All Chapters of I UNKNOWINGLY SAVE AN ALPHA : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
155 Chapters
chapter 61
Zack POV As I stood there, hidden among the bushes, my heart pounded in my chest, torn between the instinct to protect Freda and the uncertainty of the physician’s plan. Kaine’s sudden intrusion into the grove had caught me off guard, and I questioned whether I should reveal myself and intervene. But a part of me believed in the physician’s abilities and hoped that he could handle the situation. “I can’t let anything happen to her,” I whispered to myself, my voice filled with determination. “Freda has already been through so much. I won’t allow Kaine to harm her.” The inner battle waged within me as I weighed the risks and consequences of my actions. I trusted the physician’s expertise, yet I couldn’t ignore my instinct to protect Freda at any cost. My mind raced with possibilities and scenarios, searching for the best course of action. I watched as Kaine approached the physician, his voice laced with suspicion and impatience. The physician’s calm demeanor and his explanatio
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chapter 62
Zack PovAs I watched Kaine’s car disappear into the distance, taking Freda and the physician with him, a surge of determination coursed through my veins. I knew I had to find a way to protect Freda, to keep her safe from Kaine’s clutches. And then an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning, illuminating my path forward.I decided that the best course of action was to infiltrate Kaine’s trusted circle. By posing as one of the pack members, I could gain valuable information, learn their plans, and ultimately find a way to dismantle Kaine’s reign of dominance. It wouldn’t be easy, but I was willing to do whatever it took to ensure Freda’s safety.Walking deeper into the forest, my mind raced with thoughts and plans. I knew I had to blend in seamlessly, to convince Kaine’s followers that I was one of them. I had to observe their behavior, their mannerisms, and mimic them flawlessly. It would require careful observation and a keen sense of adaptability.Engaging in a conversation with
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chapter 63
Freda POVI blinked my eyes open, slowly becoming aware of my surroundings. The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. As my vision adjusted, I realized I was in a spacious bedroom, lying on a luxurious king-sized bed. The soft sheets and plush pillows beneath me offered a level of comfort I hadn’t experienced before.I sat up, taking in the grandeur of the room. It was elegantly decorated with rich furnishings, adorned with intricate patterns and textures. The walls were painted in soothing hues, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. It was a room fit for a king, or in this case, the Alpha of the pack.A surge of realization washed over me. This wasn’t a dream. I was still in Kaine’s mansion, in his own private quarters. The events of last night flooded back, reminding me of the delicate situation I found myself in.I swung my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the plush carpet beneath my feet. I glanced around, searching for any
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chapter 64
Zack PovI woke up to the aroma of scrambled eggs and toast wafting through the air, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort in Aidan’s presence. He was busy in the kitchen, skillfully maneuvering pans and ingredients with a sense of ease. I greeted him with a warm smile, appreciating the effort he had put into preparing breakfast.“Morning, Zack,” Aidan said, returning my smile. “Sleep well?”I nodded, taking a seat at the worn wooden table. “I did, thanks. The bed was surprisingly comfortable.”Aidan chuckled, setting a plate of steaming eggs and toast in front of me. “Well, I’m glad you found it to your liking. Dig in!”I thanked him and started eating, savoring the delicious flavors that filled my mouth. As I enjoyed the meal, Aidan sat across from me, his expression thoughtful.“You know, Zack,” he began, his voice tinged with curiosity. “I’ve been thinking about your plan to infiltrate Kaine’s trusted men. It’s a risky move, but it could be our key to dismantling his reign
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chapter 65
Zack POV Gathered around the meeting spot, I stood among the hunters, a genuine smile adorning my face. The hunt had been successful, and the bountiful feast of meat we had secured would undoubtedly sustain the pack for weeks to come. Excitement and satisfaction swelled within me as I addressed the group.“Men, today has been a fruitful day,” Mark proclaimed, my voice filled with pride and enthusiasm. “The spoils of our hunt will provide sustenance for the pack, ensuring our strength and vitality.”Nods of agreement rippled through the group, their eyes sparkling with a shared sense of accomplishment. It was a moment to cherish, the culmination of our combined efforts and the harmony forged within the wild.But amidst the jubilation, a somber reminder echoed through the air. One of the hunters interjected, his tone laced with a hint of caution. “Remember, brothers, our bounty belongs to the Alpha. It is our duty to offer our spoils as a token of respect and loyalty.”The reminder
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chapter 66
Kaine POV As I knocked on the door of Freda's room, my heart fluttered with a mix of hope and concern. When she granted me permission to enter, I stepped inside, my gaze instantly finding the physician at her side. He was still attending to her, checking her vitals and ensuring her well-being.I took a seat beside Freda, my eyes filled with worry. I reached out and gently held her hand, my voice filled with genuine concern. "Freda, how are you feeling? Is there anything you need? I want to make sure you're comfortable and well taken care of."She looked at me with gratitude in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips. "Thank you, Kaine. I appreciate your concern. I'm doing alright for now. The physician has been looking after me and making sure I'm on the path to recovery."I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief hearing her words. "I'm glad to hear that, Freda. You're strong, and I have no doubt that you will overcome this. Just know that I'm here for you, ready to support you i
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chapter 67
Darren POVI sat alone in my house, the bitter taste of regret lingering in my mouth. As I sipped my coffee, my mind drifted back to the events that had unfolded in the past. Freda, my ex-fiancée, had moved on and found solace in the arms of another man named Liam. It was a blow to my ego, a painful reminder that I had lost her.“Why did she choose him over me?” I whispered to myself, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and self-doubt. I tried to reason with my own thoughts, searching for answers that seemed to elude me. “Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong?”The memories of our relationship flooded my mind, each scene replaying like a movie. Freda and I had once been deeply in love, planning our future together. But somewhere along the way, we had grown apart. The realization that she had found someone else stung like a thousand needles in my heart.I took another sip of my coffee, the bitterness matching the turmoil within me. “How could she move on so quickly?
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chapter 68
Freda POV“No!, No!, No!, No!” I screamed immediately Kaine left the room.“Kaine is the owner of the hospital i worked. This is bad. This is very bad”, I spoke aimlessly My heart raced as Kaine revealed that he was the owner of the hospital where I worked. Panic surged through my veins, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. This was bad, very bad. How could I have unknowingly been entangled in such a web of deception?I turned to the physician, my trusted companion in this unfamiliar territory. Fear and desperation filled my eyes as I pleaded with him to help me. “We need to get out of here,” I whispered urgently, my voice trembling with anxiety.The physician looked at me, his gaze steady and reassuring. “Freda, calm down,” he said softly. “I understand your concerns, but we need to be cautious. Panicking won’t solve anything.”I felt a mix of frustration and desperation welling up inside me. How could I remain calm when the man I had been working for, the man I had trusted,
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chapter 69
Kaine POVI sat in my luxurious Benz, frustration etched on my face, as I found myself stuck in a seemingly endless traffic jam. The honking horns and impatient drivers surrounding me only added to my mounting irritation. Today was not going as planned, and it was testing my patience to the limit.I glanced at the time on the dashboard clock and realized I was running late for an impromptu meeting at the hospital. As the chairman of the board, it was my responsibility to be present, but all I could think about was Freda. The thought of leaving her alone, especially in her current state, made my heart ache.“Why now?” I muttered under my breath, my frustration seeping through every word. “Of all days, why did this meeting have to be scheduled?”I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white as I tried to calm myself. But the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. It felt as if the universe was conspiring against me, tearing me away from Freda when all I wa
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chapter 70
Kaine POVI sat in my office, occupied with thoughts. The mysterious caller was on my mind, the unexpected turn of events of Zack being alive. The money scandal and then Freda. Everything seemed to be working against me, yet i had to maintain control. I have to take charge and not let anything distract me.Startled by the unexpected knock on my office door, I instinctively snapped, "Who is it?" The tension in the room heightened as I awaited the response, my mind racing with the possibilities of who could be seeking my attention. The voice that echoed through the door, identifying itself as Xavier, my trusted confidant, eased my apprehension.Relieved, I quickly allowed Xavier to enter, gesturing for him to close the door securely behind him. The weight of the situation we were facing demanded the utmost privacy and discretion. I needed Xavier's undivided attention, as we had important matters to discuss.As the door clicked shut, I could see the concern etched on Xavier's face, m
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