All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
140 Chapters
Lin's POV The restlessness gnawed at me relentlessly, an insidious sensation that twisted my thoughts and clenched my chest in a vice grip. The image of Meghan's pale and exhausted face haunted my mind, a stark reminder of the pain I had inflicted upon her. The anger in her eyes, the hurt etched into her features – it was a wound that cut deep, and I couldn't shake off the guilt that accompanied it.Stepping out into the corridor, I let out a deep exhale, my fingers combing through my hair in frustration. Anxiety coursing through me. I needed to know that Meghan and the baby were alright. The turmoil within me was like a tempest, a storm that refused to abate until I had assurance that the ones I loved were safe.I wanted to be there for her, to hold her and soothe away her pain. But I had caused that pain, and it was a reality I couldn't escape.I wanted to go back in and see for myself and Maybe assured her that nothing happened between us and would never happen but I couldn’t, no
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My heart felt heavy as I left Meghan's room, the memory of her tear-filled eyes etched into my mind. I needed to make things right, to find a way to reverse the darkness that threatened to consume me. Determination burned within me, a fierce flame that pushed me forward despite the weight of guilt that sat on my shoulders.Donna awaited me in the door way, her gaze unreadable as she stood there. Our paths had intertwined in ways I couldn't have foreseen, and I found myself relying on her guidance despite my reservations. She had promised a solution, a way to break free from the curse that plagued me."Are you ready?" Donna's voice cut through the silence, her tone tinged with a hint of urgency.I met her gaze, my jaw set in determination. "I'm ready. But remember, Donna, if this is another one of your schemes to lead me astray, this time I won't hesitate to end you."She held my gaze, a defiant glint in her eyes. "Trust me, Lin, I want this to be over as much as you do. My life is pre
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The room felt unfamiliar as I stepped inside, a sense of urgency propelling me forward. Lin's absence had weighed heavily on my heart, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on, something he hadn't shared with me. As I glanced around, my eyes fell on his desk, and I noticed that his laptop was still on. Curiosity piqued, I approached the desk and saw the screen displaying a browser window. Without thinking, I clicked on the browser's history, my heart racing as I scrolled through the pages he had visited. My eyes widened as I realized the nature of his searches – queries about lycanthropy, the transformation process, and its effects.A shiver ran down my spine as a realization hit me like a thunderbolt. Lin's distant behavior, his sudden mood swings, his uncharacteristic snaps – they all seemed to align with the symptoms of a lycan transformation.Panic gripped my chest as I considered the implications. Was he in danger? Was he suffering alone?Without
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Lin POVStepping into her inner chamber and seating upon, the seat before Santana, I was enveloped by an atmosphere that was both mysterious and soothing. The room seemed to pulsate with an energy that defied description, and the tapestries adorning the walls swayed gently as if moved by an invisible hand.Santana's presence in the room was commanding yet inviting, her ageless gaze settling on me. Her voice held a melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the space, and I found myself captivated by her aura of ancient wisdom.As Santana delved deeper into the intricacies of my predicament, I was acutely aware of the gravity of my situation. She spoke of elements aligning, of primal forces weaving their tapestry within me. Her words resonated with an air of both inevitability and choice, a delicate balance I was nowhere near comprehending. Her revelation was both overwhelming and enlightening, a dance of cosmic forces that had shaped my journey. She unveiled the signific
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My senses were heightened, the scent of blood and earth mingling with the metallic tang of tension that hung in the air. My first strike was swift and calculated, my wolf form moving with an agility and strength I had never experienced before. The first rogues lunged, their fangs bared in a vicious snarl, but my enhanced abilities gave me an edge. With a powerful swipe of my paw, I knocked one of them off balance, sending him crashing into a nearby tree, its limb breaking under the powerful impact.A growl rumbled in my chest as I locked eyes with another rogue, our gazes clashing in a primal challenge. With a burst of speed, I lunged at it, my teeth sinking into his neck like butter. The taste of blood filled my mouth, a reminder of the raw brutality of our clash. It was a ferocity unlike anything I had known, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My beast getting warmed up.I fought with a fervor that bordered on reckless, my instincts driving me forward as I engaged ea
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Meghan’s POVThe car ride back home was heavy with silence, the weight of the earlier events hanging between us like an unspoken truth. Lin's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles almost turning white, his gaze focused on the road ahead.I kept stealing glances at him, my heart aching for the turmoil he was undoubtedly experiencing.As we pulled into our pack driveway, I couldn't help but notice the traces of dry blood on his jawline, evidence of the battle he had fought back there. My heart went out to him, my love for him only growing stronger in the face of his trails.Once inside the house, I guided Lin to our bathroom, his normally powerful strides now heavy and weary. I filled the bathtub with warm water, the steam rising like a gentle caress. Lin's eyes met mine, gratitude and exhaustion mingling in his gaze as he stepped into the water.Grabbing the towel, I start to wash him without a single word. Each move soft and gentle as I wash his back and across every
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In the end, we went to bed. We were not exactly sleeping though, we just lay in there to talk. I still had no idea where Lin had gone with Donna, and he was taking his time to fill me in on the details. As I lay beside him, my attention fixed on every word he spoke. His voice was tinged with a mixture of uncertainty as he recounted his meeting with the witch Santana.From all I remembered my mother telling me when I was younger, that woman Is not one to be trusted but judging from how my own mother turned out, I can’t say for sure if they is anyone out there who we can dare put our faith in but Lin seem to think this woman has the solution to our problem..From all he has said, only one word seem to stand out. “Gem of immortality you say?” I questioned, my brow raised slightly even though his eyes were cast off into the dark."Yes, she said we need the gem of immortality to stop the transformation," Lin said, a deep sigh escaping his lips.My mind raced as I absorbed the information.
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Meghan's POV.Dawn broke, casting a soft golden hue across the land as I ventured beyond the borders of our pack. A sense of urgency pulsed through me, driving me forward despite the doubts that tugged at the edges of my mind. I knew the odds of success were slim, and the memories of our bitter history weighed heavily on my heart. But I couldn't stand by and do nothing. Lin's life hung in the balance, and the happiness of my family depended on what I was about to do.The journey to Zuma pack was long, each mile fraught with anticipation and anxiety. The path before me, reminding me of the time when Zack had been my mate, only to reject me in favor of another. Now am back to seek that which propelled his pack's prosperity. Zuma pack's territory loomed before me as I stopped at the gate, my car parked by the entrance. Eyes watched me as I got down and began to approach, curiosity sparking whispers among the pack members. If I didn’t know better, I would say, they already got word ab
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Lin's POV.I woke up the next morning from a nightmare to an empty bed and my first thought dwelled on the fact that Meghan had left me and gone to that man. The reason why she wasn’t by my side seem blurred to my mind. All I knew was that my pregnant mate was gone.The world around me seemed to spin as I rushed through the pack grounds, my heart pounding with anxiety and frustration. Where was she? Why had she left without telling me? The very thought of Meghan out there alone made my chest tighten with worry. I had to find her, had to make sure she was safe.My thoughts raced, a chaotic mess of fear and anger. Rachel's voice cut through the turmoil, her words a desperate attempt to explain the situation. "Alpha, please be calm! The Luna said she won't be gone for long. She just drove out not long ago”"She left alone?" I practically roared, my voice laced with an irrational anger. I towered over Rachel, my wolf surging to the surface, ready to lash out. How could she tell me to cal
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Meghan's POVI settled on the chair beside him, a deep breath escaping my mouth. Lin's eyes were fixed on mine, his gaze a mixture of curiosity and concern. I knew I owed him an explanation how things went with Zack, for the unease that had settled over him in my absence."Lin," I began, my voice soft but steady, "I went to see Zack."His brow furrowed, his fingers tightening around mine. “And?"My gaze never wavered from his, my heart an open book for him to read. "I got close, Lin. I was so close to obtaining the gem from Zack. He hesitated, and for a moment, I thought he might actually agree."I watched as a flicker of hope flashed through his eyes, a glimmer of the possibility of salvation. But then, just as quickly, it was replaced with a shadow of disappointment. His grip on my hand tightened, his emotions a tumultuous storm within him."What happened, Meghan?" His voice was a whisper, laced with a vulnerability that echoed my own.I swallowed the lump in my throat, the memories
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