All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha’s Enemy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
184 Chapters
Chapter 110
Derek:After Alisha all but stormed out of the kitchen, Mischa let out a sigh, her curls bouncing as she bobbed her head from left to right, shaking it.“I’m sorry for how she’s acting,” She apologized. “She’s on the edge. I noticed it since we came to this pack. Almost like sheens afraid for her safety.”I pursed my lips and nodded in understanding. It was hard for me to not be understanding when I knew exactly what she had faced from Lila and Gerard when she had been here before.“I didn’t expect her to lash out like that,” Benjamin remarked, to which his mate glared at him silently from where she stood washing the dishes. “What?” He asked innocently.“Perhaps you shouldn’t have done anything to upset her more,” Mischa chided her mate. “You know how protective she is of the twins. Even when we were on the road, she could only really trust them with myself, Hilda and four others.”“I only wanted to help,” Benjamin defended himself. “But you’re right. We should give her more time. If
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Chapter 111
Derek:“Damn it,” I cursed as the Benjamin finished stamping in the dirt to flatten the ground. “I hate doing this.”“What part of it do you hate?” He grunted, looking exhausted. “Finding the spies or having to take care of them afterward?”I didn’t respond; every part of this was a hated thing.I hated having grown used to the idea of looking over my back for anyone that would be watching. I hated that Gerard was like a problem that had no end. Like the head of a hydra, cutting down one of his spies only led to two more taking their place.We made our way out of the forest and back towards the main compound after a few more minutes, covering our tracks on the forest floor and making sure no scent of blood was on our body.“I’m sure that Gerard would soon start suspecting something, if he doesn’t already, that is,” I spoke up as we made our way back.Benjamin hummed, combing his fingers through his hair.“It may get harder to hide Alisha as time goes on,” he finally said. “But for now
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Chapter 112
Derek:The way to the pack meeting hall was quiet and I was able to mentally prepare myself for whatever would face me this meeting.The guards bowed deeply to me as I walked through the open French style doors, and when I saw Gerard there as well as the pack elders gazing with disapproval in their eyes, I knew something was up.I stood at the topmost part of the elevated podium facing them and spoke, “Pack Elders. I greet you all. For what reason have you summoned me for?”One of the Pack elders stood and began to speak, “Alpha Derek. You must know the reason we have summoned you. Why have you waited for so long before coming to report to us of the new members of the pack? Why would you think to accept rogues who were one of the strongest ones in the region, into our pack like it was nothing? And why would you make this decision on your own without even bothering to discuss it with us? What do you take us for?!”I noticed Gerard smirking to himself. It was clear to me that the damned
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Chapter 113
Alisha:Ares and Aria were playing on the carpet under mine and Melissa’s watch.“So, I really am sorry for everything I said. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I finished. I felt bad truly; I never wanted her to get hurt because of my anger. I had lashed out and it wasn’t right.As I tendered the apology to her, she was silent. And when she finally spoke her words were full of relief.She finally spoke, “I’m glad you’re not so upset with me. I didn’t mean to dredge up the past like that. I suppose…” she clasped her hands together, wringing them. “I just didn’t want you both to be unhappy. I know it’s a selfish thing but… I know now that it’s best to stand aside. I don’t want to cause any more problems between the two of you.”As she finished, I noticed Ares stand and walk up to Melissa with a toy in his hand. I smiled as he handed her the toy. It was clear by the way that Melissa’s face lit up that she was pleasantly surprised.“For you,” he said in his soft, adorable voices and then ran
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Chapter 114
Alisha:I was tense, trying not to let my nerves show.The Beta of the Red Wolf Pack looked confused at seeing hs there, but he didn’t seem to notice me as his eyes brushed over everyone. I ducked my head and busied myself with something, feigning so his eyes wouldn’t catch mine.Finally Simon spoke, to my relief.“Gerard,” he didn’t sound very pleased. “I was attending to a patient.”“I can see that,” the Beta sneered in that sibilant hiss of his that showed he was pleased. “You must be the rogues I heard about. Coming to take up space in our pack now, aren’t you?”I bristled, as did everyone, but I held myself back in the silence. No need to start trouble now when my identity was meant to be hidden. I could see the urge to say something in Mark’s and Mischa’s expression as well but they also knew the situation.Simon was good at redirection, for he let out a small cough and then gestured out the door.“Come, let’s talk in my office,” he said gruffly to the Beta who nodded and walked
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Chapter 115
Melissa looked absolutely weary as she took my hand in hers. Her warmth seeped into mine and I don’t know why but it made me relax a lot more.“You see,” she sighed. “Simon… he was always there for me. He was Pack Doctor even when… the former Alpha, was still alive. He saw how I was treated by them. He was the one who healed my wounds, who would be called on in the middle of the night when Marcus got a little too heated. He was sworn into secrecy. But he never liked it. He always encouraged me to stand up for myself even then. and because of that, Gerard always considered him… well…”I was beginning to understand even more now. Simon was seen as against Gerard for a long time since he never liked the way that the previous Alpha treated Melissa.I wondered briefly if that might have carried over into the reasons Simon protected me even more when he took me in. But I brushed those thoughts aside, and instead focused on Melissa’s words. She had begun to speak again.“He would always find
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Chapter 116
DerekI got up early in the morning, just before dawn, like clockwork. My body worked on autopilot as I stretched, before picking out a black t-shirt and sweatpants, putting them on so I could go for my morning run.The chill of the air was colder than before. And it reminded me that autumn had fully set in. Though many of the trees of the forest were evergreen, there were still piles of fallen leaves on the forest floor that crunched every time I stepped on it. It was a fun challenge every time this season came around, to build my stealth during my runs.And just like every other time I went for a run I couldn’t help my thoughts going to Alisha, and our children. It had only been about a week since she returned, but I was getting so impatient to have her in my arms again.She had filled out well in the last two years. Her hips were rounder, her breasts fuller. Her face had more defined cheekbones, and her skin flowed. She had also gotten an inch or so taller.Yet her eyes were colder
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Chapter 117
DerekThere was a look that her face had when I said that, and she didn’t look pleased.“You can feed them like this, right?“ I asked her, feeling a tad awkward. How did one handle having his mate coldly looking at him like this?Finally she let out a grunt and reached for a small stool, placing it before me and sitting on it.She began to feed the twins, barely looking at me.However I didn’t mind at all. Just being there, having her warmth close to me, and holding my children as she fed them. It was the closest to a perfect day I ever had.I would make sure I had more perfect todays like this in times to come.When she was done, she reached for a small cup filled with water and handed it to me.“Let them have it,” Alisha instructed, glaring as I reached to take the water from her. Our fingers brushed and she immediately snatched her hand away.After Ares and Aria drank their water, i noticed they had begun to yawn. Their weights became heavier as they rested their bodies on mine. I a
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Chapter 118
SebastianI let the crying girl collapse on the carpet after I rode my orgasm out, and stood up to my full height. Finally I had released some of that pent up energy.It was becoming harder to deal with the girls my men brought me, but at least they were use for something.I entered the shower, turning the water to the coldest possible. Each of my actions were on autopilot, and I finished toweling off and left the bathroom just as the sun began to rise.I put on my pants and a cotton t-shirt before staring at the lump on the carpet. She was still not awake.Or was she unconscious? I didn’t care.“Guard!” I called, and within a second, the door of my bedroom opened and the guard walked in, bowing to me. Without giving him a glance, I ordered, “Send this chit away. I don’t want to lay my eyes on her. And i will not be disturbed.”“Yes Alpha,” the guard took my commands and quickly moved to pick up the girl from the floor where I had left her.As he left, a yawn took over and I covered m
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Chapter 119
Sebastian:I entered the meeting hall to hear the sound hushed whispers around me.A smirk pulled my lips into a wide grin, and my green eyes took in everyone’s frantic gazes. They hadn’t noticed me yet.“Elders,” I raised my voice and they immediately fell silent, all of their eyes turning to me in an instant.The atmosphere was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.I chuckled under my breath; something about seeing them like this - so worked up and tense - was amusing that I might lose my head.“Alpha Sebastian,” I heard one of the Elders - the one that always deemed himself to be the spokesperson for the group - say as I sat down on my chair. It was more like a throne, with intricate carvings and gold filigree all over.I had enjoyed having the craftsmen make this piece - a symbol of my power.“Well well,” I kept my grin on my face though my eyes were piercing. “What was it that you called me for? You interrupted my sleep, so you know that? Let’s say I’m a little fucking cranky right
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