All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha’s Enemy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
184 Chapters
Chapter 120
AlishaI hummed as the sphygmomanometer gave the reading for Hilda’s blood pressure. Not too bad. It seemed she was recovering nicely, which I really was glad about.Turning around I made notes on her brand new folder, only to hear a loud cough.Whipping my head around I saw the reddened, smiling face of Mark, and Hilda, who was silently laughing, covering ber open mouth with one hand as she wheezed.I was mildly confused.“Mark?” I asked wordlessly the question of what happened, and he reddened once more.“Uh… she said you look a little…” Mark blustered while translating for his wife and mate. “Funny…” he couldn’t help but chuckle.I snorted; of course I knew how funny I looked. It was I who made the disguise of course. What, with the scarf covering my entire head, the surgical mask, and pair of glasses that looked a little too wide for my face, it wasn’t a hard thing to wonder why Hilda was so amused.I glared teasingly at her however, and all she did was laugh harder, her chest hea
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Chapter 121
Derek looked infuriated, to say the least, but I was just as upset.“How could this happen?“ i demanded to know from Derek, my eyes piercing into his. “What the hell have you been doing all these two years to deal with Sebastian? Let me guess… nothing, right?”Guilt flashed in his eyes as Benjamin cleared his throat.My eyes snapped to the warrior as he said in defense of his best friend, “To be fair, a lot happened then.”Mischa spoke heatedly, ”That’s true, a lot happened, but what has he done to stop Sebastian?”I knew she was thinking of all the things she faced - her father dying in the cell, having to hide and pray to the goddess that Sebastian wouldn’t find out who she was, and the escape plan. It was all because of that which I understood very well.I remembered the days we still had nightmares regularly because we feared Sebastian or the Silver Moon Pack warriors would find us somehow. Those dreams slowly faded but Sebastian never disappeared. He only got stronger, and I hate
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Chapter 122
AlishaAs the work rounded up, the sun set and evening fell, i checked once more on the warriors and finished my work for the day.With a brief glance and wave at Melissa and Simon in the kitchen eating together, I went up the steps to where my two babies waited impatiently for me.They were already wearing their jackets and shoes.“Mommy, are you ready now?” It was Ares who asked looking mildly upset.“Can we go?” Aria was the one who asked that, and I huffed before nodding.“Sure thing,” I picked up the picnic bag that Simon had helped to pack for me. Finally I would be going on a small nighttime picnic in the forest. It would be just as fun as camping to the twins.We left through the back door of the clinic where the guard Derek had introduced to us was waiting perfectly still. If I wasn’t a seasoned warrior I would hardly have noticed him.We walked up to the edge of the forest and i heaved a sigh of relieved when we entered the forest. I enjoyed the scent of nature which eased
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Chapter 123
DerekAttack… HER?My eyes went round with surprise as she aimed her claw at my neck, not moving still.“Go on,” she dared me, her eyes cold and words heated. I couldn’t remove my eyes from her. Surprisingly, she was nearly as fast as I was. I had no doubt she was hardly a match for anyone, and would be able to surpass even Benjamin.I was the only one who was made for her.“Go on!” She yelled at me and I raised my two hands.“Alisha… I can’t do that,” I said to her. I could see our children watching us, their eyes round at seeing their parents fight. This wasn’t what I wanted.It brought up bad memories for me.I didn’t want this for my children.“Alisha, let’s talk about this-“ I tried to request from her, but then she charged at me again. I began my task of dodging once more. This time she was faster than before and I found I had to hold myself back from responding to her attacks with a blow of my own.I couldn’t hurt her - it would kill me inside to do so.Soon I found myself back
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Chapter 124
AlishaThe evening passed in relatively peaceful silence after that, although in many ways, i tried not to think about Derek, whose eyes constantly stayed on me. I barely spoke, only focused on letting my children have a good time.Finally the night was to end and I wearily packed up the items. Derek held the twins in his arms, and I had to admit it was a great help for me. They were already snoozing and rested all their body weights on him, and I peeked at them numerous times to be sure that they were okay.“Thank you,” Derek said as we began walking back. The guard that had accompanied us was with us as well, keeping a small distance behind his Alpha. “For letting me stay.”I sighed; couldn’t he see that I didn’t want to talk to him? Having him near me irritated me to the core.I stayed silent, praying silently to the goddess that he would simply take the hint and let the rest of the minutes pass in silence.However Derek didn’t seem to understand cues like that.“Have you considere
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Chapter 125
DerekBenjamin sniggered as he read the letter Alisha had sent to me that afternoon.He looked mighty amused, more than my mother had been when she found out about it.“Are you done?” I asked my best friend who only coughed lightly, his laughter still at the back of his throat. “You’re supposed to sympathize with me.”“Oh come on, Derek. By the goddess, you should be happy she agreed to let you have the twins over at all,” he argued. “But really? I’m just thinking of how you plan on meeting her every condition listed out here. I mean… the meal plan is one thing. I can understand her specifications for their bedrooms. Getting the twins new clothes is fine. But special silverware for each meal? Removing all red and yellow flowers from the garden? Clearing out the mansion of all guards and maids anytime they’re around? That’s just her trying to fuck with you.”“I know that,” I ground out, my hands clenched into fists on the table. “But I can’t deny her that, now can I?”Alisha was never
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Chapter 126
GerardI was more than frustrated; I was furious.Another spy? Dead.They were dropping more and more like flies, like one could easily swat them down with just how twitch of a finger.“Fuck,” I growled, tightening my grip on the quill that it snapped in half. I was losing this battle of wits against Derek. The only thing keeping me from truly losing is having a hold on the Pack Elders. And that secret…I growled as a knock on the door of my study distracted me again from my thoughts. Standing up I barked at the door, “Who is it?!”The door opened to a maid who meekly bowed, clearly shaking from fear underneath the weight of my glare at her.“What is it?” I demanded to know as she trembled. I was impatient and didn’t have the time nor energy to entertain her any servants sniveling. “Speak!” I raised my voice in frustration and she fe to her knees.“Sir,” the maid kept her gaze to the floor, her hands clasped together. “Miss Lila has left the house again.”I grit my teeth in anger; of
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Chapter 127
MischaI dodged the blow, hissing from the force that knocked the wind out of my chest.Damn, I thought. Alis was always hard to beat in a good day, and impossible on other days.I shifted back to my human form and charged directly at her black wolf, which dodged seamlessly, jumping up in the air and shifting back to her human form. I blinked; and that was all it took for her to plant her foot on my face.“Argh!” I growled, tumbling on the floor. I found my footing and came face to face with her pointer finger extended out into a razor sharp, curved claw.“Call,” she said, barely panting, while I sweated buckets.I felt the sting of defeat again, but it left a smile on my face nevertheless.“Damn,” I said with laughter bubbling up in my chest. “You win again, Alis.”She smirked at me, “I always win, Misch. But you’re getting better.”The compliment made me preen a little, while I wiped the sweat off my brow.Benjamin had been able to use his status as one of the strongest warriors in
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Chapter 128
AlishaAfter reaching the pack clinic from my spar with Mischa, I walked through the back entrance to inform Simon I had returned. My feet padded down the hallway, through the sterile scent of the wards and down to Sinon’s office when the door opened and out walked Derek.Our eyes met and I kept my voice measured when I greeted him.“Good morning,” I said.I could feel his eyes all over my disheveled state - I hadn’t yet taken a shower.“Hi,” he eventually said. “I came over to see you. Simon informed me you were out.”“What is it you want to talk about?” I asked him plainly. “If this is about the children then I expect you’ve met my conditions.”Honestly I expected Derek to come out and say my conditions were nothing short of unreasonable, but for the last two days since I sent him that letter he hadn’t done that.To my utmost surprise, the Alpha nodded and he replied with, “And I’ve spared no expense in making sure your specifications were met. It’s done, all of it.”I was silent fo
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Chapter 129
AlishaI fell silent. Everything that Simon had just told me rang through my head but I still felt uneasy. It was as if my emotions were on overdrive and I had to struggle to keep myself in check.Derek had done this to me. If I had never seen him again, I would have felt better. It had been a numb existence without him but at least the memories of pain and hurt I had been through because of him had become relegated to only my nightmares, instead of them plaguing my waking hours as well.I let out a sigh and felt Simon pay my head gently in the manner that he liked to.“Why don’t you take a long break?” He asked. “Clinic day’s over, so you can go on and rest until the twins get back, hmm?”I silently glanced at the wall clock on the corner and saw it was only 5.30pm. The twins were supposed to be back by 6pm, as Derek had promised.It might be a little early but…“I’ll go pick the twins up now,” I stood, making up my mind. I felt like I would overthink if I ended up staying on my own
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