All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 621 - Chapter 630
681 Chapters
Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty One
"What are you going to do about this?" Leslie asked her daughter as she walked in through the door."My heart" Anette said turning to her. She had not expected anyone to be awake and waiting for her at that time. She had no energy to clarify anything that might after staying away from the house for two days she still did not feel like explaining to anyone. "You scared me" she added."Did you not expect to see me here?" Leslie asked and Anette nodded. "Oh I see you did not expect to see me in my own home" she added standing up from the couch and walking towards her."Well the room was dark and I did not think you would be out here" Anette shifted from foot to foot. She could not lie this was the first time she experienced confusion on a matter."You did not think that I would wait up for you? After I heard the news and called you many times but you did not pick up. Did you not think I would be worried?" Leslie asked taking her hand."So you are not mad?" Anette asked."Oh I don't know,
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Two
Leslie watched her daughter walk away, she could not believe that she was having second thoughts. Was this the way she would throw away all her years of hard work? Leslie had been working so tirelessly to make sure that she matched her daughter and Joshua.She was going to do the same for Andrew but he had refused every opportunity she presented so she knew he was a lost cause, there was nothing she could do with him. She could not believe that Jessica would dare to betray her after saying it would be nice to have her as an in-law.When Jessica made this statement both children were still in diapers learning to walk but Leslie took it as a promise of marriage. She had zeroed her mind that her daughter was getting married to her son."How dare she try to betray me and then walk in here like nothing happened?" Leslie murmured as she paced the floor. "Should I have scattered the marriage while it was still so young? Is it because I let her have Xavier? I could have easily had him if I w
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Book Two: Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Three
"I am so happy it blew over," Joshua said as he walked hand in hand with Aletta on the street. He was happy that the scandal blew over but he was more joyed that he was able to walk hand in hand with her tight there in the open. People were staring but it did not matter because they already knew what was going on with him since they decided to make his business theirs."See I told you it would blow over" Aletta said. Somehow she was proud that she was able to make the prediction correctly."Maybe I should entrust you with making all my decisions for life," Joshua said.Aletta felt her heart stop and then receive some kind of life all over again. "That sounds kinda like a proposal" she muttered."Trust me it isn't, I plan to do something more touching," he said with a wink.She liked the moment but she was not sure if she wanted it to last. How did she tell him that she was not all for proposal and even more so not interested in marriage? He knew this but seeing him speak that way mea
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Four
"It sounded nice in my head but when I said it it sounded so cringe" Joshua confessed."See even you think it's cringe," Aletta said."What do you say about the trip? And don't stop thinking about me or hesitate because this might hurt my image, just think about yourself, do you think this would be a good idea for you? Do you think it's something you would enjoy?" he asked."The problem is I am so into my job that I can barely think for myself when the situation involves you, all I think about is how it would affect you," she told him."I know but I want you to be my girlfriend now, not my secretary or my assistant," he said taking a step forward as if he could close the tiniest gasp between them."Just as my girlfriend what you do say about the trip" Aletta pretended to be thinking, as a girlfriend the trip was the most wonderful idea she had heard in a while but as an assistant, she knew that there were a lot of things to consider."What do you say?" Joshua asked after a long minut
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Five
Joshua had not wasted time contacting the people who were in charge of his family's private plane. He had to impress his girl anyway. His father caught wind of it and was on the phone with him in an instant."Is there a business trip I am unaware of?" Xavier asked."No" Joshua was confused as to why his father was asking that. He had reduced the way he travelled to allow Joshua to learn more about the business and deal closing."Then why is the team asking for authorization to fly out the private plane?""Oh about that?" Joshua turned to his father. "I am taking Aletta on a trip," he said with a smug proud expression."Oh wow," Jessica said. She and Xavier had come into the room to hear the reason why an authorization request had come in and Joshua was not saying anything about it.They were not going to stop him from doing anything with the plane but they wanted to at least know what he was doing."A trip? That's a bold move" Xavier said with a smile as he remembered all the trips he
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Six
After Joshua and Aletta settled on the location for their trip all they could wait on was the day to finally leave. At dawn, Joshua was waiting outside Aletta's house with a car ready to take her with him to the airport."You are quite early," Aletta said as she walked down toward him. The driver went up to take her bag from her and she felt weird about releasing it to him. She was used to taking care of herself and others together and not allowing another person to take care of it for her."But you are ready," Joshua said. He pulled her to himself for a hug before opening the door and nudging her to go in first. "Ladies first" Aletta cleared her throat before she pushed herself in. He closed the door and hurried to get in from the other side."I did not want you to wait long so I prepared beforehand just as I always do" Aletta responded.Joshua made a sound of disbelief and then the car came to life and began to leave the street. "I am so happy about this" Joshua said his hands find
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Seven
"What do you mean you want separate rooms?" Joshua asked leaning on the door frame."I just want separate rooms" "What are you thinking? Remove your mind from the gutter" Joshua gasped as though she was a sinner."I am not thinking about anything I just think it's weird for us to share a room for a fifteen-day-long vacation" "What, we already share a room back at home so why are you so shy to share a room here?" Joshua asked pushing himself off the frame and walking to her."What do you mean shy?" she asked feeling her cheek become heated. She was sure by now that her whole face was crimson red and her body was betraying her by giving it away. She was shy and it was because she knew that they might have had sex on this trip and she wanted to delay it for as long as they could."Tell your red cheeks not to expose you because they tell me clearly what it is that you are thinking" Joshua took her hand. "Your bags are in there already all you have to do is take a couple of steps in" he
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Eight
"Going on a vacation is sure nice," Aletta said as they took a walk down the beach. They had decided to spend their evening outside instead of inside.Aletta had been the one to suggest it, she knew the tension between them would be uncontrollable and they would have to succumb to it in the end. She wanted it to be something beautiful within them and not something born out of them not being able to control themselves. Joshua knew what she was doing and also thought it a good idea, at least this way he would know if it was something he wanted or if he was just pressured into doing it."Of course, it is because I suggested it" Joshua replied."When and where did you learn to say things like that? It is son cringe" Aletta said with a shudder.After the unintentional break between her and Joshua, he seemed to be more affectionate towards her and even used a lot of cringe words and sentences. Most times those comments made her heart warm with joy but most times she couldn't help but notic
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book Two Branch Two Hundred and Twenty Nine
Joshua and Aletta had a meal at a restaurant that served Nigerian meals. "See I told you that eating something new was worth the try" Aletta said as she patted her stomach."I am so full I feel I might burst open any moment from now," Joshua said."Took the words right out of my mouth" Aletta replied shocked he was feeling the same way."Should we take a walk around the area so it can help out digestion?" Joshua suggested.Aletta thought it to be a good idea, they could kill two birds with one stone, their food would get digested and they get to see the area and mark down the restaurant they wanted to visit later."Did you feel that?" Aletta asked looking up to the sky."Feel what?" Joshua asked when he felt a droplet of water touch his palm. "Is that a drizzle?" Joshua asked and Aletta nodded. "The forecast did not say it would rain here today" Joshua said fumbling with his phone to see what happened. He checked and it turned out that the weather was largely unstable so it caused ex
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty
Joshua was taken aback by her gesture because she was not one to do something like that, she was always composed and perfect. Seeing her sway in the rain was strange to it."People are staring" he said holding her waist that was swaying back and forth as if they were in tune with music."We are tourists here, they would look at us and laugh at our silly nature and not bother to judge us" Aletta said.She wanted to enjoy her stay and try her best not to worry about the people who would talk, there was no pleasing others because they always found a way to complain about something about them."Let's dance" "In the rain?" Joshua asked with widened eyes and a shocked expression across his entire face."Yeah, just like when we were kids" "I never dance in the rain" Joshua confessed shyly. "Jessica did not allow you to dance in the rain?" Aletta could not believe that. Joshua was half the person he was because he had Jessica as his mom. If Xavier had married a random heiress and had child
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