All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 641 - Chapter 650
681 Chapters
Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty One
TIME LEAP: TWO WEEKS Anette woke up with a pain in her guts, she had the same recurring pain for a week now and she had just about enough of it and gone ahead to book an appointment.She maybe thought she had contacted something for Richard. After the news broke of her and him she still somehow found herself going back to him time and time again.Her mother had been so worried but there was nothing she was doing about it. Leslie could not believe that her daughter was so fickle minded that she could easily give up her dream just because of one man."You should see a doctor" "I already made an appointment" Anette responded coldly.Since the news broke out and Anette had decided to go back and forth with Richard the relationship between her and her mother became strained. Anette always believed that her mom was just a big supporter of her goals but it turned out that all she wanted was to get into the Delgado family by all means.It seemed as though she was trying to recover the lost
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Two
"Congratulations, you are pregnant" Those words by her doctor kept replaying in he mind as she walked down to the place where her cab was waiting.Her phone buzzed in her hands, it was Richard, she had told him she was visiting the hospital to see what was wrong with her and that the sickness she felt kept recurring even after treating herself. He had been calling non stop to see what was wrong with her.She firmed her lips together and tried to draw back her tears. She could not tell if the tears were of joy or if she was not pleased to hear the news but she decided to give Richard the news in person. She answered the call and pressed the phone to her ears."Where are you?" she asked as soon as she picked up."I am at the office" "Can you spare a few minutes?" she asked him."Let's meet at the penthouse," he said. She cut off the call and redirected the cab to the new location. She did not know how her parents would take it even though she had not seen her father in such a long tim
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Three
"Pregnant?" Anette kept her eyes on him. She watched as his face turned up into a smile. He seemed nervous but the joy on his face was evident."You are pregnant?" he asked walking to her and holding her hands in joy."How, when, what, where?" he said all at once. He took a deep breath to try and steady himself. "How did this happen?" he asked and she rolled her eyes at him.Her heart that had been in her mouth suddenly dropped back to her chest as she felt relieved at his reaction. She did not know what to expect because having a baby might not have been in the plan for him."Did you plan this?" she asked suddenly."Wait what?" he asked back confused about what she meant by that statement."I mean did you plan it, did you plan to get me pregnant?" She asked again. Ehe had every right to be suspicious of him. He seemed too happy and it was too good to be true."What do you mean, why would you say something like that? No, I did not plan to get you pregnant. It just happened by chance"
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Four
Anette was jittery, she had called her dad home because she said to had good news to share. Brian had promised to be there for his little girl. He had seen the news and was quite well-informed on what was going on.Andrew also played a big role in telling him all that was going on. He knew that his daughter was in a real relationship with Richard and that Leslie was not having any of it. Anette planned a mini buffet with a company and then had it delivered to her house. "There must be some good news," Andrew said as he sat down at the table. He was the first one to say anything since they got to the table. Leslie and Brian said not a word but we were shooting bullets out of their eyes and the tension between them was unbearable."Yes I have good news" she squealed."What is it honey, you seem quite excited" Leslie asked. She hoped her daughter had come to her senses and had allowed Joshua back into her mind and brain."You know I had been sick so I went to the hospital" "I am not su
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Five
"Who is the father?" Leslie asked again slamming her fist on the table."I don't think that question is what should follow, I think the right question to ask is if she wants to keep the baby" Brian said with spite in his voice.He could not believe that he thought Leslie was a good person and then he spent this whole time living with her just to discover that she just had an evil agenda hidden in her sleeves."I need to know who the father is so I can know what next to do" Leslie said with gritted teeth."The father is Richard and yes Daddy I would like to have the child. Richard is aware already and he wants the baby. Maybe even more than I do" she said rubbing her stomach fondly. "Oh well I guess that's good" Andrew said.The entire table was startled once again when Leslie stood up slamming her fist to the table again. She gritted her teeth and pushed her chair back."We need to make the baby Joshua's" "What?" Brian said shocked that the spoon in his hand fell to his plate."Anet
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Six
"So what did they say?" "Don't get me started" Anette said taking the phone away from her ears. She put it on a loudspeaker before dropping it to the bed. "With what?" Richard asked. She had told him that she would get to her parents and then feed him back what they said."Mom was hysterical. She keeps claiming that I am ruining my life by not going to Joshua, but what she does not understand is that Joshua is with another woman and for reasons I can't place my hands on I am no longer interested in him. I wish she would just stop being so obsessed with Joshua and his family" she said."Calm down," Richard said. He had noticed that her voice had gone up and she was almost screaming."I am sorry, it's just that the whole situation is getting as annoying as it can get," she said and let out a fry laugh. "When I thought it could not get worse with her, I realized that I was wrong" she added."I am sure she just wants what's best for you" Richard tried to make sense of the situation. He
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Book Two: Branch Two Hundred and Forty Seven
Anette stood at the entrance to Joshua's office. The foolishness she had displayed over the past few months flashed before her eyes as she gulped down the bitterness she felt in her throat. She was not sure if Joshua would see her but she knew that she had to try. She would not feel good if she did not at least try to make amends. Richard had made a small proposal for her in the last week and they were currently planning the party.Leslie was still very against the entire situation but there was little she could do except plit within herself. Anette was there to invite them to the engagement party.Richard had told her that her mom would find it difficult to do anything suspicious with Joshua if she managed to invite him to the party. She saw the sense in what he had said but after standing in front of his office for thirty minutes she was not sure if she could do it.She heard her phone ring in her pocket. She took it out and tried to avoid the stares of the security guards. They al
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Eight
As Anette walked the walls she tried her best to be as confident as she had been in time past. She stopped at Aletta's desk and tapped her hands lightly to draw the attention of Aletta who seemed deeply buried in whatever it was she had in front of her.Aletta's eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost and she stood up pushing her chair back. "Ms... Anette" Aletta stuttered trying to remain calm.She was not sure of the right way to address her so she stuttered. Anette pressed her lips into a straight line and stared at her."I am here to see Joshua," she said silently.Aletta could not tell how she knew but there was a strange kind of air around her. It was not like she was there for trouble or any of its sorts."Let me check with Mr Delgado if he will be receiving any guests today," Aletta said taking up the receivers.Anette's hand grabbed her hands and her eyes glistened. "Please, I am here to apologize" she said and Aletta gently dropped the receiver to the table."If you asked hi
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty Nine
"There are no words I can use to describe how much of a nuisance I have been over the past few years" Anette started. Her head was hung low as she fiddled with her hands. She did not want to look up in case she could not find it within her to complete what she had started."Tell me about it," Jeanne said. She was not interested in giving her the satisfaction of apologizing and getting away with it just so easily."And I have done so many questionable things but I only did it because I thought I was doing the right thing" She wanted so badly to point fingers at her mom but she knew that doing that now would make her seem shallow and not as remorseful as she was supposed to be."I am here" she started raising her head to meet the gazes of the people in front of her. "this morning to say I am sorry for everything, for spreading rumours and lies, for using Jeanne to gain popularity, for pushing forward with my relationship with Joshua even though I know that he was not interested in me,"
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Fifty
Anette had successfully invited them to her party and she left feeling a lot lighter than she felt when walking in the building."Can you believe that?" Jeanne asked as she stood up from the sofa dusting her hands on her clothes."Miracles do exist" Anette said following her up and both of them walking to the door."Aletta, are you just going to leave like that?" Joshua called making both ladies turn around to face him."Yeah, why not? I have to get back to work" Aletta said like it was an obvious fact he was supposed to know."Aren't you going to stay for a cup of tea?" Joshua sounded as nervous as he could be. Aletta was unable to decipher his emotions from his face."I know a request to get lost when I see one" Jeanne said pushing the door open with a smirk on her face. She stood in the doorway using her body to keep the door open. "We are at work so keep it rated for kids okay," she said and closed the door in a hurry before any of them could say anything in response. "You want t
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