All Chapters of The Suit Series: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
173 Chapters
(37) Who?
"That was amazing!" Mom grinned at us, before pulling me into a tight hug.Even from here, cheers and claps can still be heard coming from the convention."I must admit, Charlie's acting skills suck, but the movie was still exquisite!" Chloe, Charlie's mother, smiled at us."Mom, I'm gonna have an Oscar one day." I heard Charlie fuming behind me."Vanchel! Vanchel!"I pulled away from my mom and turn around, seeing my dad with a younger guy at his tail."Dad!""You were amazing! The movie was good!" He hugged me before pulling away and faced Charlie, "But you gotta work with your acting, bud."Everyone laugh, even the stranger behind him."Vanchel! This is Gabriel by the way." He introduced the not-a-stranger-now."Hi, we talked through the phone last month." He smiled at me, showing off a set of pearly white teeth. He offered his left hand for me to shake."Oh right," I nodded, "Yeah, I remembered. Hey." I smiled back and shook his hand. "I'm Vanchel.""No duh," Charlie coughed, befo
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(38) Fond
Whaa-? I updated?YES, I DID!Why-??? I'M BORED! Plus, I love you guys 😂Thank you for all the support guys, I'm dedicating this to @everyonethatisreadingthisEnjoy 😊~-~Life is life.You'll never know how hard life, even if you've gone through the most tragedic tragedy of all tragedies since life is... well, life.I'm not making sense, am I?So does this person in front of me; talking about my arranged date with him made by our fantastic parents.Turns out my dad is really fond of him since he is now handling his family's business, at the young age of 24.Whatever."What the heck are you talking about, Gabriel?" I frowned, picking up the stack of papers from my desk so that I wouldn't be raising my middle finger to him."I'm talking about what I'm talking about." He shrugged, "Amazing, huh?"Wha-?"Care to explain why having dinner with you would be amazing?""Because I'm an amazing person!"What a conceited piece of butt."Ha, funny." I told him smugly, "Look, I don't want to be
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(39) Flour
Whaaa-? ANOTHER UPDATE?!=YES!Is it because I love you guys so much?!=YES!Thank you guys for everything! I LOVE YOU GUYS!Enjoy 😊~-~Waking up is always a great thing. It just means that we're still alive.That we have every chance of correcting our mistakes, making new memories, and do new stuff.Waking up is not something everyone can do, and that's what I want to do right now. Specifically, to the guy in my flat's kitchen doing whatever he is doing that is creating noise pollution"CHARLIE FUDGING LANGSTON!" I screamed as I run out of my room and straight to our kitchen. "What are you doing?!"The look on Charlie's face was like a deer caught in headlights, making me want to awe out loud, but since I'm angry because he woke me up with metal bangings, never mind."V-V-Vanch..." He stuttered out, "I-I-I was..." He looked around, "Doing nothing.""Doing nothing?" I fumed out as my eyes navigate the room.Baking pans were everywhere, Charlie was covered with flour -actually, the w
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(40) Sizzling Macaroni
Whoaaa, I UPDATED... AGAIN?! WHAT?!?!?!?!AAAAAND, it's the 40th part yet... yet... yet... 😀 THE BOOK IS STILL ONGOING! YAY! Although, it is coming to an end. I don't like dragging my stories but oh well. We'll see 😊Thank you to those people who supported SOUTH COAST BAND! PM me! -And their first cover would be next Saturday (September 3)Thank you for the votes, comments, and support guys! I love you!Enjoy 😊~-~"Is that the rude Italian guy?" Charlie asked dumbfoundedly, gaping at our door."If your definition of rude Italian guy is Gabriel, then yes, yes he is," I muttered, walking back to the kitchen."OPEN UP, VANCH!""Did he just call you Vanch?""Yes, yes he did," I answered him while picking up the pack of flour Charlie threw to me earlier."VANCHEL AMARATI, OPEN UP!""Did he just call you by your full name?""Yes, yes he did." I walked back beside Charlie and tore the plastic pack of flour open."...What are you planning?" Charlie asked slowly, staring at the now open pl
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(41) Fam Dinner
"You scared the poor young man away!" Dad shouted angrily from the other side of the table.I sighed as I dropped my chopsticks, "Look, sorry dad but-""Sorry won't cut it Vanchel Amarati!" Dad frowned, "You threw a pack of flour on him!"I slumped on my seat and defended myself. "He called me by my whole name!""You threatened him to throw boiled eggs on him!"I scoffed, "I was not going to do it!""YOU RUINED HIS BUSINESS SUIT!"I let my arms fly around me, "He was acting like a stalker!""HOW?!"I deadpanned, "He knew where I lived!""I TOLD HIM WHERE YOU LIVED!""WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed frustratedly."Because we decided that you and Gabriel would be perfect for each other!""WE?!" I asked indecorously, and at the same time, Charlie stood up and slammed his hands on the table."Mr. Amarati, with all your respect, Gabriel Droli is not the perfect man for Vanchel."I nodded furiously and cheered, "Exactly!"Charlie stood up properly and cleared his throat, "I am."(A/N: A
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(42) The Car Ride
HI YO CRAZEEPS!Yes, I decided to call you CRAZEEPS! You don't like it? Then you better suggest one then 😅Thank you for all the things you guys have done, such as voting, commenting, reading, sharing, and EVERYTHING!This is quite short, but I think you'd love me 😊Enjoy 😊~-~I remained silent as Charlie bid my parents goodbye."Vanchel, goodbye honey!" Mom shrilled out, making me wave back before entering Charlie's black Lexus.Once he shut the door closed and turned on the engine, I decided to open up a conversation. "Well, that was fun!"He simply nodded, "Mm-hmm."I licked my upper lip and watch as the house I once called my home faded away from the distance, "The siomai was really delicious, right?""Mm-hmm."I fisted my hands, quite annoyed with his mm-hmm's. I asked, "Is everything alright?"He simply shrugged. So I sighed out, "What's wrong?"Charlie muttered his answer, "Everything was meant to be perfect, but apparently, it wasn't perfect for you."I didn't need to ask
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(43) Hair
HI YO CRAZEEPS!Another update? What? I just updated 3 parts 3 days ago, and now I'm updating again? Is there a catch?-Nope 😊 I just really love you guys!Plus... this book is ending soon... really soon...Thank you for all the support, the love, the votes, the reads and the comments!ENJOY 😊~-~"Cheese?""No thank you.""BBQ?""Nah.""Plain?""Nope.""Sour Cream?" Charlie asked, raising the green junk food.I bit my lip, "Hmm, that could work." I nodded, grabbing the Piatos from his grasp and putting it in the cart. "What else?"He grinned, walking back beside me and wrapping an arm around me in the process, "I don't know, girlfriend. Do you have any special requests, girlfriend?"Yes, he emphasized the word 'girlfriend'."No." I chuckled while getting out of his arms. "Let's not do PDA, Charlie."I glanced at the old lady frowning at us from the vegetable portion of the grocery store.He scoffed, "She's just jealous because she can't have this." He pointed at himself from head t
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(44) Family Dinner
"I told you! Twilight is not just some sappy romantic book!" I frowned at Charlie, "IT'S AN AMAZING SAPPY ROMANTIC BOOK!"He chuckled and continued playing with my hair, "Whatever you say."I slapped his legs and fixed my head on his lap, "You don't believe me!""No, no. I completely believe you.""Charlie...""Vanchel...""You suck." I pouted angrily, making him laugh louder than before.We are having our usual 'Lazy Sunday' and we are having a movie marathon.I and Charlie are currently watching Twilight Saga in the living room with Charlie sitting on the couch and me laying my head on his lap."What's for dinner?" I asked him, "Please tell me you're going to cook, Langston."He chuckled, "A Langston would be cooking us dinner, but it's not going to be me.""What-?""Mom invited us for dinner.""Oh?" I asked, "When?""Tonight.""What?!" I sat upright and gasped, "When did she invite us??""Last night...""Why didn't you tell me earlier?!""Because.""Because?" I asked, walking towar
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(45) Car
What's up Crazeeps?!Alright, to be honest, I was really planning to end this book with part 45 as the last part before posting one last part which is the epilogue, but I guess that's quite unfair for your part since you guys weren't informed.So alright, this would be longer than the 45 parts...THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! From votes to comments to supports! Unbelievable!Enjoy 😊~-~"And then the little kid cried while running back inside!" Reed laughed, tears falling from his eyes. He is currently recalling a memory."You know Reed, what makes me laugh is not about the little kid crying..." I chuckled, "But you actually wearing a chicken suit!"And with that, everyone started laughing, even Reed himself."I still have the suit! Wanna see it?""Langston." Chloe frowned, "No. Just no.""Langston?" I asked while giggling.She smiled sheepishly, "I always call him Langston when I'm pissed off."Reed snorted."Alright," She rolled her eyes, "I usually call him Langston. It's... well, a h
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(46) Place
Proposing someone to be your wife must be nervous. Arguing to yourself to where and when you'd be doing it is probably stressful.You'd probably want to do it in a place where it's so romantic. To a time where it could be marked as memorable. That it must be perfect.But staring at Charlie; who is still in the driver's seat and me riding in shotgun, inside the car and in the middle of nowhere... well, damn."Excuse me?" I asked slowly, "A-are you serious?"He pouted with a frown, "I was supposed to be doing this next week, but mom decided to blurt it."Then he suddenly walked outside the car, making me raise an eyebrow and watch as he walks towards my side and opens the door, "So I decided to do it right now."He offered his hand and I gladly took it with a smile. "What are you talking about?""I really am sorry for not doing this the right way, but I believe that this is the perfect way on doing this." He pulled me towards him and he covered my eyes with his hands."Hold up," I frown
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