All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha’s Enemy: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
184 Chapters
Chapter 130
AlishaThe way to the dining room was filled with the twins’ running commentary on how their day went; how they ate lunch and spent some time in the garden, how they ended up taking a nap in the BIGGEST BEDROOM EVER(!) and everything else in between from the color of their bedroom walls to the tasty cake they had for dessert that afternoon.I kept silent through it all, holding Ares in my arms and letting their words wash over me.As we entered the dining room, I placed Ares in a seat across from his sister, and I saw Derek reach to pull out my chair and my jaw was tense from how much I gritted my teeth.Walking away from him I sat on the other side of the table.He looked stoic yet concealed hurt was behind his eyes as he sat down on the chair he intended to be for me.Dinner was tense as the maids served the food, but I couldn’t help my mouth watering when the aroma of steak and the side dishes hit my nostrils. As one of the maids passed by him I noticed Derek say something impercep
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Chapter 131
Derek“I can’t do that,” my words made my mate stop once more.If hell was a feeling I was certainly there now. To hear her say those words, that even if she forgave me she couldn’t forget… it was far too painful for me to withstand. How could I, when she had even implied that I should move on and marry another? That I should forget about having her back in my life, save for the twins? It was like she was a judge of my sins, damning me to a life sentence filled with eternal regret and pain.“That’s not for you to decide,” she responded to me.My wolf roiled in me, straining to reach out to our mate through the bond. That mate bond with was warm in my chest now bhrnwd with the power do a thousand suns.“I’m not going to do as you wish this time, Alisha,” i said to her, my tone certain and leaving no room for doubt. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t for you to decide either. I can’t move on, and leave you behind. Not when I know it would be a lie. I can’t be a husband to anyone else, and no on
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Chapter 132
Derek“What are you still doing up?”I stared at my mother through the gap in the door of my study and felt like she was chastising me just like when I did something bad as a child. Her eyes were weary and she looked exhausted but she still came to check up on me.I let out a sigh; it was her knocking on the door of the study that was what drew me out of my work flow.“I’ll be going to bed soon, mother,” i responded to her, before turning briefly to eye the clock on the wall. It said the time was just last midnight and my face must have shown surprise at how quickly time flowed because I heard my mother huff.“Sure sure,” she said knowingly. “Just don’t overwork yourself, Derek. It wouldn’t do for you to break down simply because you wanted to work.”“Yes mother,” i droned in a monotone that made her roll her eyes at me.Then, in a softer voice she asked, “I saw Alisha come into the clinic earlier this evening. Did she come by? Simon said she might have,” hope was clear in her eyes as
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Chapter 133
DerekShe shook her head as did Benjamin.“You’re not going alone, Derek,” Alisha was the one who said that, and Mischa and Benjamin looked to be in agreement.“If it’s something like this then the less everyone else knows about this the better,” my best friend seemed to agree with my mate. “Let’s hit at them tonight. We can destroy their borders while we’re at it.”“I’m coming too,” Mischa said, and Benjamin was about to protest, but she gave him a glare, and spoke again, “Don’t tell me you forget how I’m also a warrior, Ben. I can handle myself and this mission will be a breeze, trust me. I’m not staying back.”My best friend looked like he had tasted a lemon, but didn’t say anything to refute what his mate had said and she looked mighty satisfied at that.“I’ll get Hilda and Mark to watch the twins,” Alisha added, and I nodded. “I can trust them to handle anything that comes up.”A part of me truly wanted to also stop her from doing so - putting herself in danger wasn’t something I
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Chapter 134
AlishaOf all the things I wanted to do, being by Derek’s side for this mission want something I wanted. But I had no choice and before I could form a word in protest, we had already agreed on a given signal and Benjamin had gone off with my friend.I lay in wait with Derek, trying not to feel stiff by his side. This was nothing but business, i reminded myself. That was it and that I had to remind myself of anyway.I stayed as calm as possible and focused on taking in deep breaths and exhaling softly. I enveloped myself in the sounds of the forest and the swelling of nocturnal life around me. I could hear amidst the silence, the chirping of crickets, the boots of owls and the rustling of the breeze.It was a peaceful night, and the autumn chill of the night made me grateful for picking out this knitted medium thick sweater to wear instead of just a t-shirt.“So,” Derek spoke and I became extremely tense and stiff again.How the hell was he so damn close?!My heart began to race and I
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Chapter 135
DerekMission accomplished, I thought with triumph.“At least the chief guard didn’t pose us much trouble once we caught him,” Benjamin remarked.Alisha was silent; I didn’t know why but it didn’t please me one bit.“Don’t you think that was too easy?” Mischa asked, and I assumed my mate agreed for she nodded.“Too easy,” she repeated her friend’s words. “The chief guard practically begged us to kill him.”“It’s possible there are more dissenting opinions on Sebastian than we thought,” in said, stating my thoughts. “He didn’t look happy to see us but he didn’t look willing to die for his sock either. At least he spoke highly of the Beta.”“The same Beta who was supposed to be Sebastian’s replacement by their pack Elders? Definitely isn’t on the Alpha’s side then.”I rubbed my eyes as we made our way back through the small gate at our borders. Too much thoughts and too little sleep too make sense of it all.At least it seemed likely that the Res Wolf Pack could win this battle quicker
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Chapter 136
DerekSimon returned the affectionate look with ease, and I tried not to think about my mother and romance in the same damn sentence as I opened my mouth to speak again.However it was Alisha who managed to take over.“What happened, then, if it wasn’t a crisis, mother?” Alisha asked, her voice filled with concern. She looked upset and rightly so, and her hand gripped my mother’s aged one with fear in her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, you know that? You have to take care of yourself.”“She collapsed earlier this evening and one of the guards managed to help me bring her back to the mansion,” Simon said, and I frowned and turned to level an accusing gaze at my mother who rolled her eyes.“By the goddess,” she sounded disgruntled. “You all are going to be the death of me, with how you worry. I’m fine. I just overworked myself a little.”“Well, whether she’s fine or not,” Simon addressed me now. “I’ll need her to stay in bed for a few days. Perhaps the entire week at least, to make su
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Chapter 137
I could hardly get the thought of Melissa out of my head. I was lucky to have the day off due to my late night yesterday, and today was not a clinic day. But I only remembered Keenan, my biological father, and how he had died without ever letting me know I was his actual daughter.I held the locket in my palms now, gazing at the portrait inside it.I felt fear that I would lose someone else that I loved. It was something i never thought about but that was why I was overly protective of my children, and why I had worried so much about Mischa going off with some warrior she didn’t know. I didn’t want Melissa to die suddenly without knowing the love of her grandchildren, or knowing her family was at peace with each other.Shaking myself, i stood up and gave myself a brief once over with the small mirror on the wall before moving down to the kitchen where I knew Mischa and Benjamin were. My eyes found the golden eyes of Derek who seemed to have just arrived, and I cleared my throat so tha
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Chapter 138
Alisha:Derek nodded.“She’s alright, just resting most of the day. I checked on her before I left the house and she was asleep,” he responded to my questions with words that made me feeel some sort of relief.“That’s good,” I said. I peered at him and could sense weariness inside him. He looked like he was dealing with a lot and somehow it made me feel a little sorry for him. Being the Alpha was never an easy task to do, and I was sure he felt that now more than ever.Before I could stop myself the words flew out of my lips. “And what about you?”He stilled and fully turned to face me this time. His eyes met mine and I looked away, turning my gaze to the wall behind him.“I was just asking,” i said quietly. “You don’t have to act like I said something wrong.”“I’m surprised you still care,” he sounded amused- or perhaps it was that he was pleased upon knowing I worried for him.No, no.Nope. Not at all. I couldn’t.Bad thoughts, Alisha. Don’t think about the past. Those memories only
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Chapter 139
AlishaI pursed my lips and looked over myself again, feeling my face warm up at the sound of my adoptive father’s disapproval. By the goddess, what was wrong with how I looked?I was used to dressing up in a more militaristic way, with no desire for fashion and every need for practical approaches. I had no dresses of my own, and barely had a colour that was girly in any way.Muttering under my breath I went back to my room and reached to open the closet, which I avoided y mess it was to keep some of my children’s items.Simon’s late mate had some clothes still left behind that he hadn’t gotten rid of. I suspected part of the reason he hadn’t gotten rid of them was because of me.Perusing quickly through the blouses folded in the corner I selected one out and made to change into it with a sigh.Peer pressure, and the things I did for the people I loved.I was glad that I got an approving glance from my adoptive father this time and I left the pack clinic through the back entrance and
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