All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
140 Chapters
I understood his implication. A fight between us could lead to unnecessary casualties, something neither of us wanted. My gaze met his, a silent understanding passing between us. I had no desire to reignite old conflicts, not when I had other pressing things to worry about."Then let's keep it civil," I said, lowering myself to the ground, my voice measured.Zack nodded, his posture relaxing slightly. "Agreed."As we stood there in uneasy silence, I couldn't help but wonder what had brought him to this border tonight. The moon's light cast shadows on his fur, giving him an otherworldly appearance. His gaze held a mixture of curiosity and something else, something that made my instincts prickle.I stood at my side of the border that separated our pack from the Zuma pack, my instincts prickling with unease as I faced Zack, his wolf form a mirror to my own. The tension between us was palpable, a reminder of the past mistakes and bitter history that had shaped our relationship."What do y
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Meghan's POV. Weeks had slipped by, each day dragging along like an eternity. The presence of Donna in our lives was starting to wear on my patience, like an itch I couldn't scratch. She hadn't caused any trouble, hadn't done anything that would warrant suspicion, and yet her mere presence unsettled me. It was as if her very existence was casting a shadow over our lives, a dark omen that I couldn't shake off.Every time I crossed paths with her, a wave of irritation washed over me. I tried to brush it off, to convince myself that I was being irrational, but the unease persisted. It wasn't logical, and I knew that, but logic seemed to hold little sway over the uneasiness that gnawed at me.One particular evening, the evening sun cast a warm, golden glow across the landscape, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as it dipped below the horizon. It was a peaceful scene, a moment of tranquility that belied the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.As I stepped onto the porch, the s
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Meghan’s POVThe morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth across the room as we gathered around the breakfast table. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, creating an illusion of normalcy despite the turmoil that churned beneath the surface. I glanced at Lin, my heart heavy with the weight of what I had to discuss. Against my better judgement, I had been thinking of Donna's words through out the majority of yesterday. I decided that I needed to see Zack again, but I did not want a repeat of what had happened last time I left."Lin," I began tentatively, my voice quiet but determined. "I think we should consider talking to Zack again. Maybe if we can reason with him, he'll see that handing over the gem is the right thing to do."Lin's gaze snapped to mine, his expression a mixture of disapproval and something else—a hard edge that sent a shiver down my spine. His jaw tensed, his fingers gripping his coffee cup a little too tigh
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I ended up unable to sleep hence I went for a midnight prowl around the house to see if a walk around the place would get me in the right frame of mind.Walking down the dimly lit hallway, I noticed a soft glow spilling from beneath the slightly ajar door of Donna's room. My steps slowed, curiosity mingling with caution. The late hour only heightened the intrigue of the scene before me.Should I continue on my way, or should I investigate further? A mixture of reluctance and fascination led me to push the door open just a bit wider and peer inside.The room was illuminated by the warm light of a lamp on a nearby table. It cast a soft halo around Donna, who stood near the center of the room. She turned toward me, her eyes meeting mine with an expression that was both inviting and daring. "Lin, don't be shy. Come right in."I hesitated, my gaze flickering between her and the door. It wasn't appropriate for me to be here, in her private space, at this odd hour and especially with my emot
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Meghan's POVThe morning sun bathed the pack grounds in a soft glow, casting a warm ambiance over the place as I head out towards the training arena to watch my kids train. I met Donna on the way, the aura about her even more suspicious than before.Donna had a glow about her that wasn’t there before and those little bites around her necks looks like love bites and claws. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she mate with someone last night but than again, we all know she is a single bitch and the men in the pack knew better than to get involved with that woman.The clang of swords and the rhythmic thud of feet against the ground echoed through the air as Emily and Ethan sparred with their instructor. I watched them with a mixture of pride and concern, their determination mirrored in every swing and parry.As their movements became more fluid, I felt a sense of pride settling over me. Despite the chaos that had infiltrated our lives, there was a semblance of normalcy here—of the routines
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Lin's POV.I was navigating the familiar hallways of the pack's residence, and a sense of unease gnawed at me. The aftermath of my outburst during breakfast the other day had left a lingering tension between Meghan and me. It weighed heavily on my mind, a reminder of how easily my emotions could spiral out of control. I knew I needed to make amends, to find a way to bridge the gap that had formed between us.Intent on finding her, I made my way toward the training arena. The sounds of clashing swords and the cadence of footsteps reached my ears, confirming that the kids were in the midst of their training session. As I walked, a chance encounter altered my course—Rachel stood in the corridor, her expression a mix of surprise and concern."Alpha," she greeted, her voice carrying a note of caution.I paused, my brow furrowing as I regarded her. "Rachel. Is something wrong?"Her gaze held a mixture of hesitancy and empathy. "Meghan had a visitor. She went to meet them."The words struck
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My grip on my anger loosened, a surge of guilt and concern replacing the blinding rage that had consumed me. The realization of what I had done struck me with a force that was almost physical, a wave of regret that crashed over me. The emotions that had driven me to charge forward were now replaced by a potent mixture of remorse and fear.As I looked down at Meghan's unconscious form, my heart ached with a pain that transcended words. The woman I loved lay on the ground, her eyes shut close and body, unmoving, the consequences of my actions etched across her features. The image of her hurt, of her body crumpled on the floor, was a stark reminder of the depth of my mistakes.Zack looked just as stunned as I was, his eyes darting between Meghan and me. I dropped to my knees before her. Gently, almost tentatively, I reached out and touched Meghan's cheek, my fingers trembling against her skin.I swallowed hard, my throat tight with emotion as I struggled to find the words to express the
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I rushed to the doctor, intent on finding out how Meghan was. Rachel's answer for me had not been helpful in any way, and I was starting to get horribly worried."Congratulations, Alpha! It’s a boy!” The doctor's words echoed my ears, the sentence bringing me both relief and joy. The room seemed to blur around me as I fought to contain the tears that filled my eyes.I turned to the doctor, my voice strained as I sniffed back my tears. "And Meghan? How is she?"The doctor smile, her expression calm. " Meghan and the baby are stable, you can go in and see them."As I walked down the hallway, the doctor's words echoed in my mind, each step I took feeling heavier than the last. Meghan's well-being, the safety of our child—it was a blessing I thought for a moment back there that I had lost because of my reckless act, a responsibility I had taken for granted, a reality that now demanded my full attention.The atmosphere in the room was tense with anticipation as I stood by the door, steali
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Meghan POV.I was awoken by the sound of more and one voices in the room. After the birth of my child, I was too weak to lift a finger so I allowed myself doze for a moment but even though I had lost sight of where I was, I felt Lin presence by my side.I had been expecting Lin but when my eyes opened, it was Leon and Zack who entered, my excitement waned, replaced by a pang of disappointment. Where was Lin? I could have swore he was right here with me a while ago.Did he leave? Or I’m still delusional from the pain I was feeling.My gaze shifted from everyone and toward the entrance, my heart hammering in my chest with a mixture of anticipation and worry.“Hey, Luna, where is our new warrior!” Leon voice was the first to cut through my thought and I look up to see him, a small smile appearing on my face.As they approached me with smiles on their faces, their congratulations and well-wishes washed over me, but I found it difficult to fully engage with their joy. My mind was preoccupi
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The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of his words sinking in. The children's playful protests and excitement were replaced with wide-eyed concern. I exchanged a worried glance with Rachel, our unspoken fears mirrored in each other's eyes.My heart sank as the reality of the situation dawned on me. I had hoped that this day would be filled with joy and celebration, a respite from the challenges we had been facing. But the sound of the pack drum served as a harsh reminder that danger could strike at any moment, shattering the fragile peace we had hoped to enjoy.Ethan's voice quivered as he spoke up, his innocence and vulnerability laid bare. "Attack? What does that mean?"Emily's grip on her brother's hand tightened, her concern mirrored in her gaze. "Mom? Are we in danger?"Leon's expression softened as he knelt down to their level, his voice gentle yet resolute. "We'll do everything we can to keep you and everyone safe, I promise."The children exchanged a glance, a silent
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