All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
681 Chapters
Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty One
"That felt refreshing" Joshua commented as they made their way back to the car. He could not believe that at his age he had spent thirty minutes swaying the rain with Aletta."See, letting go and allowing the rain to go all over you is one of the best feelings ever. Don't you feel light already?" Aletta asked excitedly."I am glad you talked me into doing it" he said planting a kiss on her temple. "Okay let's get home and take a long hot bath before we have something hot to drink so we don't catch a cold" Aletta said hurrying to catch up with the car."A long hot bath? Together" Aletta shook her head at him, they had spent the entire day out to ease the sexual tension between them but he managed to ruin what she had managed to build with a few seconds of talking."Not together but separately" she said not going to let him have his way and joke through the situation. "You know what I meant," she said as they slid into the car. Joshua went in through the driver's side and Aletta thro
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Two
"So I am done having a bath you should do so too and I will get started with tea" Aletta said walking up to the kitchenette."Do I need to have my bath, can't I just sit at the fireplace and warm up?" Joshua asked pointing to the false fireplace in the mini- sitting room."You know that's not real right?" Aletta asked wondering if he was just messing around or if he was serious about the fireplace thing."Or we could turn up the heat" Aletta pointed to the thermostat, "The heat is up and you are still shivering, a bath would help" Joshua whined like he was being forced to take a class he did not want to. "I don't think I would catch a cold from just a few drops of rain" Joshua said again hoping this time his answer would fly."No matter what excuse you have you just have to take a bath or else by morning you will be sick" Aletta said going to him and stretching her hand to him. He stared at her hand like it was fire and he was contemplating whether to play with it or not."Come on,
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Three
Joshua came out and commented on how better he felt after standing under the warm shower water for a while."See I told you so," Aletta said handing the cup of tea to him."Thank you" he said taking the cup and sipping from it."You really do know the trick to curing the sickness of dancing in the rain," Joshua said. His tone was like he was commending his child for getting top in his classes."Sickness of dancing in the rain? That's a new one" she said and he shrugged."I did not know what word to use for the situation so that string of words would do" "Well, my mom always did things she thought would look romantic so I did dance in the rain a lot with her while I was young and she always had a warm bath ready for us with a cup of hot milk whenever we finished dancing" Aletta said."You sound like you miss those days" "Of course I do, it was when I was not afraid to love, it was a time when I did not have a worry or care but being an adult took all that away from me" Aletta sounde
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Four
"I already told you I won't do anything and you would have to be the one to beg me" Joshua said as she lifted Aletta in her hand.She felt truly embarrassed by the situation so she pretended to feel a cough coming on. "I need a glass of water" "We can get that" Joshua said walking to the room instead of the mini fridge for her to take water."But water," Aletta said when he dropped her to the bed."I will get that my queen" he said walking out and emerging a while later with a bottle of water in hand. He opened it and gave it to her. "Here you go" Aletta took the open bottle and gulped out of it. "Thank you" she said setting aside the bottle to the nightstand beside her. "Aren't you coming to bed?" she asked when she noticed him standing there watching her."I am" he said hurriedly getting into bed. Aletta cleared her throat and lay down in the bed. Joshua snuck his hands underneath her body and pulled her close to him."What are you doing?" Aletta asked."Nothing, just holding my g
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Five
"Your brother seems to be spending a lot of time out of the city," Thiago said to Jeanne."And we should be happy about it, at least he is not here to bully me or nitpick at my relationship," Jeanne said with a smile on her face."You sound so much like someone who is missing him" "Oh my god, how dare you say that?" Jeanne shrieked like she had been given terrible news. "You know siblings are more alike than they think" Thiago started."So you are like your sister Nichole" "Oh no, that rule does not apply to us," "Hmm" Jeanne said nodding her head mockingly. "Come closer let me tell you a secret" he said beckoning to her. Jeanne bent her head a bit so she could hear what he could possibly have to say."She was adopted so there is no way we are alike" he said and Jeanne shook her head."I believe that it's so true" Jeanne's tone was sarcastic enough that anyone could hear it from a mile away. "Enough about my brother, when do I get to meet your sister?" "You still want to meet he
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Six
"I can't believe we are already going back" Joshua whined as they made their way to the airport."You are the CEO of the company and you gave duties to attend to" "Hey, what did you do to my girlfriend," Joshua said glancing at her from the driver's seat."Hmm?" Aletta was confused. What was he saying?"My fun girlfriend, who had been the life of the entire trip, what did you do to her?" Joshua asked again.Aletta saw that he was joking about the situation so she laughed. "I am sorry but your assistant has to step in and your girlfriend takes the back seat" Aletta said playing along with his jokes."Yeah, I don't want that, our trip is not over until we get back to Chiachester City" "So you want me to be fun?" She asked and he nodded."Our flight leaves in three hours what fun thing can we do?" She asked looking out the window."I know," he said causing him to look at him. He tapped his mouth and then pouted."Joshua" she called in surprise. "You are driving" she added in a scolding
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Seven
"Hello Jeanne""I know you are in the arrival hall and my brother seems to be all over you like a child" Jeanne replied.Aletta looked around wondering how she knew that, her eyes landed on Jeanne and Thiago walking towards them. Aletta had enjoyed her trip so much that she did not want to leave but now that she was seeing familiar faces she could not help but be grateful to be back. "What are you doing here?" she screamed jumping on her."Here to pick you," Jeanne said patting her back and giving her brother a weird look before sticking out her tongue. "I will take you while Joshua has to learn a lesson by taking public transport" Jeanne added and both of them began a stare down."Really? You both are going to do this right here in the middle of the airport arrival terminal?" Thiago asked when neither of them moved. "Joshua" Aletta said shaking him. He looked at her and Jeanne clapped her hands in the air."I won" she sang triumphantly. Joshua gave Aletta a hard look and she threw
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Eight
"So I thought I was meeting my brother and his girlfriend. I did not expect to see him with three other people" Nichole said as they sat at the table in the restaurant of the hotel that she was staying at.Ever since they sat down Jeanne could not hide her surprise. She sat on her hand to avoid anyone from seeing how nervous she was."Be nice" Thiago cautioned and Nichole rolled her eyes."I haven't even said anything yet. I prepared to meet two people but here I am meeting two more. What is this a fan meeting?" "Not everyone is your fan, I don't even think they have the liberty to know who you are" "I know who you are" Jeanne blurted and then her face went up in fear. She was not supposed to be all over her that way. She was supposed to be cool, composed and oh no she was freaking out. "Oh you do see that brother, your girlfriend knows me," Nichole said flashing her smile."You know me?" "Of course" Nichole leaned in and whispered. "I have seen your pictures and heard so much abo
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Thirty Nine
"How do you know us well?" Joshua was curious as to how she knew their business so well. it would have been understandable that Thiago showed her pictures of Jeanne but why would he share his rumour with her?"The Delgado is much more popular than you think, the news of your girlfriend spread like wildfire" Nichole said."That makes sense" Aletta murmured with a nod.The news had so surrounded Delgado that the scandal still popped up once in a while and even showed on related news whenever there was a search. "And since Thiago told me his girlfriend was a Delgado I had to find out more about her" Nichole explained.The waiter came to their table a few moments later to take their orders, after a serious contemplation and back and forth between Thiago and Nichole they finally settled.They ordered and had the waiter bring out their meals. They spoke lightly over dinner and Aletta yawned a few times."I have never thought anyone would yawn while I speak" Nichole said with her mouth hang
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Book Two Branch Two Hundred and Forty
"I feel so exhausted," Aletta said as she stood at her door."Why did you agree to go for dinner if you knew how you felt?" Joshua asked."I don't know, Jeanne has not really asked me for anything before so I thought it would be a good opportunity to do something for her" Aletta replied."Now you feel so exhausted you can barely keep your eyes open, let me be on my way so you can rest up" He went in for a hug and planted kisses on her hair. He was going to miss waking up to her every morning like he had done for the past few days. "I miss you already" "But I am still here" Aletta replied."Do you want to go to my house" "As much as I'd love to, I need to go home now, my mom and sister must be waiting for me. Maybe next time" she said and he frowned but he understood. "Okay then, I would only let you go if I got a kiss" he pouted and she did not hesitate before she planted a kiss on it. He kissed back and only pulled away when she did."I better get in before it's too late" she sai
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