All Chapters of Killed by Alpha Mate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
215 Chapters
Episode - 171
[Seraphine’s POV]"Seraphine," he begins, his voice gentle but insistent, "you didn't really tell me why you fainted earlier. It was so sudden and unexpected. I need to understand what happened."I take a deep breath, contemplating how to answer without revealing the true reason for my fainting, which is my attempt to travel back in time. I need to protect the delicate balance of this timeline and the newfound hope we share."I think it might have been a combination of exhaustion and stress," I reply, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "The recent events, the battle, and the uncertainty of our future ... it all overwhelmed me."Cassian's concern deepens, and he tightens his hold on me. "I should have been more mindful of your well-being. I promise to be more attentive from now on."His words warm my heart, and I can't help but appreciate his sincerity. Even though I can't share the full truth with him, I'm determined to make the most of this second chance and protect our futur
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Episode - 172
[Seraphine's POV]There's no point in arguing about something that's already decided. When Cassian revealed his true feelings, I couldn't sustain my anger in his presence. I couldn't believe he cared so much about my safety and our baby's, to such an extent. I had thought my pregnancy was just a tool for him.‘But it seems I'm not the only one feeling something special here, am I, Cassian?’"Fine," after taking a deep breath, I could see a way forward after our small argument. I decided to find a way out instead of wasting time here. Dorian, still our main enemy."Cassian, I was thinking, could you perhaps share some of your power with me?" I asked. In a moment, with just Cassian's concerned expression, a crazy idea struck me."Sharing magic?" Cassian seemed puzzled by my question. "I'm not sure. What do you mean by sharing? Should I transfer my magic into your body? Is that what you mean?"I nodded quickly. "Exactly. Is it possible? Can you share your magic with me?"Cassian fell sil
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Episode - 173
I nodded, appreciating his concern. With newfound determination, I focused on the power now coursing through my veins. It was an unfamiliar sensation, like having a river of energy flowing within me, threatening to overflow its banks.I closed my eyes, trying to harness this newfound strength. Cassian's hand was still in mine, a grounding presence amid the storm of power surging through me. I could feel his concern, his fear for my well-being.Taking a deep breath, I envisioned the battles we were about to face. I pictured the enemies, their fierce determination, and the need to protect not just ourselves but also the innocent lives hanging in the balance. The image of our mission, to save Silverbrook Haven from the virus, burned bright in my mind.With that clarity of purpose, I channeled the shared magic, feeling it respond to my will. The energy, once chaotic, began to align, forming a coherent force under my command. It was as if I had found the conductor's baton in a symphony of
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Episode - 174
[Seraphine’s POV]As the battle reached its peak, I maintained the illusions, amplifying Cassian's power and sowing chaos among our enemies. The plan worked flawlessly, and one by one, the alphas fell, defeated by Cassian's brilliance and my strategic thinking.When the dust settled and the battlefield fell silent, Cassian looked at me, gratitude and awe in his eyes. "Seraphine, that was incredible. I couldn't have done it without you."I smiled, my inner rebellion now a triumphant whisper. I had defied the odds, proving that sometimes, going against the expected path was the key to victory. Cassian might have been worried about my safety, but I had shown him that I was more than capable of holding my own.Victory tasted sweet, yet the aftermath was far from what I had expected. The power Cassian had shared with me was overwhelming, surging through my veins like a wild river, untamed and unpredictable. Every attempt to control it felt like trying to grasp a handful of smoke – slipping
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Episode - 175
[Seraphine’s POV]Hours passed, and I made small progress, tiny steps towards control. I learned to call upon the magic when I needed it and release it when it threatened to overwhelm me. It was a delicate balance, and one misstep could result in disaster.But I was determined. I couldn't afford to let this power control me. I had to become its master, its wielder, and its protector. With each passing moment, I felt a little more in control, a little more confident in my abilities.As I continued my silent battle with the magic within me, I couldn't help but wonder if Cassian had known the true extent of what he was giving me. Had he anticipated the struggles I would face in trying to control it?One thing was clear – I couldn't give up. I had chosen this path, accepted this power, and now it was up to me to make it my own. The journey ahead would be long and arduous, filled with challenges and uncertainties, but I was determined to emerge from it stronger and wiser.With renewed dete
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Episode - 176
[Seraphine’s POV]With every ounce of willpower, I pushed back against the fear. I reminded myself that I was not alone; I had allies who believed in me, who stood by my side even in the darkest of times. Their unwavering support became my anchor, grounding me in moments of doubt.Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but I persisted. The struggle was far from over, but I had made progress. I could feel the power responding to my commands, albeit tentatively. The once uncontrollable surges were now becoming more predictable, more manageable.I knew the road ahead was still fraught with challenges, but I faced it with newfound determination. I was no longer the frightened girl who had trembled at the enormity of the task. I was Seraphine, the guardian of light, and I would not be defeated, not by the power within me or the doubts that plagued my mind.With a steely resolve, I whispered into the stillness of the night, "I will control this power. I will master it. And when the
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Episode - 177
[Seraphine’s POV]Every spell I cast, every attempt to control the power within me, was driven by this fear. It became the driving force behind my determination, a reminder of the consequences of my actions or inactions. The stakes were higher than ever, and I couldn't afford to falter, not for my sake, but for his.The mere thought of failing Cassian became a driving force, a relentless motivator pushing me to explore the depths of my abilities. I practiced day and night, pushing myself to the limit, desperate to find the key to mastering this power, not just for my own sake, but for his survival.In the silence of the night, when the world was wrapped in a cocoon of darkness, I whispered my deepest fear to the stars above. "I can't let you down, Cassian. I won't. Your trust in me is my anchor, my guiding light. I'll fight against this darkness, this uncertainty, and I'll emerge stronger. For you. For us."The fear of failing Cassian was compounded by the looming threat of Dorian. Ev
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Episode - 178
[Seraphine’s POV]The melody of sorrow seemed to ring in my mind like an alarm. Regardless of my accomplishments turning into gold, the fog of fear still shrouded my vision. It was as if I lacked confidence in my own actions.And this hand, the very hand that had once brought victories for Cassian, suddenly trembled and grew cold. My blood froze instantly as my memory delved back into the fragment where Cassian would die in the future because of my decision."Seraphine."My body jolted. The cold feeling intertwined with anxiety instantly cracked as my hand received a warm touch from someone. Cassian, he noticed the change in my expression. Even though this battlefield didn't permit us to relax, he prioritized checking my condition with all his heart."Do you think you can continue all of this?" he spoke. His hand didn't stop holding mine, a reassuring gesture he extended towards me."You don't have to push yourself," he continued. "I can handle them alone. How about we stick to the or
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Episode - 179
[Seraphine’s POV]With the dwindling remnants of my magic, I slowed down the flow of time around us, allowing Cassian and me room to strategize freely. As everything was confirmed, I grew more convinced that Cassian was indeed stronger than Dorian.However, Cassian was not at his best when Dorian appeared. He was exhausted, drained, and ensnared in an illusion. That's when I thought, maybe if I prolonged the time for Cassian to recover his magic, his chances of defeating Dorian could be significantly increased."Um, Cassian," my mouth moved on its own, interrupting our discussion. It all began with my curiosity about Cassian's relationship with Dorian, a topic shrouded in mystery and hostility between the two brothers."What's your relationship with Dorian?" I mustered the courage to ask, avoiding Cassian's gaze. If not for my insatiable curiosity, my body might have trembled uncontrollably.I couldn't meet Cassian's eyes, possibly reflecting his surprise. If not for my overwhelming c
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Episode - 180
[Seraphine’s POV]'Wait. Am I not seeing things?' Amidst the billowing smoke, my body engulfed in the swirling dust, my eyes caught sight of the imposing figure of an Alpha appearing out of nowhere.The distance was so great that I had to move forward to ascertain who the Alpha in the midst of this battlefield was.What made it peculiar was that neither Cassian nor the ten powerful alphas present there seemed to be aware of the presence of another figure among them.'It's like only I can see him,' my inner voice murmured.Feeling a sense of unease, I initiated telepathy with Cassian, something I had been restraining myself from doing until now.'Cassian,' I called out to him telepathically. Thankfully, Cassian promptly responded to my voice.'Seraphine? What's going on?' Cassian replied.I could see from here that he still didn't realize there was another Alpha present amidst their intense battle. This phenomenon both worried and frustrated me at the same time. I was absolutely certai
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