All Chapters of Broken, Unmated And Pregnant: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
140 Chapters
A month had passed since we returned from our honeymoon yet a lingering unease had started to claw its way into our lives. The connection between Lin and me remained strong, but I couldn't ignore the subtle shift in his demeanor. He was still tender and loving, but an unspoken weight seemed to burden his shoulders.His laughter no longer rang out as easily as before, and the light that once danced in his eyes had dimmed, replaced by a distant contemplation. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that something lurked beneath the surface of his composed exterior. But every time I ventured to ask him about it, his face would close off, a curtain of secrecy descending between us.One evening, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over our pack grounds, I found Lin standing by the edge of the forest. The way his gaze was fixed on the trees, his fingers idly tracing patterns in the dirt, told me that his thoughts were far away. Gathering my courage, I
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As the weeks passed, the unspoken shadows persisted, casting a somber hue over our days. Lin's anxiety remained palpable, his smile often fleeting. I spent my days by his side, finding comfort in our moments together, even if the depth of his pain remained hidden from me. Each time his fingers brushed mine, I could sense the weight he carried, something he was trying to sort through.One night, I woke to find our bed empty, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the room. A knot of worry tightened in my chest as I realized Lin was nowhere to be found. Clutching the fabric of my nightgown, I ventured out of our chambers, my steps quiet as I navigated the familiar corridors.My heart guided me to his study, a place that I had realized was pretty much a sanctuary for him. I approached the door, my hand poised to push it open, but before I could take that step, the door swung open, revealing Lin standing before me, his expression a mix of surprise and concern."Meghan," he said, his voic
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Minutes after that I watched with a mixture of pride and wistfulness as Ethan and Emily bounded off, their energy and excitement radiating outward for all to see."Be good, you two!" I called after them, waving with a smile.Ethan turned back and gave me a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, Mom! We'll make you proud!"I chuckled, my heart swelling with affection for my spirited children. "I have no doubt you will."As they disappeared around the corner, Lin approached, his gaze lingering on their retreating figures."They're growing up so fast," he mused, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.I nodded, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I know. It feels like just yesterday they were taking their first steps."Lin's fingers found mine, his grip gentle and reassuring. "They'll be just fine with Leon."I leaned into his side, finding comfort in his presence. "I know. It's just hard not to worry."He pressed a kiss to my temple, his warmth seeping into me. "You're a wonderful mother, Meghan. The kids a
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Leon ran a shaky hand through his hair, his expression a mix of bewilderment and amusement. “I didn’t think he’d take my teasing that seriously.”Concern gnawed at my insides as I processed Lin’s reaction. There was something more going on beneath the surface, something deeper that had driven him to act in a way that was so unlike him.“It is rather obvious he’s dealing with something we don’t know about,” I said, my thoughts echoing Rachel’s earlier words.Rachel nodded in agreement, her thoughtful gaze fixed on the doorway Lin had exited through. “Whatever it is, it’s clearly affecting the Alpha.”As we stood amidst the aftermath of Lin’s abrupt departure, the half-baked cookies forgotten on the counter, a sense of uncertainty settled within me. Our bond, once unbreakable, was now strained, and I couldn’t help but worry about the implications for our friends.“Is there really nothing troublesome you guys are dealing with right now?” I questioned Leon.“Eh, no, everything has been go
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Hours passed, the night's silence broken only by the occasional cry of pain that escaped my lips. I longed for solace, for a moment of clarity that would free me from the clutches of my own mind. But as the night wore on, it became clear that there was no easy escape from the labyrinth of suffering that had enveloped me.The weight of my turmoil bore down on me, a suffocating force that left me feeling trapped in a the clutches of confusion and pain. The desire to share my anguish with Meghan gnawed at me, a flicker of vulnerability that yearned to bridge the distance between us. But fear held me back—fear that she would see me as the monster that I feared I was becoming.It wasn't just the pain or the hallucinations that tormented me; it was the darkness that seemed to taint even the purest corners of my mind. The very thought of confiding in her, of admitting that I was struggling to control the demons within me, left me paralyzed with dread. I couldn't bear the thought of her reco
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The echoes of my fury still reverberated in the dimly lit dungeon as Donna struggled to catch her breath. Her eyes held a mixture of fear and defiance, a reminder of the thin line I had almost crossed. My fingers trembled, the memory of the rage-induced grip around her neck haunting me like a specter. “Go on then, finish it,” she taunted, her voice laced with a challenging edge. “Or are you just as weak as you were back then?” My fists clenched at my sides, the echoes of her words like a bitter echo of the past. But even in my anger, I couldn’t let myself become what she wanted—a monster consumed by his own darkness. With a forceful exhale, I released my grip on her, allowing her to stumble backward as she sucked in desperate breaths. She straightened, her posture defiant as she glared at me. “What’s your price, Donna?” I asked, my voice a mixture of accusation and resignation. She smirked, the expression cutting through the tension that hung between us. “Freedom. Release me from
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Meghan’s POV.The first rays of morning light crept through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across our bedroom. As I stirred from slumber, the sensation of Lin's absence washed over me like a bittersweet tide. The sheets still held the residual warmth of his body, a faint memory of his presence that filled the room.I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my mind registering the early hour displayed on the clock. Lin's early morning departures had become a familiar routine, leaving me feeling both longing and curious about his whereabouts. With a deep exhale, I threw off the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.The cool touch of the hardwood floor sent a shiver up my spine as I made my way down the hallway, my steps guided by a mix of curiosity and the hope of finding Lin somewhere within the pack's compound. The house was quiet, the only sounds my soft footfalls and the distant rustling of leaves outside.As I rounded a corner, the sight before me brought me to
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Lin's POV Night fell quickly, and, sitting in my office, the walls seemed to press closer, suffocating me with the weight of my decisions. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the image of Meghan's hurt expression that haunted my thoughts. The pain in her eyes cut deeper than any wound I'd ever suffered, and I couldn't escape the realization that my silence was causing her agony. Yet, there were truths I couldn't share, secrets I couldn't expose, even to her. The truth was a treacherous path, filled with shadows I was desperate to shield her from.The memory of Donna's hand in mine twisted my gut with guilt. Allowing her back into our lives, granting her a place in our pack, felt like a betrayal in itself. But my family, my beloved Meghan and our children, were my driving force. For their sakes, I would endure whatever trials lay ahead, weather the storms of uncertainty, all to ensure that I was okay. To make myself better, to stand strong for them.Deep in thought, I traced idle p
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I trudged back to my study, my mind swirling with dozens of thoughts. What I was thinking about, I could not really say, but my mind felt full anyway.I just knew a particularly vicious headache was in store for me when Donna walked into the room, her presence exuding an air of newfound confidence that made me wary. Her smile was too bright, her eyes too gleaming, and a knot formed in my stomach as I wondered what she was up to now. She had always been manipulative, cunning, and her sudden change in demeanor raised alarms within me."What's the next step, Donna?" I asked, my voice laced with caution. I had fulfilled her demands, played into her game, but I wasn't about to let my guard down.She turned to me, her gaze fixed on mine, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Ah, Lin, always so eager to solve your problems. But don't worry, I'm not here to play games anymore."Her words did little to ease my skepticism. "Get to the point."A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "We
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Meghan's POV The sight before me was like a punch to the gut, a sharp and searing pain that cut through the façade of security I had clung to. Lin, the man I had loved with an intensity that I hadn't known was possible, was there, his lips locked with Donna's. My heart raced, disbelief and a sense of betrayal coursing through my veins like a venomous poison. It was as if the ground beneath me had shifted, and I was left struggling to find my footing in a world that suddenly felt unfamiliar and cold.A surge of anger churned within me, fueled by the raw hurt that radiated from the depths of my heart. How could he? How could he let her out of the dungeon, and now this? It was like a nightmare, a cruel twist of fate that taunted me with the very thing I had feared the most – the possibility of losing the second man I had ever loved.I would be lying if I said that such a scenario had not played across my mind before - and I'll readily admit that it scared me half to death whenever I th
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