Semua Bab Killed by Alpha Mate: Bab 191 - Bab 200
215 Bab
Episode - 191
[Seraphine’s POV]"Am I really Dorian's fated mate?" My voice trembled as I uttered words I never thought I would have to comprehend. If there had been a mirror in front of me, my face would have been as pale as death.I had never considered that such a word would echo in my mind. I, the fated mate of Dorian Phoenix? The ruthless Alpha who had killed so many people? Me? Dorian? Were we destined mates? Could it be that traversing too many lines of space and time had driven me to this madness automatically?It seemed easier to accept the reality that I was losing my mind than to believe in my newfound power that declared me Dorian Phoenix's true mate.‘What makes you so sure that I am Dorian's fated mate?’ I decided to ask, once the confusion and anxiety inside me had subsided.With patience, my power explained that in Dorian's memories I had seen, Cassian clearly mentioned that in the future, I would be married to him. And when we got married, Dorian, who had long disappeared, suddenly
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Episode - 192
[Seraphine’s POV]A while ago, this vast land had become a field for thousands of explosions that consumed hundreds of innocent alpha warriors. I wasn't the only witness. But I was the only one standing tall while others had fallen.The pungent smell of blood followed the swift wind that slapped my face. The coldness of the sky, almost turning into night, awakened nocturnal birds from their daytime slumber. With only the serene presence of the baby in my womb, I faced alone the vast and silent battlefield.Cassian's body, attracting carnivorous crows, surrendered to the earth after losing his life. I refused to look at him.Besides, I had a premonition that I would witness Cassian's death repeatedly from now on. I grasped the wind, my only source of strength. Armed with the remaining trace of magic, I decided to take a bold step.The journey through time that I was about to undertake would no longer be as narrow as the moment when Cassian had nearly breathed his last. Instead, I chose
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Episode - 193
[Seraphine’s POV]I allowed Jesse some time to adjust to the situation. Initially, I thought we would arrive early enough, perhaps even before the war had started on this battlefield. But upon our arrival, my predictions were proven wrong.Jesse witnessed a large-scale battle between the Maximilian kingdom's alpha forces and mysterious alpha warriors from another kingdom. I didn't need to explain it further; the world had unfolded before my eyes.This time, Jesse stood beside me, mouth agape, clearly taken aback. In his mind, he must never have anticipated a sudden war of this magnitude, especially seeing Cassian fighting for his life against ten alphas simultaneously.I simply waited for his reaction. "Is this what you were talking about, Miss?" Jesse finally spoke after what felt like an eternity."Is this the war you mentioned earlier? About Dorian Phoenix wanting to kill Prince Cassian and you, by inciting this senseless war?" he asked again.His voice sounded rigid, yet filled wi
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Episode - 194
[Seraphine’s POV]"You know, pregnancy has diverted much of my magic to my baby. Since then, I've struggled to use my magic because of this child. So..." I intentionally trailed off, waiting to see Jesse's reaction.Knowledge of omegas weakening due to pregnancy was not uncommon. Jesse, who could even discern that I wasn't Cassian's fated mate, surely understood this.Of course, I lied about the magic. My baby did absorb my magic while inside me, but not to the extent of completely depleting it. I said all this so that Jesse would trust me more and give me his magic."Very well," the deep alpha voice beside me finally spoke up.Unlike Cassian, who questioned me extensively before giving his magic, Jesse openly extended his hand to me, ready.I was the one most surprised here. How could I not be? He didn't even ask how much magic I needed.Jesse's loyalty to the Maximilian kingdom and Cassian amazed and terrified me."I might take a bit more magic than usual," I said softly. I glanced
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Episode - 195
[Seraphine’s POV]"So, your element is Ice, Jesse? I just realized. No wonder you were so helpful when we fought against Riana. Why didn't you tell me earlier that your magic element is ice?" I asked him.Instead of a straightforward answer, I received a hesitant expression. He averted his gaze, wearing a guilty look as if he felt sorry for not disclosing this information earlier. It dawned on me then.Apparently, Alphas couldn't casually reveal the type of magic or element they possessed to others. It could be a vulnerability for them. I quickly retracted my words to prevent any misunderstanding."It's okay, forget it. You don't need to worry about me, Jesse. I'm fine," I said, waving my hand dismissively in front of him.When I realized that the chilling sensation spreading through my body was the effect of Jesse's magic, I hypnotized my own mind to control this cold sensation. What made me happy was the abundance of magic I gained from Jesse. Even a small amount of his magic made m
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Episode - 196
[Seraphine’s POV]‘My strength, can you hear me?’With the voice of my heart, I called out to my power.Unnoticed, an hour had passed since I left a vast land that bore silent witness to the epic battle between Cassian and an unknown alpha. During that time, I continued to tread the dry, rocky path with my weary feet. The most notable difference was that evening had descended upon me.The area I traversed was far from the kingdom's settlements, essentially deserted. There was no accompanying light except for the moon's reflection high above.Luckily, the path I followed had few obstacles—just a wide road devoid of trees, which eased my solo journey.[Seraphine][You want to find the witch you saw in your vision, don't you?][In that case, you should head towards the old residence of the original Phoenix family][Unfortunately, it's quite far][Without utilizing your power, you'd have to walk for a whole month]The first words my power gave me weren't good news; they seemed intent on c
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Episode 197
[Seraphine’s POV] 'I can't believe...' Suddenly, my tears flowed uncontrollably. My eyes were still shut, and my consciousness remained connected to my power, linking me to the future. Something in my chest couldn't be contained; it wanted to burst out. Overwhelmed, I felt a depth of emotion beyond imagination. As far as I could see into the future, my power never provided anything personally beneficial for me. Always and forever, all I did was help others. When my power led me to my grown-up child in the future, I finally realized the wonder of my magic. And for the first time, I felt grateful that God granted me the ability to see into the future. 'Yes, my child. It's me, your mother.' Even in my vision, my voice cracked as I held back tears. My child's hands reached out, as if wanting to embrace me. Reflexively, I felt warmth at this unexpected reunion. My child, so much like Cassian, I longed to hug them. [Seraphine, stop] But my power prevented our embrace. I was shocke
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Episode - 198
In the stillness that followed the final incantation, I felt as if the world had come to a standstill. Dozens of emotions swirled within me. Even though I had managed to save cassian, the internal conflict I had hoped to resolve through this meeting still haunted me.My son's gaze, filled with uncertainty, cut through my tumultuous thoughts. He knew, as if he could read the turmoil within my soul. "Mother," he murmured gently, "I understand that this is difficult for you. I just want to help you, but I also want to know who I truly am."I looked into his eyes, attempting to find answers behind his mixed expression. Though I felt proud and grateful that he was here with me, I also felt fear. Fear that our meeting would only create more problems than solutions. Fear that he would become ensnared in the time webs just like I was."I don't want to endanger you," I said, my voice quivering. "I don't want this worry and conflict to burden you as well."He smile
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Episode - 199
In the midst of our shared determination, I couldn't shake the gnawing fear clawing at my insides. My son's newfound power, so raw and potent, both fascinated and terrified me. As a mother, my first instinct was to shield him from any harm, but his determination to harness this magic for the greater good was unyielding."Sweetheart," I said, my voice quivering with the weight of my concerns, "I admire your courage, but this power… it's beyond anything I've ever encountered. I'm afraid it might hurt you, might hurt us both."He met my gaze, his eyes filled with conviction. "I won't let it harm us, Mother. I can control it, I know I can."I reached out, my hand hovering above his, the unspoken worry etched on my face. "But what if we can't? What if this power consumes you? I can't bear the thought of losing you, not after everything we've been through."He took my hand in his, his grip firm and reassuring. "I won't let that happen. We'll find someone
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Episode - 200
Under the tutelage of my so, I delved deeper into the realms of magic. With each passing day, he shared his profound knowledge, revealing intricate techniques and ancient rituals that illuminated the vast landscape of sorcery before us. His patience knew no bounds, and his passion for teaching was as boundless as the endless horizons of the arcane world.We practiced tirelessly, honing our skills in the art of spellcasting. Seraphine guided me through complex rituals, teaching me the delicate balance between intention and incantation. He introduced me to the subtle nuances of elemental manipulation, guiding my hands as I learned to summon fire and water with a mere flick of my fingers. His understanding of magical theory was profound, and he explained the intricacies of magical runes and sigils with a clarity that made the ancient texts come alive.With the silvery light of the moon, I stood in the heart of the ancient grove, my son's eyes reflecting the same constella
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