All Chapters of I UNKNOWINGLY SAVE AN ALPHA : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
155 Chapters
chapter 71
Zack POVThe Sight of Kaine made my stomach turn. Here it was in all his might, giving commands and controlling everyone.Alpha Indeed! I hissed quietly.“Lock John up”, I could hear him barking orders to the guards.I turned to look at Mark who gave me a resigned look.“I would see you at the other side”, he said clasping my hands. “Hopefully”, he added. I could see the desire in his eyes. He had hope that i should come out of it alive.Off course i would! I said to myself.Just then two hefty heavily armed men walked up to me and grabbed me by the arms. I immediately shove them off.They were dressed in black, with balaclavas covering their faces. They moved quickly and efficiently.“I can walk on my own”, I said politely.They shrugged before letting me be. “You don’t need to do a show off strength. Sometimes you can act as perfect gentlemen “ I scolded.They looked at me with all seriousness and this made me chuckle. They led me into a secret room.The secret room was located
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chapter 72
Kaine POV As the knife deeply cut into John’s stomach, my senses were overloaded by stress.I had to take action. I immediately leaped forward towards him, sinking my fangs deep into his neck.I could feel his bones crushing beneath the force of my pangs.His blood rushed into my mouth, driving my anger and need. As I drained the life from him, the taste of iron and terror filled my senses.The guard’s body fell limp to the ground, lifeless and motionless. I released my grip, standing over him with a mix of disbelief and a surge of power coursing through my veins.What had just happened? I was very close to death. I was about to die. I thought to myself.If not John stepped in, that would have been the end of me. Was this tied to the mysterious caller.Was this one elaborate plan. No it can be. I reassured myself. This was just some disgruntled servants, that were sicked of my reign.I would crush them, I would crush all of them. I told myself.I directed my attention back to John, w
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chapter 73
Zack POV As I slowly regained awareness, I realised I was laying in a nice bed, surrounded by a soft glow of warm light.As I tried to make sense of my surroundings, I became confused and disoriented.How did I end up here? Where was I? I questioned myself I attempted to sit up but slumped back into bed due to the pain that swamped my body.It was then that I noticed the presence of the physician, standing at my bedside with a calm and reassuring appearance."Take it easy, Zack. You need to rest," he spoke softly, his voice a soothing melody to my ears.I blinked, my mind slowly piecing together the fragments of memory. Kaine...... I had been stabbed. But how did I end up here, in the care of the physician? I wondered."You're safe now, Zack. Kaine brought you here. He saved your life," the physician explained.I stared at him in disbelief, trying to understand what he had just said. Kaine, the ruthless Alpha who had been my nemesis, had saved me? It was a revelation shook my ent
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chapter 74
Freda POVI raced into my room as Kaine rushed out ofthe mansion, holding the dead body of John in his hands.My heart was racing in my chest. The sight of death and violence had shook me to my core, leaving me helpless and very scared.I shut the door behind me, looking for safety within the walls of my room.I couldn't help but feel a wave of panic flowing through my veins as I stood there, breathing erratically.“Stay strong, Freda,” I whispered to myself, my voice infused with determination. “You have faced adversity before, and you will face it again. You are not defined by fear.”I clung to that conviction, letting it consume my very being. Immediately I retreated to the closest and hid there.The walls of the closet provided a form of solace, shielding me from the outside world. “I will not let fear hold me captive,” I declared, my voice steady and resolute. “I will face whatever comes my way with courage and grace. I am stronger than I realize.”I tried to process all that
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chapter 75
Zack POVTwo days later. The physician took me on a walk through the forest. I had fully recovered and my strength had returned.Today was the day, i would be returning back to the Kaine’s mansion. He was very eager to see me. As he had been giving me regular visits at the physician’s house.As I walked alongside the physician in the serene forest, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves, I felt a renewed sense of strength and purpose. It was time to have a serious conversation about our plans to remove Kaine as the alpha.“Physician,” I began, my voice steady yet filled with determination.“I want to know your thoughts on removing Kaine from his position as alpha. What are your plans?”The physician paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. The weight of the situation was evident in his eyes.“Zack,” he replied, his voice calm, “Replacing Kaine as alpha is not a task to be taken lightly. It needs careful planning”I nodded in agreement, knowing the risks involved. T
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chapter 76
Zack POVOne month later I woke up feeling very relaxed and excited. The plan was going accordingly and Kaine could not find any suspicion with me. I climbed out of bed and stood before the mirror, picking my teeth. The events of yesterday played before my mind.We had made a great catch and Kaine decided to throw a banquet. There were lot of feasting and drinking and the men had a good time.Yet Kaine did not invite the hunters to the feast. I guess that’s how he keeps the pack on leash.Then there is Xavier, he has been acting all strange around me. I knew that he wasn’t full convinced about my loyalty to Kaine and he has his suspicions.Yet there was not a thing he could do to prove I had anything planned. I would have to keep a close eye on him.Freda, my Love. I whispered quietly.She had made her place in the mansion over the days and we had a secret room where we usually converse and encourage ourselves.I could feel her impact on Kaine. He listens to her without a second tho
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chapter 77
Zack POVI killed my brother. I killed my brother. The words kept echoing in my head.I couldn’t believe and my desire to remove him as Alpha grew even more. I was seething with rage. Did the physician knew about this? Did Aidan knew about this? The questions kept echoing in my head.Or did they assumed that I knew? I asked myself. I was brought back to reality by the disgusting sound of Kaine’s voice.“I feel he is planning to take on his revenge. He may be behind the strange caller”, he continued ranting.“What strange caller?”, I asked eager to gather as much information as possible.This was the evidence that we were looking for. This was what we needed to bring him down.“Month ago, exactly when we first met. I was summoned to the crescent hospital to discover that se funds have been laundered.” He began and I listened attentively.“When the board and I were pondering on how to go about it, I got a call from a mystery caller “ he said.“Mystery caller”, I repeated.“Yeah”, he co
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chapter 78
Darren POVI stared at my phone for the umpteenth time. It has been weeks since the private investigator I hired to dirt on Liam had brought up anything.He called me yesterday assuring me had had found out about something very dirty that it would tear Liam apart.I could still hear the excitement in his voice over the telephone, ringing in my head.“.... I have found some Darren. Ohhhhhh, your boy has a big stain on him”. He had said over the phone.“Well I can’t wait. The usual spot at the coffee place”, I had said before hanging up.Yet It was already noon and he was yet to arrive I could hear her tapping against the plastic table consistently.Oh, she was such a nuisance. A thorn in my flesh. I didn’t know why I agreed to bring her along. She can be very persuasive sometimes.“When is your boy going to come?”, Ruby asked for the umpteenth time.I frowned at her, “like I have told you earlier. He would be here. If you can’t wait, then leave”. I snapped at her.“Easy boo”, she caut
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chapter 79
Darren POV Time seemed to slow down as I watched. It felt like it was just me and Freda in that moment, with everything else fading away. Her presence made the clearing feel special, like she was protecting it. The sunlight made her face look almost magical, surrounded by a bright glow that left me both curious and confused.I didn't dare move, feeling like I was a part of something secret and special. I couldn't help but wonder why Freda was here in this place, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her as she stood there, a silent figure in the tranquil clearing.I couldn't believe my eyes as Freda pressed on through the forest, unfazed by the surroundings. Step by step, she moved until she reached the very edge of the woods. My mind buzzed with confusion, like a puzzle missing pieces. What was her purpose here? The forest had always held its secrets, but now, her unexpected presence added a whole new layer of mystery that left me both baffled and intrigued..Determination ignited
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chapter 80
Zack POV “Now we win,” the physician’s voice resounded with unwavering confidence as the forest materialized around us once more. The reassuring presence of my leather pouch, housing the invaluable files, was suddenly restored at my side.Upon our return, the forest greeted us with a symphony of rustling leaves and whispered secrets. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the canopy, dappling the forest floor in patches of warmth and shadow. The air carried a gentle, earthy aroma, a melange of pine, moss, and the promise of new beginnings.Birdsong serenaded our arrival, their melodies weaving a delicate tapestry of sound that seemed to dance with the very leaves above. The tranquil babble of a nearby stream provided an underlying rhythm, a soothing backdrop to the momentous exchange between the physician and me.As I glanced around, the ancient trees stood like sentinels, their towering forms exuding a timeless wisdom that seemed to acknowledge the gravity of our mission. The fore
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