All Chapters of Reborn- His Scarlet Moon: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
119 Chapters
Sherizad's POV- Meeting him again
I could not understand much of what I had witnessed. But one thing was certain, if the credibility of the mysterious man was exempted, the northern chief and Ryan's clan, had something intricate. It was almost dawn and I couldn't sleep well. With the first ray of the morning light, I gathered Midnight and a few chiefs. We rode off towards Ryan's tribe. The battle was just brewing. " Sherizad? Midnight? Whoah! Why are you guys so early? "It was Josh. We met him right at the entrance to their tribe. He was probably out there attending his nature's call or just wandering. " It's Alpha Sherizad, you, thick head... "Beck came in from no where and hit Josh right at the back of his head. He smiled and bowed as we passed right beside them. I could hear them bickering at the back which made me smile a little. " What a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting you so early... " it was Ryan. He remarked as he extended his arm, trying to help me dismount. I sprang beside him without accepting,
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Sherizad's POV- Battle ground
" Your father must have foreseen something for him to hand over these weapons to you, before his demise. "Another remark that blew me off track. We were en route to the Northern lands. Ryan's mysterious uncle was behind us as well. He promised to lead us to the last post where he himself was allowed. " What do you mean? "I , naturally slowed down ." Did you know my father? "" I might have. " He smiled. Then he positioned himself between myself and the rest of my team in such a manner that only I would be able to hear what he says. " That tree over there, is the last post till where I will be able to accompany you guys.""Why? I mean why can you not cross that land? "I knew that he specifically asked us not to ask about that but I took the liberty. " Ahhh! You are quite a girl I see. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you since we both will be sharing some more secrecy. " He flashed his contagious smile again, " You see that thing that rules those lands have a dark source.
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Ryan's POV - Back in the present
I had Sherizad's dagger in my hand. I was sitting in my study. My doors were shut for everyone at the moment. Even for Sherry, the human. I know my boys were worried and so was Chong but I had the very weapon with which Sherizad had annihilated my entire clan, along with herself. I thought it was gone. But here it was , right in between my palms. I brought out my own spectre and kept it beside her dagger on my study table. The only one missing was the sun sword that Tristan had. It was missing as well and I somehow had an urge. I had a feeling that I needed to find it as well. I felt like this was part of some missing puzzle. I felt like it would be the key to the answers to my questions. The answers that I never got to ask Sherizad and the ones she could never answer. I didn't want anybody to trouble me at the moment but it felt like chaos was part of my existence. I could hear some commotion, coming from the front gate. I could hear my boys talking and I could also hear Sherry
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Sherizad's POV - Post the first battle... past
It was a week-long battle. A battle it was, just in name, it was basically a massacre. The moment we stepped inside those lands the day turned into darkness. It was nothing like the empty lands that we had visited. It was, as if, they were waiting for us with armed hands. " Spread out. Look for the other packs. "I could hear Ryan yell out the orders as a terrible blizzard suddenly came at our direction. We could tell it wasn't a natural phenomenon. The blizzard was accompanied with several ghastly apparitions. Each threatning one, with an different terror. It was as if we had stepped inside a mirage of madness. It was becoming difficult to tell fake from real.In the middle of that madness our days went by. Bodies fell here and there. It would have been easy for those minions of darkness to get rid of all of us but they chose meticulously, whom to kill and whom to play with. My eyes had been fixed on Ryan, at least I had been trying. Finally when the dark fog settled, I ran
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Sherry's POV- Present
" What nonsense! How can he be gone? What do you mean? "We were mid-air, when Ryan received the information. " I was kind of expecting it. He was taken out of the hospital. They caught two men escorting him out in the surveillance camera. Their faces were covered and they both wore black hoodies... "" So they couldn't be identified... "It had come as a shock to know that my father possessed something valuable like that sword K had brought . And now to learn about him being kidnapped was another thing. It was starting to feel like I didn't even know me, my own self. I sank back into my seat as the chopper turned around. I didn't bother to ask Ryan. I was no longer interested. There were creatures who weren't human, like Ryan, living within our society. Beasts that roamed free. Would my father be safe, in such a world. I couldn't help but worry. " Where are we headed? " I finally asked. Ryan didn't answer. He seemed lost in his thoughts as well. When we got off the chopper, I u
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Sherry's POV - Steamy
He was like the hungry wolf and it was more apt, now that I knew his reality. He was as impatient as our first night. Well, basically half of it. We never got to finish the act at that time. His kisses ravaged all over my neck as his hands mishandled me. It felt good. It felt raw. And my moans and groans were begging him to continue what he was doing. He ripped my dress off with his fangs as I saw his beastly side slowly arising. Strangely, I wasn't scared. There was a weird sense of familiarity. I could see my chest heaving so loudly that I was afraid my heart would pop out, as his tongue traveled towards the ends of my bra straps as he was about to undress me completely."Sherizad... why did you leave me? " he mumbled as he flung my innerwear to the side. I pulled my neck up to see where it was landing but he grabbed my neck and thrust his body weight over me. His embrace felt wild. His embrace felt comforting. He was like a big dog, snuggling so hard, looking for someone to
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Ryan's POV - Coming face to face with days that were by gone
"There will be no union. He will have no home. His soul has been cursed to suffer for eternity. That was the price he had to pay for the mistake of his birth.... Did I get that right Ryan? "Chong asked as I called him to say what had happened and also about what Sherry had experienced before. These sorts of things did not reoccur ever since the reign of terror of the infamous Northern Chief. Why was there this sudden influx and why the hell happened to me? Why didn't I remember uttering those words? What did it even mean? " Curses are something that should not be taken lightly Ryan. If this indeed is about a real curse, I must get back to you after consulting experts. You better watch out on your way. It doesn't feel very good. "" Are you worried about my health Chong?" I knew he was smiling when I hung up. I stayed up the rest of the night. Good news came our way, as soon as it was morning. Beck and Josh were here. Sherry was sitting with her morning coffee. Something about th
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Sherizad's POV: Non-negotiable... past
" So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about? "I swear I didn't mean to be that polite with him but I was doing it for Ryan. I knew that, at the moment, the power that Helos, the Northern Chief held, was beyond our comprehension and thus he was practically undefeatable. The lives of all of us were at stake. The ghastly apparition had blindfolded me and carried me on air, somewhere. I guess I wasn't meant to find out his hide out. They took the blindfold off when I finally could feel solid ground beneath both my feet. The place was dark and damp. I saw that I was standing on one of the small stones, scattered around and the rest of the ground was submerged in water. I tried to dip my right foot to check how deep it was but it kept going and I had to take it out because it was too chilly. In front of me was a pile of discarded bones. Human-like skeletons formed a towering structure on which was seated a hooded figure, as if it was his throne. He brought forth his exception
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Sherizad's POV- Death kneel
" What are you doing here Sherizad? And why the hell are we dressed like those male guards? "Midnight had been standing on guard for hours at a stretch. It was now confirmed that there were infiltrators in all the packs. Some possessed by Helos's dark minions and some voluntarily submitting to the new world order of darkness. I needed to access my fathers secret study without arousing anymore suspense. Disguise was indispensable.Even Midnight didn't need to know about the details that I had gathered. " Take the lights out. I will stay here for the rest of the night. You lock the door behind yourself and come get me before dawn time. Make sure nobody suspects that I am not in my room. "She left obediently. I needed to unlock the secret of the weapons that we were carrying. The night went by quicker than I expected and soon O had to leave. I could only gather some bits and pieces and then I had to be present in front of my people as their queen. Soon it was time. Time for the pr
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Ryan's POV- In my arms
That stench in that mist took me back straight to the battlefield. Not that it needed anything for me to revisit that scene, over and over in my head, a million times, carefully visualizing the chronology of the event. Thinking , wondering and lamenting if there was anything that I could have done better that could have averted that massacre. It still made my breath heavy when I remembered her last breaths that she heaved on these arms. "Ryan, is everything alright? "Sherry's touch made me realise that she was gone as I stared at those empty hands. " The boat will not go any further Alpha. It might hit those rocks and crumble . We need to swim the rest of the distance to the shore. "" Sherry, get on my back... " but before I could finish, she had already stripped and jumped into the ocean. " Gosh! This water is so cold. You should have warned me before I jumped to swim. "She was so unlike my Sherizad, always getting on my nerves, always getting herself in trouble. But I someho
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