All Chapters of Killed by Alpha Mate: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
215 Chapters
Episode - 181
[Seraphine’s POV]The aftermath of our argument resulted in Cassian's idea taking root, where he continued to prioritize his strength to dispatch the ten Alphas attacking us in this battlefield.It was as if he wore an exterior that professed faith in my abilities, but deep down, I knew he still doubted my words. Cassian was about to draw his sword again, ready to confront our enemies.However, my hands wouldn't let him escape so easily. I clung to his royal robes, once white, now stained with splatters of blood. He glanced back at me with a puzzled and impatient expression. The fervor of battle in him had to be curtailed because I blocked his way."What is it now?" Cassian's cold voice cut through me, colder than the morning dew about to descend."Blind to his icy demeanor," I said, "whatever crosses your mind, don't do it. I can't be certain if all of this is real, but I have a feeling that these battles are illusions. Dorian has dragged us here with his illusions.""What?" Cassian
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Episode - 182
[Seraphine’s POV]In a moment when nearly all attention on this battleground was fixed on the fierce battle between Cassian and the ten alphas, I found myself presented with a significant opportunity. Amidst the chaos, I managed to approach Dorian at a distance so close I could almost slap the indifference off his face. As I had predicted, Dorian somehow employed his power to render himself intangible and untouchable.But I was certain such a power wouldn't last long. Therefore, I slowed down the flow of time around Dorian without his awareness. I patiently waited for the moment when he would lower his defenses.If not for the time manipulation, I wouldn't have been able to discern the brief moments when Dorian made himself visible, even if only for a few seconds. Yet in that brief span, I seized his hand. I gripped his cold hand so tightly, as if my strength could shatter his wrist. He was utterly surprised, of course.However, before he could utter a word, I had already relocated hi
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episode - 183
"What... what have I done? I went back to the past to save Cassian, so why am I still unable to do it?"My vision slowly blurred, much like my body, which began to sway and lose balance. As my mind filled with regret, all I could witness were my trembling limbs.Helpless.The distance between us was vast, allowing me only to see Cassian's silhouette lying lifeless on the ground. Surely, fresh blood had once again flooded his helpless body.And this was the second time, I let Cassian die at the hands of Dorian.[Seraphine][Seraphine][Hold on. Don't give up.][There's one thing I haven't told you.]My sobbing ceased, thanks to my suddenly dominant voice. It seemed my power had transformed into a memory that could merge with my consciousness. It could easily perceive my emotional state and determine its actions.[You haven't lost yet. You can still save Cassian.]I wiped away my tears and listened carefully to what my strength tried to convey.[Wait here until Dorian leaves.][Then, go
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Episode - 184
As we continued our journey, Seraphine's voice resonated within me, a comforting presence amid the remnants of our challenging encounter with Dorian.[Seraphine][This was a difficult battle, but we emerged stronger. Your compassion has lit a path for us all.][But I sense there's something troubling youI hesitated for a moment, the weight of my unspoken thoughts pressing on my mind.[I'm grateful for your guidance, Seraphine. But as we searched for objects connected to Dorian's memories, I couldn't find anything close to Cassian's past.][It's as if his essence is too pure, too unblemished by negativity, to leave any lingering trace on ordinary objects.]My power’s presence remained reassuring, her understanding unyielding.[It's true that Cassian's spirit is remarkably resilient, untouched by the darkness that tainted Dorian. But every soul, no matter how pure, carries memories deep within.][We must look beyond the obvious. Memories are not always tied to tangible objects. They ca
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Episode - 185
[Your determination has always been a source of strength for us, but I am troubled by the elusive nature of Dorian's memories. Despite my vast power, the fragments of his past remain hidden, veiled in shadows. It is as though his essence is shielded, making it nearly impossible to decipher his history.]I pondered my power’s words, feeling a pang of frustration and empathy for her struggle. The enigma of Dorian's memories weighed heavily on both of us, challenging our understanding of the very essence we sought to unravel.[I have delved into the depths of his consciousness, seeking any clue, any whisper of his past. But it is as if his memories are locked behind an impenetrable barrier, a puzzle I cannot solve.]My power’s voice wavered, revealing a rare moment of vulnerability. Her confusion mirrored my own, deepening the mystery of Dorian's enigmatic existence. We shared a moment of silent contemplation, grappling with the complexity of our current predicament. [Perhaps, there are
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Episode - 185
[In this underground passage, there lies a connection between the palace and a hidden chamber, a place long forgotten. I sense an eerie presence emanating from it.]I followed My power’s guidance, the torchlight flickering ominously as we descended into the subterranean labyrinth. The air grew damp and cold, and the very stones seemed to whisper ancient secrets. Shadows danced along the walls, casting eerie silhouettes that heightened the sense of foreboding.‘What could be concealed in this hidden chamber? And why does it feel so unsettling?’[Dark energies often leave imprints on places of worship. This chamber was once used for rituals, but something darker lingers here. Be cautious as we proceed.]As we ventured deeper, we entered the hidden chamber. The atmosphere was thick with an otherworldly aura, and a sense of dread settled upon us. At the center of the room stood an ominous altar, adorned with symbols that hinted at ancient, malevolent rites. The air seemed to vibrate with
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Episode - 187
With newfound knowledge of Dorian's vulnerabilities, we set forth on our mission to confront him and put an end to the malevolent force he had become entangled with. Seraphine, her eyes still aglow with the remnants of the energy she had tapped into, led the way with unwavering determination.As we traversed through the kingdom, our surroundings seemed to mirror the turmoil within us. Dark clouds hung low in the sky, casting a shadow over the land, as if nature itself sensed the impending confrontation.We finally tracked Dorian to an ancient, dilapidated fortress nestled amidst the mountains. The air was thick with tension as we approached, the very stones of the fortress seeming to absorb our trepidation.With Seraphine's guidance, we entered the fortress, our steps silent and purposeful. The interior was as foreboding as the exterior, with dimly lit corridors echoing with our footsteps. As we delved deeper into the fortress, we could feel the malevolent force growing stronger, its
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Episode - 188
[Seraphine’s POV]This is the last time I attempt, striving to grasp the fragments of Dorian's memories that hold the key to our fate. The altar, painstakingly found, will serve as my stepping stone to unearth Cassian's memories. Even reaching this point is a blessing I never anticipated. I never imagined I could reach a place even Cassian was unaware of."Speaking of Cassian ... How long have I been in this place? What about the condition of his body?" I pondered. Suddenly, Cassian flashed into my mind.[Seraphine][Quick, do it.][We don't have much time.][Hurry, search for Dorian's memories while no one is after you.]My inner voice warned me with urgency. Suppressing my emotions, I closed my eyes and prepared myself. Fortunately, I could still use the magic Cassian had bestowed upon me. Though it tended to injure my body, I could use it to search for Dorian's memories through my power."All right. My power, help me explore the fragments of memories you found from this worship alt
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Episode - 189
[Seraphine’s POV]"So... What should I do?" I finally reached that question. Here I sat on the damp ground, finding solace. My legs were screaming in pain, my stomach had been aching for a while. Ever since I found that worship altar, there had been no movement inside me. It felt like my baby had stopped moving. But I didn't even have time to check if my baby was okay. With Cassian's and the world's fate hanging in the balance, I still couldn't decide on anything.[Seraphine, calm down]My strength, which I had always used as a tool, had gradually become my companion. It consistently encouraged me through its words in my mind. To some extent, those words made me stronger.[You just need to remember why Dorian hated Cassian so much][You know he's dead, and you know he wasn't a time magic user. So, you can defeat him][Once you know the reason Dorian killed Cassian, you can go back in time and erase that event][When the incident that made Dorian hate Cassian is gone, his reason to be
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Episode - 190
[Seraphine’s POV]Sacrificing the magic I possessed, I managed to target the memories that had been my long-standing goal. Without the support of my power, I wouldn't have come this far. My head began to feel heavy, and my vision blurred as my magic depleted from this memory search.Being a wielder of time magic didn't mean having unrestricted control over everything. We, too, faced numerous consequences for using this power. If I wasn't careful, I could die. Just like now, my magic was almost entirely depleted after finding the fragment of Dorian's memory containing Cassian.[Can you endure more than this?]My strength started to worry me. Of course, everything would be in vain if I couldn't maintain my consciousness now. Once I passed out, everything would change.'I'm okay. More than that, help me identify the new memory I just obtained,' I pleaded with my power. To save the remaining magic I had, I used an alternative method to expedite this long journey.I could use my power to f
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