All Chapters of The Suit Series: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
173 Chapters
(27) Doorbell
"What time will he visit?" Beth asked, adding more spices and herbs on her beef stew."He said that he was on his way 20 minutes ago." I looked at the time and felt my heartbeat went faster, "So technically, anytime soon."Her eyes widened. She tasted her stew and started doing everything frantically. "Dean, please pass me the salt!" Beth called out, fixing her apron."Which one?"What?"The powdery one."Okay?I gawked at him when he asked, "Is it the black one or the white one?"She frowned, "The black one is the pepper, and the white one is the salt, do the math!"Such a racist.I went towards Dean and grabbed the salt when he was planning to take the flour. "Here." I gave her the salt and rubbed my hands consciously.Charlie Langston is going to here anytime soon. I called him earlier to go here, in Beth's place.To talk about what happened.To talk about why it happened.To talk about everything."You really should know the different kinds of herbs and spices," Beth muttered as s
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(28) Well Dang
Charlie's Point of View:(FLASHBACK)I saw Vanch's office door open. I walked in as I see my sister, Riley, is currently doing her desperate moves again with Emily's son, Jay, again."Riley, give the boy some space." I chuckled, leaning on the door frame."Space?" Riley scoffed, "Look at the mirror dear brother. You should be the one doing that from your monstrous girlfriend when she scolded you for visiting her place yesterday."Oh crap."Visiting?" Vanch asked, "I thought you said Hannah's in trouble, that it was an emergency?"I gulped nervously as I hear Jay coughing out a "Busted"."Leave." I told Riley, "Go back home.""No one's leaving until you tell me about this certain emergency, Charlie." Vanch stood up and walked towards me. "Now talk.""Uh excuse me." Jay raised his hand, "Mom actually just wanted to ask if you and Charlie are going to their anniversary. And she's still waiting for an answer back home.""Of course we are." She answered him as she opens the door, "Please s
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(29) Stew
Hi yo peeps!THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES AND COMMENTS AND ADDS TO YOUR READING LISTS AND YOUR READS!Enjoy 😊~-~Vanchel's Point of View:"Because you love me."Well damn.I decided to go with the safe answer, and that is to reject it. I snorted and looked at the lamp beside him. I started laughing to brush it off and snorted again, "Of course I love you, you're my best friend."I'm the best liar ever."Come on," Dean rescued me from this awkward conversation, "Let's go." I nodded and let him pull me inside the house."That was awkward." He muttered, chuckling silently. "But hey, everything's going to be just fine." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, making me laugh, and shook my head.No, it isn't."Whoa," I gasped as I've smelt Beth's very own Beef Stew. "Smells good, good job!""That's my future wife, the best cook of all time!" Dean bragged, taking a seat in front of me."You know how to cook, Vanch?" Charlie asked, entering the dining room with a frown."I didn't cook anything."
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(30) Cliffhanger
HI YO PEEPS!I'm so terrible sorry, but you know, I've... I've been busy πŸ˜…Thank you for everything!Enjoy 😊~-~"I... I was scared." Charlie muttered silently.The bad boy inside the fairy suit said what now?"When I saw your car crashing on a tree, I..." He looked at me straight in the eyes, "I got scared."Aww. MOE! MOE! MOE!"We all did, idiot." Beth scoffed, taking a bite of her stew and completely ruining the moment."What I meant was," He paused, "I... I thought I lost you."Aww. MOE! MOE! MOE!"We." She butted in again, "We ALL thought we lost her."Dean chuckled as she muttered, "It's not always about you, Charlie.""I thought you died..." Charlie looked down, "And I wasn't there beside you."AWWW!"He was beside you," Charlie whispered angrily, pointing a fork at Dean's place. "He was with you way before the accident happened and he was with you in the ice cream shop too!""So?" I asked and watch as Dean raised his hands in defense."So?!" He asked indecorously, "SO?!""So
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(31) Dumb
Hi yo peeeeeeps!Are you enjoying the cliffhangers so far?AND, I HAVE GREAT NEWS!I've changed Chapter 29's author's note since... I'M NOT TAKING A BREAK FROM WRITING THE "THE SUIT" SERIES!I just can't. This series is like, my own signature. The Suit is my jam.Although, unfortunately, Easton's book is deleted... too...Thank you for everything!Enjoy 😊~-~"Why would he be jealous of him in the first place?" Beth asked me indecorously."Damn! And here I thought that he was dumb." Dean laughed while jabbing a thumb towards Charlie.Wha-?"Excuse me?" Charlie glared at him as I gawk and ask, "Did you just call me dumb?""Nope." He shook his head, "You implied it."Charlie clenched his fists and stood up, "Hey fucker-""CHARLIE!" Everyone shouted, including me."Language!" I screamed, pinching his wrist.Pinching has been a ritual with the Langston's, that was implemented by Charlie's mother, Chloe Langston.Charlie's head faced mine, "But he called you dumb-!"He did call me dumb."
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(32) Gift
Hi yo peeps!I hope that this chapter would pay off the little tortures (cliffhangers) I dropped from the last few chapters.Thank you for everything, you mean so much to me.Enjoy 😊~-~"So..." Charlie trailed off, "Do you want some tea?""No." I shook my head, breathing slowly."Water?""No.""Coffee?""No.""Beer?""No.""Food?""Depends.""Noodles?""Nah.""Ice Cream?""Nope."He stopped and raised the plastic bag, "What about Beth's homemade beef stew?""I'll get the plates and you'll put that in the microwave," I muttered as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen."The spoon and fork are in the lower left drawer!" I heard him call off, making me snort, "Shut up."I took the spoons and forks, grabbing 2 plates too. I walked back and saw him putting the stew in the microwave."Make yourself at home." He grinned, waving off a little bit.To be honest, I am quite annoyed with how he is acting right now.He acts as if I'm a visitor; as if I don't pay half of the rent of this flat
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(33) Shortie
HI YO PEEPS!So I accidentally published Chapter 33 -don't worry, I deleted it immediately. Sorry for putting your hopes up if you thought I updated a while ago!Thud the reason why I wrote this chapter to clear things up.Thank you for everything!Enjoy 😊~-~"Vanch?" Charlie asked hesitantly.We are currently staring at one another with this very suffocating awkward tension."Is everything alright...?"Breath in. Breath out."Yeah, I'm just trying to calm my heart a little bit.""What?" He chuckled, smiling his 'million dollars' smile.And here I am trying to calm it down."Nothing." I coughed out, finally out of a daze he put me in. "Come on, let's eat."I walked to the other side of the table and took a sit. "Oooh, the stew still smells good.""Uh, Vanch?" He fixed the plates properly and placed Beth's stew on the center from the kitchen counter."Hmm?" I asked, taking a scoop of the stew and put it on my plate."Are we not going to discuss what we just did earlier?""What you di
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(34) Shut
"So after answering all your questions, we'll be able to talk about our kiss?" Charlie asks nonchalantly, fixing the way he seats on the chair.Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush.I coughed out, "Of course.""Alright, fire away."This is it Vanchel, go, ask him all your questions.But what if his answers are unacceptable?It's Charlie we're talking about, everything's acceptable.Wait a minute...Memories flashed like lights. It was like bricks pouring down on me.I never knew recovering from temporary amnesia would be that fast."Vanch, is everything alright?" Charlie asked as he ran towards me."I'm... I'm fine." I took my hands off his and shook my head, "Just... I think I just remembered everything."His eyes widened, "What timing!""It is." I nodded."That's so unrealistic!""We're in a book, that's normal."●●●●●●●●●●○●○○○○○○○○○○○●○●●●●●●●●●●●●○●○○○○○○○○○○○○●○●●●●●●●●● I AM CURRENTLY FIXING THE FOURTH WALL ●●●●●●●●●●○●○○○○○○○○○○○●○●●●●●●●●●●●●○●○○○○○○○○○○○○●○●●●●●●●●●His eye
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(35) Happily
"Vanchel!" Kyle, the cute little kid, ran towards me."Hey!" I grinned, bending down on my knees to hug him. He grew a little bit taller than the last time I saw him and his hair was quite shaggier now."We missed you so much!" He cheered, pulling away from me and pinched my cheeks."The only one pinching anyone's cheeks would be me!" I grinned, pinching his cheeks, making him drop his hands and tap my fingers while whining.Charlie walked beside me and chuckled at the sight, "Let the poor guy go."I rolled my eyes and pinched Kyle's cheeks harder. "Let the poor lady be happy.""There's no lady here, so...""Charlie?""Yeah...?""Shut up.""Okay..."I released my grip and watch as Kyle ran outside my office while sobbing. I laughed silently and muttered, "What a baby.""You're a baby." He snorted, leaning on the wall behind him."Charlie?""Yeah...?""Leave.""Okay..." He walked outside my office while doing the 'peace out' signal, making me roll my eyes and sit on my chair."Vanch! Y
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(36) Shorts
"Hey?" I turn around and faced Charlie, well, a sweaty and tired-looking Charlie."Yeah?""I love you."I raised an eyebrow and looked at the script, "That's not what is written on this script."He groaned and slumped down, "I'm tired!""So am I!" Beth shouted, before running towards us with her dark shades protecting her eyes from the harsh sunlight. "Stick with the script, Charlie!"He simply groaned.I couldn't blame him though, it is, after all, a very tiring week. We're currently in a desert full of dust with unwanted heat from the sun.Day Care Fun Care is having the annual movie-film where we, the staffs of the daycare, act and play a role that has something to do with the.... daycare.And apparently, Charlie is being Charlie and well, he's being weird."Hey, boss! You got a call!" One of my staff shouted, making me leave the scene and jog towards the tent."You're low in bat." She explained, "You better be fast.""Got it." I grabbed my phone and smiled, "Thanks."She nodded an
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