Emily and Ethan yes?""Why are you telling me this? I had guessed as much.""Well, there is fun to be had to see you squirm and worry while being absolutely helpless to stop their death," the psychopath replied, a twisted grin appearing on his already scarred face."What are you talking abo
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Alone with Donna in the dimly lit room, my mind raced with desperation. I knew I had to find a way to stop my deranged uncle and save my children before it was too late. The pain in my thigh and arm was a constant reminder of the threat I faced, but I refused to give in to despair.I decided to speak to Donna once more, hoping that I could somehow appeal to her greed or sense of self-preservation. As I began to speak, my voice was laced with urgency, "Donna, please, I'll give you anything you want. Money, power, anything. Just help me save my kids."Donna turned to me with a cold expression, her eyes devoid of any sympathy. "You think I'm that easily bought, Lin? You and your family treated me like trash, and now you expect me to help you? Not a chance in hell. You very clearly knew all these years what exactly it was I wanted and yet you just led me on, only to drop me for that whore Meghan."My heart sank, realizing that Donna was too deeply entrenched in her own self-made bitternes
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I stepped out of the dimly lit room where I had been held captive, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. The hallway stretched out before me, shrouded in shadows, and eerie silence hung in the air. I knew I had to find my children and put an end to the dark ritual that threatened their lives.As I made my way down the narrow corridor, I could feel the weight of the place, the ancient and malevolent energies that permeated the walls. It was like walking through a nightmare, every step filled with trepidation. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding to the eerie atmosphere.My mind raced, trying to piece together the layout of the place and figure out the path I needed to take. I followed the faint traces of dark magic, the same that had bound me earlier, leading me deeper into the heart of the sinister lair.The further I ventured, the more ominous the surroundings became. The walls seemed to close in on me, and a sense of foreboding e
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Vincent stepped into the chamber minutes later, a greasy smile on his lips. I barely caught Meghan's mother whisper something along the lines of: "I am way too old for this shit"He focused on Meghan's mother, disregarding my presence in the room as though he had expected it. He went to the woman and they both began to speak in hushed whispers.My heart pounded in my chest as I lay there, paralyzed and helpless once again. I strained my ears to catch every word of the heated argument between the witch, Meghan's mother, and my uncle Vincent. I didn't need to, as it turned out. Their voices were soon echoing through the chamber, filled with tension and desperation."I'm telling you, Vincent, we don't need the children anymore," Meghan's mother insisted. "We can use Lin as the sacrifice instead. He's the Alpha, and his blood will grant us even greater power."Vincent's scarred face contorted into a sneer. "The twins are powerful vessels," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "I won't
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Suddenly, out of the blue, I felt an overwhelming surge of rage coursing through my veins, threatening to consume me entirely. I clenched my fists, my jaw tightening as I tried to push back the anger that threatened to overwhelm me. However, as the fury inside me grew, I felt an odd sensation, as though my very essence was being drained away, sapped by the intensity of my emotions.I realized that my uncle, Vincent and his witch were simultaneously, feeding off every bit of my anger while using it against me. With how much power was being drained out of me, I knew I needed to regain control of my emotions, to find a way to counteract the dark energy that was luring me to hate and want to rip him apart. Desperately, I reached out with my mind, seeking a mental connection with Meghan. I forced my thoughts to recall our happiest moments together, the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her embrace, and the joy we found in each other's company.As I immersed myself in these cherished me
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I shifted quickly into my wolf form, a surge of power and adrenaline coursed through my veins, fueling my determination to protect my children at all costs. My bruised and battered body from the previous encounters with my uncle made me feel weaker than I had ever felt before, and I struggled to match the strength of Vincent's lycan form.With a fierce growl, I lunged at my uncle wolf, its disfigured form not stopping it from snapping and clawing at me. I knew better than to allow my neck get caught under his canine as we fought for supremacy.Vincent's wolf was larger and more muscular, and he used his size advantage to overpower me, landing vicious stab with his sharp claws and snapping jaws. I tried to evade the attacks, but I was slower and less agile due to my injuries, and each strike sent waves of pain through my body.As the fight continued, my vision blurred with pain and exhaustion. I could feel my energy draining with every passing moment, and my hope of winning this fight
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"Uncle Lin!" Emily cried out, her voice filled with emotion as she fell into my arm, her brother closely behind her.I held them close, reassuring them that they were safe now as I hugged them to my chest. "You're both alright," I whispered, my voice shaking with emotion. "I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. It’s all over now."I pulled back after a while so I could look at both their faces, Emily had a little bruise around her wrist right where she was bond with restraints. Ethan turned out tougher than I though but above all, I was grateful a little bruise here and there was all they had sustained.“Where is Mom?” Ethan had asked, looking around.I ran my finger through his hair as I stare him in the face, finally seeing myself in his eyes as they reflect a familiar blue color.“We're going home to see Mom" I told them both, my heart swelling with love for my children. "You'll see your mom, and everything will be alright."With Emily and Ethan by my side, I began
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Meghan's POV.It’s been a month since I got discharged from the pack’s clinic and things were starting to return back to normal again. I have my kids with me and I was lying next to the man who has proven himself over and over again that he was exactly the man he says he was.After all we went through with Zack and that horrible man that turned out to be his uncle, Lin has been super protective about I and the kids, never letting us out of his sight without the lingering presence of a guard.Rachel has become my shadow as far as I know and I can’t even dare to complain, not with how much she had helped cared for mw and the kids. My mother had practically disappeared into thin air even though sometimes I see her making hasty appearances in my dreams with a sham of apology after trying to kill my mate and kids.I heard Lin muttered in his asleep and caress his arms soothingly before I felt him release with his chest rising and falling steadily. I couldn’t sleep, not with the nagging voi
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Once breakfast was eaten, and the kitchen was filled with the lingering aroma of pancakes, Lin took my hand in his and looked into my eyes with the love I have always witness in them."Meghan," he began, his voice gentle yet filled with purpose, "will you do me the honor of officially becoming my mate and our pack's Luna?"My heart soared with joy, tears of happiness filling my eyes. "Yes, Lin," I replied with a nod, my voice full of emotion. "It would be an honor mate."With a smile that lit up the entire room, Lin leaned in, and our lips met in a sweet and tender kiss. It was a moment of pure love and acceptance, sealing our bond in a way that words could never fully express.In the weeks that followed, Lin and I found ourselves basking in the joy of our reunited family. The love between us seemed to grow stronger with each passing day, and we cherished every moment we spent together. We also rutted like rabbits since Rachel was there to take care of the kids but that is neither her
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After the ceremony, I was only able to pack very little things, mainly my make up and some lingerie Rachel had gotten for me at the last minute.While Leon and Rachel promised to watch over our kids and pack while we are away, I was still worried but Lin was certain everything will turn out great under their care.Lin had made reservation for us to spend our honeymoon away in Hawaii. I was filled with dread and anticipation as we drove through the beautiful island, the sky was fairly warm by this time of the year.Clear blue cloudless sky with the sun shinning brightly on my face as I leaned back against the headrest of my seat. The air smells of coconut with a hint of Jasmine.My heart swells with so much love as I gaze at Lin's face. He looked especially handsome today with the wind blowing his hair. As though he could feel my gaze on him, he turned to smile at me, his eyes glistering as he grab my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.“We are almost there, love”I nodded, returning hi
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