All Chapters of I UNKNOWINGLY SAVE AN ALPHA : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
155 Chapters
chapter 41
Chapter 41Freda’s POVAs I climbed into bed, the tiredness washed over me, urging me to drift into a peaceful slumber. But just as my eyes fluttered shut, a sudden realization jolted me awake. I remembered that there was something important I needed to tell Zack. An idea so urgent that it couldn’t wait until morning. Determined to find him, I swung my legs out from under the covers and slipped into my slippers.As I made my way through the darkened hallway, the moonlight filtering in through the curtains cast eerie shadows on the floor. My heart raced, partly due to the urgency of my message, but also because of the events that had been unfolding recently. Zack and I were not just close friends; we were practically inseparable. We shared a deep bond that went beyond friendship, almost like family. And there was something about Zack that set him apart from others— I felt like that something was happening to him.Living together in the same house, we had been through countless advent
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chapter 4 2
Chapter 42Kaine's POVI sat behind the wheel, my grip tightened on the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. The night air whistled through the open windows of the car, carrying with it a sense of urgency. The pack needed me, and I had to be there. My instincts, honed over years of being a werewolf, told me that something was amiss, and I couldn’t afford to waste any time.The road stretched out ahead, illuminated only by the pale glow of the moon. The night was eerily quiet, save for the low hum of the engine and the rhythmic beating of my heart. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me, each mile drawing me closer to the pack, closer to the answers I sought.As I drove, my senses sharpened, my wolf instincts guiding me. But just as I approached a desolate stretch of road, a sudden shift in the atmosphere jolted me. The scent of danger hung heavy in the air, and my muscles tensed in anticipation. The rogue wolf, hidden in the shadows, was about to make its move.With light
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chapter 43
Chapter 43Kaine’s POVUrgency coursed through my veins as I approached the heart of the pack's den. My eyes darted from face to face, searching for the pack's trusted physician, an old man whose wisdom and healing prowess were renowned. The fate of Freda rested upon his shoulders, and I needed to find him swiftly."Where is the pack physician?" I called out, my voice echoing with a mix of desperation and determination.A young pack member stepped forward, his eyes reflecting concern. "Kaine, he's by the creek tending to injured pack members. Shall I fetch him for you?"I nodded, gratitude washing over me. "Please, go find him and bring him here. Time is of the essence."Without a moment's hesitation, the young pack member sprinted off, disappearing into the darkness. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a reminder of the urgency that propelled me forward. Pack members turned their heads, their eyes widening with a mix of care, sadness, and confusion. Their gazes fixated on the wo
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chapter 44
Chapter 44Freda’s POVAs I lay on the bed in the pack's infirmary, my mind drifted back to the events that led me here. It all began with that conversation in my apartment with Zack. The memory played like a vivid reel in my mind.Zack paced back and forth, his face etched with worry. "Freda, we need to make them believe that you're injured. It's the only way to keep you safe."I frowned, feeling a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "But why, Zack? What's going on?"He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "There are forces at play, Freda, forces that could pose a danger to you. We need to protect you, and the best way to do that is to make them think you're hurt."I crossed my arms, feeling a surge of unease. "This sounds risky, Zack. What if something goes wrong?"Zack's eyes met mine, filled with determination. "I won't let anything happen to you, Freda. I promise. We've planned everything carefully. We'll use my blood to create the illusion of your injuries. It'
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chapter 45
Chapter 45Freda POV The physician looked at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as I handed him the token. It was a small, silver token with intricate engravings that I had found in my pocket earlier that day. He was puzzled as to how I had come across it, and I could tell he was eager to hear the explanation.Taking a deep breath, I gathered my thoughts and began to speak. "Doctor, I must tell you that it was Zack who gave me this token. He's alive." The words hung in the air, and I could see the disbelief in the physician's eyes. After all, Zack had been missing for months, presumed dead.The physician leaned forward, his curiosity intensifying. "Where did you see him? Are you sure it wasn't a case of mistaken identity?"I sat nervously in the bed, fidgeting with my hands as I prepared to reveal the truth. The weight of the secret I had been carrying was becoming unbearable, and I knew I had to confide in someone I could trust. The physician, with his kind and underst
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chapter 46
Chapter 46Freda POV As the physician left the room, I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. I knew that the conversation I was about to have with the elders would be crucial. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. Moments later, the physician returned, accompanied by two elderly figures who carried an air of wisdom and authority.The elders looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Their eyes held the weight of years of experience, and I could sense that they were prepared to listen to what I had to say. I cleared my throat and began to speak, hoping that my words would convey the truth that lay at the core of our secret.“Thank you for coming,” I said, my voice steady but tinged with nervousness. “I understand that you have questions about Zack.”The elder on the left, a woman with silver hair and kind eyes, nodded. “Indeed, we do. We have been informed that Zack is living with you and that you have been keeping his identity a secret.”I nodded,
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chapter 47
Chapter 47Zack PovI walked through the dimly lit room, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. Doubts and fears circled within me like vultures, threatening to devour my resolve. I couldn't shake the worry that gnawed at me as I paced back and forth in Freda's house. The plans we had made together felt fragile, hanging in the balance. What if something had gone wrong? What if Kaine had discovered our intentions and harmed her? The fear crept into my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over my every thought.As I paced back and forth, my steps echoing in the empty room, I couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness. The walls seemed to close in on me, suffocating my thoughts. I yearned for the solace of the forest, the freedom it offered, and the answers it held. It called to me like a siren, urging me to return and seek solace within its embrace."I can't sit here and do nothing," I whispered to myself, my voice filled with frustration. The desire to go back to the forest was ov
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chapter 48
Chapter 48Zack PovI crouched behind a thick tree trunk, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the figures approaching the spot where Freda had laid earlier.The adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. I couldn’t risk being seen, not now when our plan was so delicate.Peering through the foliage, I recognized them as some of the pack members. A mix of anger and worry welled up inside me. How could they have found this place? Had they discovered our ruse? Doubts gnawed at my mind, but I pushed them aside, reminding myself to stay calm and vigilant.They gathered around the area where Freda had pretended to be injured. The tallest among them, scanned the surroundings, his werewolf senses undoubtedly alert. My heart skipped a beat, fearing he would catch a whiff of our deception. But to my surprise, he seemed oblivious to the fact that the scent on the ground wasn’t Freda’s.I let out a silent breath of relief, realizing that our plan ha
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chapter 49
Chapter 49Freda PoVI paced back and forth in the physician's room, my anxiety growing with each passing moment. Where were the elders and the physician? They had left quite some time ago to discuss our plan, and the longer they were gone, the more my worry intensified. What if something had gone wrong? What if Kaine had discovered our plans?I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in my stomach. The silence in the room only added to my restlessness. I glanced at the clock on the wall, the ticking sound echoing in my ears, taunting me with its slow pace.I tried to distract myself by focusing on the details of the room. The neatly arranged medical instruments.The shelves lined with books, the faint scent of antiseptic lingering in the air. But my mind kept drifting back to the impending meeting and the uncertain outcome it held.I thought about Zack, alone in the house, risking his safety because of the trap. Was he alright? Was he able to execute our plan without
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chapter 50
Chapter 50Zack PovAs Freda approached me cautiously, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions—surprise, confusion, and above all, a sense of relief.I pulled her into a tight embrace, needing the physical connection to assure myself that she was real and safe.“Freda,” I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern. “What are you doing here? I thought you were at the physician’s place.”She pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine, her voice tinged with worry. “I was, but I couldn’t stay there any longer. I had this overwhelming feeling that something was wrong, that Kaine might have discovered our plan. I couldn’t just sit and wait, Zack. I had to come and find you.”I nodded, understanding her fear and the urgency that drove her to leave the physician’s place. I gently brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, my thumb grazing her cheek. “I’m glad you’re here. I was worried about you too. We need to stick together, now more than ever.”I looked into
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