All Chapters of Marked by Moonlight: A Rejected Mate's Redemption: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
191 Chapters
Rey woke in the morning and she stumbled up to her feat, she looked around and she was alone in the woods. Her body felt abnormally cranky and stiff and she did not have enough sensations at her limbs, she very quickly remembered that she and the rest of the pack members had begun the final ritual to save Xavier.***“Xavier has been poisoned with dark magic, the assailant was bathed in dark magic and now some of it has poisoned Xavier”, Seraphina said as she looked at Rey and Lucius.“What do we do?”, Lucius asked impatiently. “There must be something you can do”“There may be, You can all share the burden by linking your souls to each other and sharing your spirit essence. You will all share the poison but as a whole you should all be able to resist the poison”, Seraphina said.“That can work", Asher said hopefully.Orion looked at Seraphina wearily and said: "There is a but isn't there?, Such rituals tend to be very dangerous for everyone involved.""We don't have much of a choice.
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Lucius looked at Seraphina with shock in his eyes.“it makes no sense”, Lucius said in protest. “I have always been from the Blackthorn family, just like Leina”“Ah yes, the Blackthorn family. How much do you know about your history?”, Seraphina asked.“Not much, we used to be a noble family but we lost most of our members and now I and Leina are pretty much all that is left. We haven’t been to the capital in a very very long time”, Lucius replied.“Your family is from the capital?”, Luna exclaimed.“So is yours too”, Seraphina said as she looked at Rey and Luna. “The Volk family used to be called the Emberglade family but they suddenly vanished from the capital 400 years ago”“We need to understand what is going on”, Lucius said. “It may be time to return to the capital”Lucius's words hung in the air as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation. Returning to the capital meant stepping into the heart of the power struggle between the alphas, risking their lives and revealing the
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The words of Lucius had rallied the pack and it was to most members of the pack a declaration of war and soon the pack had fully recovered and the next order of events was grueling and brutal training and sharpening of the senses of pack members. It had been weeks since they began their preparations, honing their skills and strengthening their bond. Asher and Luna had grown particularly close during this time, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence amidst the impending challenges. They often spent the night sitting around bonfires after a grueling training day and barely had any rest during the day.Seraphina took it upon herself to train Orion and Rey in the ways of mage-level magic. They spent countless hours immersed in ancient tomes and practicing intricate spells. Seraphina's guidance was invaluable as she shared her wisdom, helping them tap into the depths of their magical potential. The crackle of arcane energy filled the air as they mastered new spells, their conf
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"Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!" Luna screamed as her body tensed with pleasure.Asher was surprised by the intensity of her climax, he had never seen her cum that hard before. He lapped up her fluids in fascination, savoring the taste of her sweet sex.After a few minutes, Luna came down from her high and Asher climbed on top of her, kissing her lips and neck."I want you inside me", Luna said."I want to feel how tight you are", Asher said. "I have to know if you are as good as you look"."I am very excited to get fucked", Luna said, stroking Asher's cock. "But first, I want you to fuck me with your fingers".They moved to the bed, Asher lying on his back and Luna straddling his hips."Yes, that's it!", Luna cried out as Asher penetrated her. "Fuck me, Asher! Fuck me with your big dick!"Asher couldn't hold back any longer and he grabbed Luna's ass and pounded her, thrusting his dick deep into her tight pussy."Oh yes! Oh yeah!" Luna cried out as she rode Asher's dick."Faster! Faster!
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The crimson pack moved silently through the bustling streets of the capital city, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and caution. Disguised as peasants, they blended into the city slums, observing the grandeur and the secrets hidden within the walls of the capital. They had spent the last two weeks observing the city from the outside and had only proceeded to enter it once they had understood the tempo of the city. Asher and Rey had also been able to identify the presence of most of the regional alphas, it was clear that something was going on. Luna's heart raced as she discovered whispers of Black Bourne's presence in the city. Her eyes scanned the crowded streets, searching for any sign of his ominous figure. Meanwhile, Rey felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness as she hoped to reunite with Aurora, who had once been a close friend during her time as Damon's mate.As they made their way towards a hidden alley, Rey turned to Luna and said, "We need to be careful, Luna. Blac
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The air seemed to suddenly grow cold as Rey looked at Aurora with Dismay, Luna had decided to keep a safe distance away from the pair so that they would be able to talk. Rey took a deep breath and began to recount the events that had unfolded since their last encounter."Aurora, there are things I need to tell you," Rey started, her voice steady but tinged with sadness. "After Damon rejected and banished me from his pack, he sent a beast to track and kill me. It was a terrifying ordeal, and I barely escaped with my life. Furthermore, I think he may have ties to black magic and a terrifying conspiracy"“Conspiracy?”, Aurora asked.“Ever heard of the black beast and the…”, Rey begun.“Alpha pack of Lycans?”, Aurora replied.Rey paused and looked at Aurora, Aurora had listened intently, her expression remaining unchanged. It seemed as though she had expected such revelations.“I am telling you things you already know, aren’t I?”, Rey asked.“I only know a minuscule of the truth”, Aurora
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Rey and Luna returned to Lucius, their minds swirling with the revelations from their discussion with Aurora. As they entered the pack's territory, they could feel the anticipation in the air. The pack members had gathered, awaiting their return and eager to hear what they had discovered.Lucius, who was with Asher and Orion stepped forward, his gaze fixed upon Rey. "Rey, Luna, what news do you bring? What did you uncover?"Rey took a deep breath, her voice steady as she began to recount their conversation with Aurora. She explained Damon's betrayal, the black magic within the pack, and the existence of a twisted conspiracy. Rey's words resonated with the pack, and a mixture of anger, confusion, and concern flickered across their faces.Lucius listened intently, absorbing every word. When Rey finished speaking, he glanced at the pack members, his voice filled with authority. "If Damon and other alphas are involved in black magic then it is unforgivable. We cannot ignore them. We need
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News that Crimson pack was going to attend the coming meeting spread like wildfire across the capital and beyond and it attracted packs from the farthest edges of the realm. Many people were anxious to see the Alpha of the Blackthorn family who was able to thrive in Silverwood; the most enchanted forest in the realm.As the day of the secret meeting arrived, the pack members of the Crimson Pack made their way to the royal hall where the gathering was to take place. The grand hall was filled with an air of anticipation, buzzing with the presence of alphas, royals, and even human delegates who had come to witness the events unfolding.As the Crimson Pack entered, heads turned and whispers filled the room. The pack's reputation had preceded them, and many were eager to catch a glimpse of the Alpha of the Blackthorn family,word of his fame and exploits had spread far and wide. He was the first alpha in 1000 years to successfully lead his pack into the Silverwood forest and successfully ma
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The air was swarmed with hostility as Damon presented himself before the king, he was obviously determined to counter Lucius at every possible turn.Damon had risen in ranks among the alphas in resent times and was now respected and feared in the realm, He stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Lucius with disdain."Beware, Your Majesty," Damon began, his tone dripping with skepticism. "These are bold claims from a pack that has thrived in secrecy, shrouded by the enchantment of Silverwood. Should we blindly trust them and risk destabilizing the power hierarchy that has been established in our realm?"The room grew tense, the atmosphere thick with tension. Damon's words resonated with some alphas who valued the existing power structure, while others awaited Lucius's response with keen interest. Damon was also obviously trying to pitch as many alphas as possible the Crimson pack by painting them as disruptors who had no regard for the power structure and he was already showing signs of succ
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"Me", Damon replied non challantly As he quickly shifted his gaze to Rey. "I am pleased to see you Rey""Really?, last I checked you banished me and sent a rogue after me", Rey replied."And yet here you are", Damon said smiling As he took a few steps closer to them.As Damon approached Lucius and Rey, his expression smug with a hint of determination, Lucius instinctively moved closer to Rey, a protective stance enveloping them both. He could feel the tension building in the air, the weight of their exchange earlier still fresh in his mind."You! What more do you want, Damon?" Lucius confronted him, his voice laced with caution.Damon's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Rey. "I wish to speak to Rey privately," he stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument.Lucius bristled at the audacity of Damon's request. "Absolutely not," he replied firmly. "Rey has nothing to discuss with you in private. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me.""So you are her little guard dog now",
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