All Chapters of The Suit Series: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
173 Chapters
(47) Wedding plans
"-I can also pay for your gown! And then I can also sponsor for the cake!" Mom rambled, "I can also call my friend, to call her friend that has a connection with the best priest in Rome from her cousin's mother in law!""Uh..." I muttered as I awkwardly look at Charlie.He's simply smiling and an amused glint was shining in his eyes. Of course, he's enjoying this."What do you say, Charlie?""I think it's good." He smiled and encouraged my mom to ramble more about her plans for our wedding."Great. I'm also thinking about vanilla not chocolate as your wedding cake-""Mom, we can pay for our own wedding." I cut her off, quite offended and flattered."Oh, I know." She gushed out, "I just really want the best for my daughter's wedding.""That's the thing, it's her wedding. Give them the chance to choose." Dad tried helping me but failed when mom literally brushed him off.Dad silently groaned as mom continued rambling, "I remembered the time Ivan proposed to me. It was at our high school
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(48) Shooort
"Well, well, well." I tsked, walking behind Beth's back. "How are you doing, Mrs. Castro?"Beth faced me and a grin immediately was plastered in her face, "VANCHEL!"She hugged me tightly, making me cough out my response and pull away from her with a smile, "How's it going?"She laughed and fluffed back her white wedding dress, "Amazing! I feel amazing."Lovely music was played around the room, the beautiful chandelier is shining bright and the Castro's wedding reception somewhere here in Portland, England, and this place is absolutely breathtaking.I laughed as she continues, "I can't believe that I'm finally Beth Castro. It's like a dream... a dream come true.""I'm so happy for you, Beth. You finally got what you deserve.""Thank you." She smiled at me, before"Vanchel, hey!" I turn around and grinned when I saw Dean walking towards Beth."Where've you been?" Beth frowned at him, making him smile sheepishly, "Blame last night's dinner.""That's probably better than tacos." Charlie
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(49) Sunflower
I suck at this type of scenes.HI YO PEEPS!oh my gosh, the last chapter would be at the next one!😒😭😭Thank you so much for the support! Really!Guys, please, support Riley and Jay's book too 😊ONE CHAPTER LEFT AND THEN THE EPILOGUE AND THEN... THE BOOK!2 Books, actually.The "Withers" and "The Bad Boy Inside The _____ Suit" (secret 😊)Thank you so much crazeeps!Enjoy 😊~-~Memory is the light of our life, it is a memoir that no one can decide. Looking at old pictures, placed on the beautiful desk, I've decided that... I'll make one with Charlie today."You're getting married!" Beth gushed, waving her arms everywhere.I chuckled and nodded, "Yes, I am.""No! Don't move your head too much!" She gasped as she continued retouching my makeup."Alright, sorry." I chuckled and fixed my headdress, which was a headband with huge yellow petals."Now now, let me do that." Mom walked behind me and fixed it properly.Chloe fluffed out my hair, "There."Gulping, I looked at the mirror and
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(50) Bangs
HI YO CRAZEEPS!OH MY GOSH, LAST CHAPTER BEFORE THE EPILOGUE!THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE YOU GUYS!Enjoy 😊~-~"Why can't the walls be blue?" I pouted angrily while crossing my arms."Because..." Charlie sighed, "The walls are perfectly fine.""No, it isn't.""Yes, it is.""But it isn't!""It is.""But the wall is not blue!""So what if it isn't blue?""The room isn't perfectly fine!"He sighed, "Vanchel..."I mocked him, "Charlie...""I'm not painting my room blue.""Then move in my room!" Yeah, the walls are blue there."No Vanch." He shook his head, "The bride is supposed to be moving to the groom's house, not the other way around.""But that doesn't work in our case." I reasoned out, "I mean, since we already live in the same flat, then you should just simply move in my room."He groaned, "That's not how it works, Vanch.""Well, it has to!""It doesn't...""Well pick your choice.""... in what?""I'll move in your room, but we have to change the walls or-" I smiled, "You can move
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The Bad Boy Inside The Fairy Suit - Epilogue
This is it..."Vangs, can you please open the door?" Charlie called out as he brought the huge brown box out of his car."I don't know, Charlie. Can I?" I snorted before putting the 2 medium boxes down and opened the door. "We really should've asked for help.""No." He grunted as he walked inside the brand new house, "We can do all of these ourselves." He dropped the box and smiled happily, "There!"I looked at his car, and my car, and the huge truck full of our stuff outside. "That's like 1 out of 50, Charles."His eyes widened and sweat fell from his forehead, "Alright, let me call Dean." He picked up his phone and started calling them.I laughed and picked up the boxes I left earlier, before carrying them inside the house."Need help with that?" He asked as he started walking towards me."Nope.""Really?""Yup."I frowned when I felt his hand grabbing the boxes from my hands. "Charlie!""Whaaaaat?" He laughed as he literally ran towards the living room with the boxes in his hands.
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The Bad Boy Inside the White Suit - (1) Flowers for Him
"Do you want daisies or roses?" The old yet nice looking lady asked me as she rolled the newspaper into a cone-like figure.".... Uh..." I trailed off, "Can I be the one picking them?"Her eyes widened but nodded anyway. She gave me some cutting tools and asked, "You know how to make a bouquet?"Chuckling, I knelt down and looked at the different kinds of flowers. "Well, I guess I was quite forced to."I was in the middle of cutting a rose when she asked me, "Forced by who?"Memories flash through my eyes; I saw my 8 years old version of me begging a random gardener to teach me how to choose flowers and make beautiful bouquets."Oh you know," I giggled, "A desperate girl who wants to learn everything for the one she loves... Me." Shrugging my statement off, I continued cutting the rose and put it on the ground.The old lady gave me a look that I usually receive whenever I answer people's question about learning stuff. The look of pity. I love it.That's sarcasm, by the way, I mean, wh
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(2) Tearing up my feelings... or someone else's
Thank you for the votes, comments and supports!I LOVE YOU PEEPS!Enjoy πŸ˜Šβ—β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—γ€‹γ€‹5 YEARS LATERγ€Šγ€Š"How's the bed?" Mom asked through the phone, "Is it comfortable?"Digging my butt deeper on the bed, I shrugged when I felt that it felt like an ordinary bed. "...Yup.""What about the chickens- I mean neighbors? How are the neighbors?"Chuckling, I rolled my eyes when I realized that my mom's weird chicken paranoia is still here. "I think they'll be just fine.""You think?" I nodded while continuing to unpack the stuff from my bag."Hello? Riley? Still there?""Oh yes, yeah mom, yeah." I immediately muttered since I forgot the fact that she couldn't see me nodding. "Take a chill pill. alright?""I... I can't!" She sobbed, making me roll my eyed since my mom is being a total drama queen right now. "It's just that... you're already in college and you're getting old and it see
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(3) Sorry
Hi yo CRAZEEPS!I have a question... do you prefer Shawn Mendes or the guy from Wizard's of Waverly Place (Mason) to be Jay Emmerson ?I hope you'd enjoy this chapter and comment if you liked it or not.THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING CRAZEEPS!Enjoy πŸ˜Šβ—β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—"I..." I gasped out, "I'm so sorry!"I tried putting the paperback at its place, wishing that there's a magical glue in it or it's like a robot from Transformers and could magically transform back to its place.But I was just wishing, so it wasn't true."Why would you do that?!" I heard the poor guy whose life is probably going to be ruined because of the unpassed and teared up papers I am holding or whose life is probably going to be completely normal since he doesn't care about his grades.But looking up, I immediately noticed who it was. And I think I just really did ruin his life. "Peter..." I trailed off as he knelt down
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(4) She likes Him
HI YO CRAZEEPS!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Reading this chapters means a lot to me!I LOVE YOU GUYS!Enjoy πŸ˜Šβ—β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—Scrolling down on my facebook account, I cringed when I realize that I officially have no life. I can't believe that I'm using the site right now. Well, it's not that I wanted to; I had to."Turn the pain into power."Gasping loudly, I took my phone and opened the camera. Snapping a pic of my laptop's screen, I mentally facepalmed when I realized that I could've just screenshot the pic.Yes, a picture that has "Turn the pain into power." caption with Jay and I doing a brofist back in high school.I continued scrolling down and saw some pictures of me, Pryla, Jay, and Peter. Me, obviously forcing my hand around Jay, and Pryla looking at Peter with pure admiration.Oh. My. Gosh."She likes him..." I muttered silently, quite dumbfounded actually. How come she h
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(5) Run
Hi yo Crazeeps!It's been sooooo looong! πŸ˜€ I missed you guys!If you are reading this, which I doubt you did since you've probably read the story before reading this author's note, hi !Well, I wouldn't be extending your torture !Enjoy πŸ˜Šβ—β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β€’β€’β€’β—‡β—‡β—"If a dragon is a flying animal, a fly is a flying insect, then what is a dragonfly?"I stared at the television with a bored expression. "Lame," I muttered in a bored tone, and just as I said that, my head slumped on the table.The host of the tv show continued smiling as the camera shows the curious-looking children.Is this even college?Mr. Maaga, that old hag, ersh, wizard, paused the show and asked us, "So, what is a dragonfly?""A living thing." I snorted silently as I fumble with my pen."Did you say something, Ms. Langston?" He frowned at me, immediately making me the center of attention in the room."Sir," I paused, "No,
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