Lahat ng Kabanata ng I UNKNOWINGLY SAVE AN ALPHA : Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
155 Kabanata
chapter 51
Chapter 51The Physician POVI returned to my place, eager to continue our discussions and finalize the plan we had crafted. However, as I stepped through the door, a cold wave of shock washed over me. The room was empty, devoid of Freda’s presence. Panic set in as I realized she had gone against my instructions to wait for me here. I had explicitly told her to remain until my return, but it seemed she had ventured off on her own.I paced back and forth in my study, my mind racing with thoughts of what might have transpired during my absence. What if Kaine had discovered our intentions? What if he had confronted Freda? The weight of uncertainty bore down on me, and I couldn’t shake off the gnawing fear that something terrible had befallen her.My hands trembled as I contemplated the repercussions of Freda’s disappearance. How would I explain her absence to Kaine? Would he suspect my involvement? I had pledged my allegiance to him as his physician, but now I found myself tangled in
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chapter 52
Chapter 52Zack POVAs the moonlight cast its ethereal glow upon the forest, Freda and I walked hand in hand, our steps guided by anticipation and determination. We were on our way to the sacred grove, a place of power where we hoped to find answers and forge a path towards reclaiming our pack from Kaine’s clutches. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me, but I drew strength from Freda’s unwavering presence.Suddenly, a rustle echoed through the trees, disrupting the serene ambiance. My instincts sharpened, senses on high alert, as a figure emerged from the shadows. A rogue wolf, eyes glinting with feral aggression, stood before us. In an instant, the peaceful atmosphere transformed into a battlefield.Its presence was striking, a formidable creature that embodied the untamed spirit of the wilderness. The rogue wolf stood tall, its sleek form bristling with wiry muscles beneath its dark, fur coat.Its coat held a mix of midnight black and shades of silver, as if the moonlight
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chapter 53
Chapter 53Freda POV I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement and admiration as Zack effortlessly fought off the wolf that had attacked us. The way he moved, his strength, and his unwavering determination left me in awe. I had never witnessed such power before, and it both amazed and frightened me.In that moment, my heart swelled with a newfound love for Zack. His protective nature, his willingness to put himself in harm’s way to keep me safe, made me realize just how much he meant to me. It was as if a deep bond had formed between us, forged through the trials we had faced together.As I watched him, a mix of emotions stirred within me. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his presence in my life, for the strength and courage he possessed. But there was also a tinge of worry and curiosity. What kind of werewolf was he? How did he possess such extraordinary abilities?I approached Zack cautiously, my eyes filled with wonder. “Zack,” I said, my voice filled with both
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chapter 54
Chapter 54Zack Pov As I approached the young man who had emerged from the woods, I couldn’t help but notice his striking appearance. His eyes sparkled with an otherworldly charm, and his presence seemed to exude a sense of awe. It was Aidan, a fellow werewolf I hadn’t seen in quite some time.“Hey, Aidan!” I greeted him with a smile, relief flooding through me. “Long time no see. What brings you here?”Aidan returned the smile, his gaze scanning over me as if in disbelief. “Zack, is that really you?” he asked, a mixture of surprise and joy in his voice. “We all thought you were dead. Kaine made sure to spread the word.”I chuckled, a mix of amusement and frustration. “Well, I can assure you, I’m very much alive,” I replied, a hint of determination in my tone. “I had to lay low for a while, but I’m back now.”Aidan nodded, his expression softening. “I’m glad to hear that, Zack. The pack has changed a lot since you’ve been gone. Kaine’s been tightening his grip on everything.”I cross
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chapter 55
Chapter 55The Physician PovI cautiously moved through the dense forest, my senses on high alert. The scent of the recent rain lingered in the air, intermingling with the earthy aroma of the trees. My heart pounded in my chest as I searched for any trace of Freda. It had been nearly half an hour, and fatigue was starting to settle in.Every step I took was calculated, my gaze sweeping the surroundings, searching for any signs of her presence. The foliage rustled with the gentle breeze, whispering secrets that eluded my ears. I couldn’t afford to miss even the faintest clue. The weight of responsibility bore down on me, reminding me of the urgency to find her.The forest seemed to stretch endlessly before me, its vastness both enchanting and treacherous. The tangled branches reached out like gnarled fingers, creating a labyrinth of shadows. I pushed forward, my determination overriding the growing weariness.As I continued my search, doubts began to creep into my mind. What if she
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chapter 56
Chapter 56Kaine POVI stood at the doorstep of the physician's room, my impatience growing with each passing moment. I needed to know the status of Freda's healing, to ensure that everything was going according to plan. Without any further delay, I decided to take matters into my own hands and pushed open the door.To my surprise, the room was empty except for the physician's servant, who appeared startled by my sudden intrusion. Confusion washed over me as I scanned the room, my eyes searching for any sign of the physician. Where could he be? Had something gone wrong?"Where is the physician?" I demanded, my voice filled with a mixture of urgency and frustration. The servant stammered, struggling to find his words. I could sense his unease, realizing that something was amiss."He... he's not here, Alpha Kaine," the servant stuttered, his eyes darting around nervously. "He... he said he had to go to some place... for some healing rituals."My brows furrowed in disbelief. He left?
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chapter 57
Chapter 57The physician POvAs I ventured deeper into the forest, following the faint scent of Freda, my mind raced with worry and confusion. Why had she wandered into the forest when we had agreed that I would help her? The knots in my stomach tightened, and each step I took felt heavier than before. I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that something might have harmed her, but at the same time, I clung onto the hope that she was safe. After all, I could sense her presence, her aura lingering in the air.The forest grew denser with each passing moment, the towering trees forming a canopy above, casting shadows that danced in the flickering sunlight. The silence of the woods seemed to amplify my thoughts, making them swirl with a mixture of concern and determination. I quickened my pace, my eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of Freda.Branches cracked beneath my boots, and the forest floor rustled with unseen creatures. The air was heavy with the scent of
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chapter 58
Chapter 58Kaine POVUnder the moonlit sky, I stand at the heart of our pack’s territory, surrounded by my loyal warriors. The air is thick with anticipation as we prepare for the journey that lies ahead. Our mission is clear – to find Freda and confront the deceitful pack physician.As the pack gathers around me, I can feel their unwavering support, their loyalty radiating from their eyes. Together, we are a formidable force, united by the bonds of kinship and a shared purpose. Each member of the pack has trained rigorously, honing their skills for this very moment.I raise my voice, projecting my words to the silent forest. “Listen, my pack,” I command, my voice filled with determination. “We embark on a perilous journey, a path fraught with uncertainty. But we cannot falter. Our pack has been betrayed, and it is our duty to set things right.”The pack warriors nod in agreement, their eyes fixed on me. They understand the gravity of our mission, the importance of uncovering the trut
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chapter 59
Freda POVI watched with a soft smile as the physician and Zack greeted each other warmly. There was a sense of camaraderie between them, a connection that seemed to transcend mere acquaintanceship. It was evident that they held a deep respect and fondness for one another.“Zack,” the physician began, his voice carrying a note of familiarity, “it’s good to see you. I hope you’re doing well.”Zack nodded, his expression grateful. “Mage, I can’t express how thankful I am for all your guidance and support during my time as the Alpha. You’ve always been there for me.”The physician’s eyes sparkled with warmth as he replied, “Zack, you were a remarkable Alpha, and it was my privilege to stand beside you. Your leadership brought unity and strength to our pack.”Freda felt a surge of admiration for the physician as she listened to their conversation. It was clear that he had played a significant role in shaping Zack’s character and molding him into the leader he had become.“And now,” Zack
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chapter 60
Kaine pov My heart raced with a mix of relief and curiosity as I confronted the pack physician about our visit to the sacred grove. The weight of Freda’s well-being and the mysteries surrounding the grove weighed heavily on my mind. With a firm yet inquisitive tone, I asked, “Physician, why did you feel the need to take Freda to the sacred grove for her healing?”The physician, his face adorned with a solemn expression and his eyes brimming with purpose, met my gaze with unwavering conviction. He spoke in a voice that carried both authority and reverence, “Kaine, Freda’s wounds were not only physical but also ran deep within her spirit and inner strength. The sacred grove holds ancient rituals and energies that possess the power to heal wounds that cannot be seen by the naked eye.”As I absorbed his explanation, a mixture of wonder and skepticism filled my thoughts. The sacred grove had always been a source of intrigue, but I had approached it with cautious curiosity. Now, it see
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